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Kent interviewed on Night Search, Sunday, October 17, 4-6 p.m. on Memphis WTCK AM 1030, hosts: Eddie Middleton and Barbara Luttrell. Show will be archived real audio within two weeks.
Kind of slim in October. Any coins tossed in the hat, much needed.
Three Rapid Solar Explosions Dazzle
10/19/99 9:00 UT
SOLAR WEATHER PREDICTION By John C. Rice, October 11, 1999
For the past several months, the Sun has been quite active; but fortunately, due to the heliocentric aspects, the solar flares and ejections have been aimed in other directions. That will not be the case by the end of this month. As you know, we are approaching the Sun spot solar maximum, which this time occurs while the Sun is already acting very strangely (unstable), continue
9/22/00 17:47 UT
10/10/1999 19:58:00 ET CAIRO, Egypt (AP) _ U.S. tanks, trucks and troops headed ashore Sunday along Egypt's Mediterranean coast, readying for war games involving more than 50,000 members of armed forces from 11 nations. Oct. 11, 1999; 6:53 p.m. EDT CAIRO, Egypt A 5.2-magnitude earthquake shook Egypt's capital Monday night, said an official at an observatory outside of Cairo.
NOTE: a 5.0 quake is the equivalent of a
Hiroshima-style atomic bomb
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Was cleaning up my piles of paper here earlier today and came across an email to you dated June 23, 99, with some prophecy type visions I sent to you, Krsanna and Lilith. "The sphinx is being prepared for something, and this is being done with humans working there as well as alien involvement. They are gonna use it for something or show us something." How's that, to come across that today? Others too, all happened now. The grid is activated....expect "travellers". Many hands, one voice. |
EMAIL, 10/11/99 6:37:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time: I've just gotten a report from a friend of a extremely fast and low flying meteor like object that flew over Middletown NY heading south towards jersey around 8:55 PM. It was reported to have arched low in the sky and was very bright, mostly a flash, brighter then usual meteors seen by the witness. I was wondering if there have been any other reports or is this just a normal meteorite. There was one other report two days ago about a bright flash.
EMAIL, 10/11/99 11:02:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time: The wife and I were heading northward about 8:45 pm in SC and we saw two bright flashes in a cloudy sky. Since it was cloudy it was hard to make out what they may have been,but there was no thunder or any other noise heard.
EMAIL, 10/11/99 9:34:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time [Minn.]: I saw a high flier with blinking lights about that time over Minneapolis ( too high and slow for an airplane and far too visible). The lights seemed to blink all over a apparently spherical shape. At first it appeared to be a satellite or star, but moved in an irregular path.
EMAIL, 10/12/99 6:28:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time: I was outside on the patio last night about 10:00 in the PM and also seen something strange in the sky. It was low but going fast. NO LIGHTS AT ALL!! It just blended in with the night sky but my eye sight is F-16 training quality and I was able to spit it out of the blackness. It had 3 very subtle glows in the middle.
EMAIL, 10/18/99 10:53:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time: here in El Paso--even had snow yesterday--they predicted to be in the 70's and the temp dropped and first it hailed , then it snowed! Now--I been here for almost 5 yrs now--and have NEVER seen anything like this, especially in Oct. Usually--it doesn't happen until along about January, and until then our temps stay up around 60-70. First year I moved here, it was 86 degrees on New Years day!! So--I wonder--if this is all attached. The meteorologist freaked out and so did most of the people. But the mtns sure were beautifull!!!
EMAIL, 10/20/99 7:29:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Kent...I really must get a website going but for now it's not an option. I've absorbed much from your site lately.Much thanks and gratitude is due to you and your enlightened contributors. I've detected a real sense of apprehension around here but nobody will talk, open their eyes, look at photo's or deal with obvious realities. Please take the time to look at this little apple and pass it along to interested researchers.
Data Base of Terrestrial Impact Structures
RIDDLE OF THE DESERT MUMMIES Editor's Note: Egads, The DeDanaan! So that's where they went, from Newgrange to China. ORIGINAL STRONGHOLD? Newgrange HEY LOOK AT THESE COORDINATES: NEWGRANGE AT 53.5N 6.5W MAP IRELAND,
After the Tuatha were defeated, the Dagda led them underground, where they still dwell to this day. After their defeat by the Milesians, it was Mananna who gave to the De Danaans the power of invisibility. He found retreats for them in the hollow hills and put hidden walls about them so that no mortals could find them, easily at least. He also gave to the De Danaans the 'Feast of Age'. No-one ever grew old at this feast, in fact they became immortal. Direct Light Shining on the Backstone at Cairn T |
Lake Steadman
and other things in its vicinity
SLEUTHS: On July 4, 1998 Japan launched their PLANET-B Nozomi (means hope) to Mars. It was supposed to arrive in Mars orbit earlier this month, and send back pictures. Here is the original Reuters story:
Japan Probe Heads For Mars With All Systems Go http://www.ufoseek.org/News/Japmars2.htm
Japan's official Planet B website (still online, but seems to have been abandoned) http://www.planet-b.isas.ac.jp/index-e.html
There have been no updates there since Dec. 25, 1998!!
I don't recall hearing any subsequent announcements about the mission, good or bad. Maybe I missed something. What happened to it? It seems a bit strange nothing has been said about this mission for well over a year. I have sent an e-mail inquiry from their website ( yyoshida@stp.isas.ac.jp ) Anyone who has information about this please contact Ufoseek@aol.com
REPLY TO JAPANESE PROBE QUERY: When the probe escaped from the Earth's atmosphere, there was a trouble on the pressure-valve. Due to the accident, the probe lacked enough (driving) force to escape the atomosphere. To correct the problem, unexpected amount of the fuel was consumed. To complete the original mission of the probe, they changed their plan and adopted two more swing-by in order to save the fuel. continue
Forum Talk Radio - Chuck West, Host
Bizarre Alaska Sat 10/17/99
EMAIL, 10/15/99 2:10:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time: I was watching TV (11:47 am central time / 10/14/99)and the Emergency Broadcast System alert came on , no big deal , Then the scroll text came on , the one that tells you what counties or local areas are having the test and it said the test area was The United States ! Has anyone ever seen a test for the whole United States !? Did anyone else see this ?
EMAIL, 10/15/99 10:37:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time: The other day the ebs test came up three or four times through out the day. My wife and I both thought it was strange because it first happened about noon and during the middle of the week. Neither are times it usually comes up.
EMAIL, 10/16/99 9:48:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time: Yes, the whole United States, I thought I was going nuts. Sort of worried me. Saw it on NBC, a RED BANNER alert scroll shown during the baseball game. I thought it was really strange and haven't seen it again.
Monday October
18 4:38 PM ET: Dead Birds Found In Illinois Field Prompt Probe
Richardson: For those who fail to grasp the importance of this
situation, let me try to explain. We are surrounded by nuclear reactors and
nuclear warheads with nuclear material near critical mass. In nuclear reactor
facilities any increase in nuclear decay could result in a meltdown. In a
nuclear warhead overheated nuclear pits could trigger the initiating explosives
which cause the warheads to explode. There is, therefore, a far greater threat
of accidental nuclear explosions during certain astronomical events than
from an actual nuclear war. People need to understand this.
Bruce Cathie: One of the most startling facts
that I discovered by the application of grid mathematics was that an atomic
bomb is a device based on the geometrics of space and time. To be successfully
detonated, the bomb must be geometrically constructed, placed on, under or
over a geometric position in relation to the Earth's surface, and activated
at a specific time in relation to the geometrics of the solar system. I found
that it was possible to precalculate the times of various bomb tests and
the locations where it was possible to explode a bomb. When it became known
that I had discovered this well-kept secret, I was offered a position by
the American Central Intelligence Agency.
Nuke Power Plant Shut Down in India Oct. 12, 1999; 5:02 a.m. EDT
BOMBAY, India A nuclear power plant in northern India was shut down when an airlock door leading into the reactor came off its hinges, engineers said today.
Nuclear officials told The Associated Press there was no danger of any radioactive leakage and repairs would be completed by the end of the month.
The incident occurred Sept. 30 at the 220-megawatt nuclear power plant at Narora 110 miles east of the Indian capital New Delhi.
"The door is one of three through which entry is possible into the reactor building. When it was pressurized to test the seal for leaks, the hinges on one of the airlock doors gave way," said M. Das, chief engineer for health and safety of the Nuclear Power Corp. in Bombay.
"It is purely a mechanical failure. It does not involve any radioactivity leak. The unit could have continued to operate, but we decided to use a measure of caution and shut it down," Das said.
The Indian Express newspaper, which reported the shut down today, quoted R. Chidambaram, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, saying there was "absolutely no danger" from the accident.
The plant, one of India's 11 nuclear power reactors, began commercial operation in July 1992.
Antinuclear activists criticize India's aging reactors as unsafe, but the influential science community is lobbying for more nuclear power to answer the country's energy shortages.
JCO company admits second nuclear leak
Officials at JCO company have admitted that radiation continued to pour out of the plant in Tokaimura for a week after the accident. [Have they corked the Genie yet? Any bets?]
sent to UK by mistake
The European Commission has launched an inquiry after a shipment of radioactive plutonium bound for a French nuclear plant, turned up in Oxfordshire. Although there was no radiation leak or other contamination of people or property, EC President Romano Prodi has ordered a review of procedures to prevent the repeat of "this regrettable incident".
Bases and Facilities with Significant U.S. Nuclear Weapons or Naval Nuclear Propulsion Missions
Did the accident shake California for months?
SPANNING 3/06/98-3/11/98;
New military unit for domestic deployment
High on dogma-scale, but worth a gander: Fallen Angels - Part 1, Part 2
To comprehend Circe we must dare the very heresy that whispers from memories lurking deeply within the human cell.DNA updated HALCYON NOSTRADAMUS HERCOLOBUS UPDATES |