Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak: "There may be something in
the atmosphere or weather conditions may be sometimes very tough there."
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At the risk of being a nuisance
I must beseech for
continued help
here. This ORBIT effort is supported solely by reader patronage.
I'm finding that aside from managing the monthly costs I need to think about
a slight "financial shield." As you can see my investigations might
be considered somewhat threatening from certain interests. Keep in
mind I am not asking for much. I live a simple lifestyle in a small
apartment, no car, buy very few doodads for myself, aside from family a hermit
actually, living on a disability teacher's retirement. Any contributions,
however modest, are for me pure blessed survival. MOST GRATEFUL for
help thus
far. Kent,
aging ol' muttering Coot.
EMAIL, 11/2/99 7:26:02 PM Pacific Standard Time: You don't suppose your server is tapped do you, I mean, the jist of this article is exactly what you and I were discussing - why the news media had started asking direct questions about the area. Hmmmmm, someone is paying attention to your site my friend. Good! Lets hope they really pay attention and do something about all the crap that is raining down upon our heads. Note: 11/3/99: once again a large server is currently up/down, some data-archives will not load. KENT: I guess I'd better spring this before too late, think of it as Sci Fi, or you know, artist's prose, will keep brain cells intact, unlike my own, in fact I would advise not reading at all:
11/5/99 9:57:04 AM Pacific Standard Time: I suggest you cease any further research regarding the phase generator that was lost and then retrieved on Flight Egypt Air 990. You are stepping on hot ground sir. You are being monitored. |
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Kent, This graph was recorded Sunday morning from 00:01 until 3:30 AM EST. An unusual amount of electromagnetic pulse activity was detected starting at 00:18 hours. The pulses were very active around the time period of 01:20 EST or 06:20 UTC. This recording was synchronized with the Bureau of Time Standards, WWV, to within plus or minus 5 milliseconds. The Elfrad equipment indicated normal readings after 07:12 EST. Charlie Plyler Elfrad Group |
Larger SEE:
11/2/99 10:59:27 PM Pacific Standard
Most Active Organizations OrganizationHits% of Total HitsUser Sessions: 1. America Online, aol.com10224.93%58, 2. The Boeing Company, boeing.com307.33%1, 3. Cna Insurance, cna.com286.84%4. This is a partial list of the users since I placed the GSL Report about Flight 990 on the Geo-Seismic-Labs Website (24 Hours). Looks like there's alot of interest coming from Boeing Aircraft Company and the CNA Insurance Domain about this subject. Will keep you informed about where this leads up to. Also, I wonder if this type of data could be used in a court as evidence of "cause and effect?" (Frank Condon) |
.11/3/99 4:40:57 AM Pacific Standard Time:
Frank: I do not have anything of note at the frequency you specified, however at the 10th sub harmonic which is .0086 hz, I do. You might rerun your analysis at that frequency and see what you have also. I am enclosing the graph. Charlie Elfrad Group
WOULDN'T YE KNOW: A surprise November meteor shower?
On November 11, 1999 Earth will pass close to the orbit of newly-discovered Comet LINEAR C/1999J3. The result could be a new meteor shower -- the Linearids.
November 5, 1999: The Earth is headed for a close encounter with the orbit of a newly discovered comet. Found by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) team on May 12th, Comet LINEAR (C/1999 J3) brightened to 9th magnitude as it made its closest approach to the Sun in September. On November 11, 1999 at 1941 UT, Earth will arrive at a point in space just 0.0115 AU from the orbit of the comet, 40 days after the comet itself was in the area. If there is a residual swarm of dusty debris left over from the comet's passage, we could be in for an unexpected meteor outburst -- the first known apparition of the 'Linearids.'
"And what rough Beast, Its hour come round at last . . ." William Butler Yeats |
11/4/99 7:14:15 AM Pacific Standard Time
This comparison of images from the direct C3 (Realtime feed) and the SOHO C3 Summary may interest your readers. They were screen captured at 600 dpi and then subjected to 5% unsharp masking. A stepped resolution enhancement was then applied (just) to the anomaly, converting it from 600 dpi to 9600 (dpi), the file was then converted to 72 dpi for posting. Other methods of enhancement will also render similar results. Colonel James B. Ervin (TMG)
I have just watched the coverage on both CNN and BBC of this sad event only to be disgusted by the standard of the reporting on CNN. They have a so called "expert" on, whose name I missed, but feel his inaccuracies in reference to the Lauda Air disaster over Thailand and his readiness to point a finger at the crew an insult to everyone's intelligence. If these "experts" are going to talk authoritively, why not be sure of the facts first?
was destroyed
ENOUGH MYSTERY: Just slap it together and throw the switch
Scalar Radio Transmitter and Jammer: Take two dry-cells, thus totalling three Volts. All components are wired in series. One carbon microphone from an old telephone. One earphone, magnetic with metal diaphragm. A yardstick...This is what accidentally jammed CJIB in Vernon, around 1960.
Old-Time Radio: Remember the good old days before you were even born? Well, now you can. I grabbed an old eight-track stereo-player, and ripped the amplifier out. I grabbed some shielded microphone cable, and a field-coil from an old-fashioned electromagnetic loudspeaker. Where the tape-head had been attached, I attached the microphone cable, the other end of which had the field-coil on it.
EMAIL, 11/1/99 8:10:20 PM Pacific Standard Time: Here is what I think we need to establish prior to the recovery operation getting into full swing. If you'll remember, JFK JR.'s were wisked away before anything or anyone could see them, and I do not want this to happen in this case. Can we find an expert who could give us a clue as to what the human body would experience if this aircraft was shot out of the air by a position-ray or particle beam weapon system.
As you will note, in flight 800, Swissair 111, JFK JR. and now Flight 990, the news media and its so called experts are focusing all their attention on the planes manufactureer - trying to imply fault without really saying so thereby redirecting the attention away from the probable cause. Navy Commander (Ret) Donaldson (on FOX NEWS LIVE) insisted that there is nothing in the facts as we know it now that Boeing had any fault in this accident, that all the evidence that we have at this moment is the likelihood of an explosive decompression of some sort. Fact is, you have four perfectly good airplanes suddenly falling out of the sky, without time to radio MAYDAY, in the same general geographical area. I see nothing in the news media looking at this angle.
So, what I'm suggesting is we find SLEUTH who might know what the human body would go through or look like or experience if indeed it was subject to a position-ray or particle beam weapon system so that, when they bring the bodies up, so those involved cannot blow sunshine up our tail pipe.
EDITOR'S THOUGHTS: 11/1/99 !0:27 PST: Think of the possibility of two scalar beans intersecting (which could be directed from anywhere in the world).
I asked a friend what might happen:
1. Knock out the electronics, "yep."
2. Heat up the aircraft, "yep."
3. Make a fireball, "yep."
I guess it all depends on the wavelength. If the plane exploded from beam-generated heat, how would we know about the charred remains, that is, pulse or bomb? Would most likely be a lab requirement here. Does the scalar zap trigger secondary explosions, fuel, etc. Meanwhile I'm hearing even wilder rumors about an Annunaki device onboard the plane. Or UFO attack? Meteor? Need to stretch all boundaries here, eh? Sigh.
EMAIL, 11/1/99 11:01:07 PM Pacific Standard Time: Yes, I agree. I was thinking more along the lines of "cook" remains - instantly. FOXNEWS reported tonight that the CG had picked up "body parts" which indicates some sort of explosion.
Have you every put an raw egg in a microwave (to make it hard boiled) and forgot to check it at the appropriate time? It explodes all over the place into tiny tiny pieces. The shell remains in pretty big pieces but the innards sprays all over the inside of the microwave. I'm thinking that this "cooked" remains possibility is why we didn't see JFK JR's body or that of his wife. It would have been obvious that something other than normal mechanical failure had occurred. My suspicion is that we'll see nothing, nor will the news media, of the remains or the aircraft.
Based on what I have read, I agree with Charlie on scalar waves. If you cross them at a given point in space, it heats up the plasma big time - if you simply put them in close relationship to one another, it gets cold as hell - so there are many ways to handle it with scalar technology. You can look at that aircraft as you would a raw egg - thin skinned and once it instantly over heated the plasma inside the bird, boom with the innards (people) being scattered to kingdom come.
(AP) - A month ago, the Federal Aviation Administration issued an alert to
airline and airport security personnel after agencies received an unconfirmed
warning that a bomb would ``soon be used'' on a flight departing from Los
Angeles or Kennedy airport in New York.
The alert said the writer said ``three of these devices were smuggled into the United States between 1992 and 1993, and that the devices cannot be detected on a metal detector because of the PVC (plastic) composition.''
The alert was in effect until Oct. 30. EgyptAir Flight 990 departed Los Angeles on Saturday, Oct. 30, and stopped at John F. Kennedy International Airport, bound for Cairo.
1.07 p.m. ET (1816 GMT) November 1, 1999
WASHINGTON — About 30 Egyptian military officers were aboard EgyptAir Flight 990 when it plunged into the Atlantic Ocean off Nantucket with 217 people on board, U.S. defense officials said Monday.
The officials, who asked not to be identified, said the Egyptians from different branches of that country's military had been in the United States for training and were heading home when the airliner crashed Sunday, apparently killing all aboard.
"Defense Secretary (William) Cohen spoke with Marshal Tantawi (Egyptian Defense Minister Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi) on the telephone this morning and expressed his deep condolences,'' one senior Pentagon official told Reuters.
The official said some of the Egyptians were army pilots who had been undergoing training in flying AH-64 "Apache'' attack helicopters.
Egypt is one of Washington's biggest military and political allies in the Middle East, and the two countries exchange dozens of officers annually in training programs as well as taking part in joint military exercises. Egypt has billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment in its defense arsenal.
In Cairo, aviation and security sources said more than 30 officers — most of them high-ranking — were on board the airliner. But U.S. military officials said most of the group were not senior-level officers.
Egyptian Defense Ministry and other government officials would not comment on the report.
One security source in Cairo said the group represented various branches of the armed forces and included four Air Force officers, two brigadiers-general, a colonel and a major.
"Three of the officers went on board the plane without being checked in,'' one of the aviation sources said, without explaining why.
Newspapers in Cairo were censored from reporting the presence of the officers on the flight, Egyptian reporters said.
The cause of the crash has not been established. U.S. aviation authorities did not receive any distress call.
Coast Guard cutters scoured the seas through the night, but picked up only small bits of wreckage and personal items. Only one body had been recovered by late Monday morning.
President Clinton said in Oslo that he was not aware of any threats against airlines flying out of the United States. He said until more of the plane was recovered, the cause of the crash could not be determined.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak also played down suggestions of sabotage.
"Sabotage? I don't think that, or a terrorist act? I don't think that, but I cannot foretell. We are waiting until the investigation comes to an end,'' he told CNN television.
EMAIL, 10/31/99 7:16:06 AM Pacific Standard Time: Why was it reported that Egypt Air flight 990 landed at Andrews [Edwards] Airforce Base? Why was this information then so strenuously denied? Who was on this flight? Does this "accident" have anything to do with recent archeological finds at Giza? Or does this have something to do with Montauk? First there was TWA, then Swissair, then JFK Jnr and now Egypt Air -- something fishy is going on!!
Earlier reports from Cairo had the plane coming from Los Angeles International Airport to JFK airport via Edwards Air Force Base in California. But the FAA said those were reports were wrong.
``This Edwards story has got to stop. This plane didn't go into Edwards,'' FAA spokesman Bruce Nelson in Los Angeles said. ..
WEDEMAN: What I can tell you is that, yes, that plane did land at Edwards Air Force Base. The reason for that is not clear.
EgyptAir official calls third crash at Nantucket site 'bizarre'
99/10/31 20:14:10 45.85N 74.32W 18.0 4.2Lg <OTT> SOUTHERN ONTARIO, CANADA
99/11/02 08:45:21 45.20N 56.08W 18.0 4.5Ml <OTT> NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN
99/11/05 12:00:10 28.87N 43.39W 10.0 5.1Mb B NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
99/11/03 03:27:56 34.84N 116.36W 6.2 4.0Ml <PAS> SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (EDWARDS?)
Man who got
off doomed plane in NY works with victim families
Downed plane
preceded doomed Lauda Air jet off assembly
Current RHIC Experiment, PHOBOS: The PHOBOS detector will be able to measure quantities such as the temperature, size, and density of the fireball produced in the collision. It will also study the ratios of the various particles produced. With this information it should be possible to both detect and study a phase transition that might occur between QGP [QUARK GLUON PLASMA, some kind of primordial soup] and ordinary nuclear matter. With PHOBOS, the group hopes to discover the QGP and learn more about confinement and the early universe. See: STAR
The group is a leader in construction of the STAR detector. This large
detector will start taking data in the fall of 1999
at the RHIC accelerator, which is also located at Brookhaven National
Laboratory. This accelerator collides 100 GeV A gold ions with each other.
At this energy, the quark-gluon plasma is expected to be created.
Exotic Images in
Plasma Physics
From J.B. Michael's Book:
EMAIL, 11/1/99 5:08:35 AM Pacific Standard Time
'A scientist who was working on...the particle accelerator...a supercollider device capable of producing a quark gluon plasma beam, said, 'We are ten feet below the ground. How exactly do you plan to aim this thing?'
'We deflect it at a precise instant,' Sorenson said. "And we have modified the circular accelerator at one point to convey the beam to the surface."
"That's very dangerous," said the scientist. "This plasma is highly unstable. It is more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. If there were some type of chain reaction that would create other plasma, such as occurs in a nuclear explosion, you could wind up vaporizing Long Island, and maybe half of the East Coast."
From Boston Globe on 10/11/99
Defusing fear of "Big Bang' machine
By Stephen Reucroft and John Swain
Globe Correspondents
The end of the world is near. It will start with a sub-nuclear chain reaction in Long Island, of all places, and it will be blamed on physicists tinkering with things they should have left alone.
That, in simple terms, was the startling prospect conveyed in a recent article in the British newspaper, The Sunday Times. More specifically, the paper said that a nuclear accelerator being built on Long Island that is supposed to replicate the Big Bang "might cause perturbations of the universe that could destroythe Earth. One theory even suggests that it could create a black hole'' that would suck everything in the known universe inside it.
The scientists are planning to flip the ''on'' switch of this giant contraption sometime in the next few months. So should we cancel our millennium celebration plans?...
EMAIL, 11/1/99 5:21:58 AM Pacific Standard Time: I asked them [RHIC] myself on 10-4-99--this was the reply: We expect to have a physics run with the first high-energy collisions sometime in December or January. Due to the difficulties inherent in starting up any large experiment like this, it's nearly impossible to pin it down any better than that until hours, minutes or seconds before we actually have collisions.
Sorry I can't provide a specific date for you.
Pete Genzer, Media and Communications Group
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"Bismarck" - Is targeted for central Manitoba.
30% probability given because of the flat trajectory of the object (70% chance
it will "bounce" off the atmosphere).
Date: 10/28/99 4:55:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time
'Rumbling' Fireball Streaks Through Atlantic Sky
HALIFAX (CP) -- Police and emergency lines throughout the Maritimes were flooded with calls late Wednesday after a large fireball streaked across the night sky.
There were reports of possible impacts in northern New Brunswick, near the Quebec border, and on Nova Scotia's eastern shore.
"We, at this point, believe it is some sort of celestial occurrence as opposed to anything man-made," said Lt.-Cmdr. Glenn Chamberlain of the Halifax search-and-rescue centre.
Chamberlain said a woman in Liverpool, N.S., called 911 at about 9:30 p.m. AT to report seeing a giant ball of smoke and fire.
A few minutes later, air traffic controllers in Moncton N.B., reported that two planes in the area saw "a fireball of some sort lasting about 12 seconds."
Emergency crews in St-Quentin, N.B., were believed to be on their way to a fire that may have been caused by an impact. Officials in the area couldn't be reached for comment.
Mike Brown of Elmsdale, N.S., said he was working on his computer in his basement when he felt a rumbling overhead.
"My girlfriend saw it and said it looked like a comet," he said.
Chamberlain said there were reports of an impact in Oyster Pond, N.S., northeast of Halifax.
An RCMP spokesperson in nearby Musquodoboit Harbour said something hit the water off the tiny coastal community.
Chamberlain said search-and-rescue satellites didn't detect a distress signal and there were no reports of missing aircraft.
MESSAGE BOARD, 01:55:04 AM 10/30/99: Sedona, AZ It is now 11:48pm here in Sedona, AZ. Just a few moments ago I heard a rumbling noise, as if the wind had really picked up. I looked out the patio door, facing East & I noticed the Moon, and then I noticed an object above & to the south of the Moon that looked like a meteor with a large tail on it. It was traveling Southeast to Northeast on a 45 degree angle. In about 2 1/2 minutes it traveled from above the Moon to below tree tops vision & I lost sight of it. With a pair of binoculars I could see that it had flashing red, green & white lights and a very large comtrail. The sky is extremely clear tonight. I don't know of any jet that could travel that span of distance in that short of time. Any comments on this or did anyone else see it?
EMAIL, 03:13:47 AM 10/30/99: sounds like the Canadian Fireball incident on l0/29 in Lets Talk (The Whole House Jumped-Ruth-l0/29- 8863 reading downward to same subj.- Ruth-10/29-8864. Another words, did you read in between those numbers as well? Sounds like the same thing to me, same colors, speed
EMAIL, 10/28/99 7:12:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Something odd happened here early this morning (Thursday Oct. 28th) and I am wondering if you received other related reports. At around 1am, our power went out for about 2 hours. We were having a fairly robust windstorm, so I figured a line must have went down. I went outside to see if it was just our line or if the rest of the block was powerless. When I was outside, after noticing the whole blocks power was out, I noticed that it was as bright as morning outside, like 6am or so, but not 1! My wife was getting ready for bed, but I asked her to come outside to take a look and she, too, was shocked. The whole sky was bright and we could make out each others facial features clearly. Now, I know that the moon was full a couple days ago, but this was brighter than the night of the full moon or any night I have seen in my 31 years. It was the brightest I have ever seen outside at night, anyway. It looked like it does when the sun is just about to come up, but not quite showing yet. continue
Meteor Storm Could Damage Satellites - Air Force
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force said Friday it will be watching closely for any damage to U.S missile-warning, communications and other military satellites when the earth passes through the Leonid Meteor Storm on Nov. 17. continue
of the doomed
Forum Talk Radio - Chuck West, Host
11/01/99 05:15 Z RADAR STREAK