Only those with the warrior spirit
will find
Truth. Rare
white buffalo born in Arizona
Brightens After Years of Dimming
Beseeches: "It Is TIME to Tell the People"
BLOKE: I was asked by a member of a Board to sleuth the Aussie Bloke info as posted in GLP and elsewhere. Anyone want to join the sleuth? |
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AND 2-0 bc. that is one clue and only a part of the puzzle.
In 1976, Smarr and Blandford discovered that pulsar 1913+16 at 19h13m12s, +16°01'08" is a double pulsar. As pulsars are recognized as the remnants of the eruption of supernovae, McIvor concluded that this was the remnant of the supernova the Magi had first observed in 4 B.C. and, after their journey to Jerusalem, again observed in 2 B.C. |
Elite is Behind Mexican UFO Acknowledgement by
TEOTWAWKI is not coming - we will be okay, sorry to disappoint
Entire text of the ´Report From Iron Mountain´ by Leonard Lewin
Silver Disc In Daylight Videotaped Over Venice, CA Chile: An Alleged Non-Human Caught On Film
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Unidentified Lights in Sunrise Photograph Long Island |
Time Can be Turned Back Eight years ago, American and British scientists who conducted investigations in Antarctica made a sensational discovery...
Star Birth Gone Wild in 'Cosmic Hurricane'
Cargo ship launched to space station: the Russian Progress and Soyuz craft have been the only lifelines to the space station. If the current resupply mission fails, NASA and the Russians would have to consider a scenario in which Padalka and Fincke would leave the station and come back to Earth in their Soyuz emergency capsule.
2004/05/28 12:38:46 36.27N 51.57E 26.1 6.2 NORTHERN IRAN
Vortex Maps: Unique geologic features occur at geometric points around the globe. Ancient civilizations built monuments on many of these geometric points. Many people believe that certain places have a special power.
ALERT: Chemical Fire Forces Evacuations in Georgia
AgriTerrorism, Atmospheric Engineering, and the bush crime family
Date: 5/26/04 8:54:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent - Just heard something odd from one of my employees this morning. She told me that when they came home from the river (Laughlin) this weekend, they found a dead crow in their driveway. Later that same day, on her way to the store to restock, she saw an additional 2 dead crows along side the road. Once at the store, there is an empty field across from the parking lot and she saw several dead crows in this field. ????????????? West Nile maybe? This person lives in Fontana, CA
Date: 5/25/04 3:27:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time
kent. here in virginia beach we have lost power twice in three days, one happened on a just bright sunny day, no weather, the next after bad thunder stroms, but on both dates the chemtrail spraying was heavy.
Antarctica is likely to be the world's only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the Government's chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, said last week.
anim pic of T7 and Q4 actually passing each other. Taken by the
Comets Head North
Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow?
Rover finds new Mars water signs
Lion Stone is Opportunity's first science target at Endurance Crater
The US space agency's robotic rover Opportunity has found initial evidence that rocks at a new Martian crater it is exploring were deposited in water. |
microbes point to Mars
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 18:36:58 +0100 (BST) While the new dark spot at L2 = 336 has adopted an apparent greenish-brown tint, the northwards expansion of the NEBn f. it has been consolidated (and indeed turned the same colour). Meanwhile the rifted region, continuing to prograde, has set off striking new disturbances along the NEBn p. that spot, and these will probably result in broadening of that sector in turn. |
What is going to happen, Dave? LUCIFER PROJECT UPDATE: Jupiter's Spots are disappearing 2
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![]() The discovery of over 500 square kilometers of artificial earthworks... Where? Baures, located in the eastern tropical lowlands of Bolivia, South America.
The city of Akakor was built up the Purus River in a valley of mountains between Brazil and Peru. Likely locations are the Madre de Dios Province of Peru and the Acre Province of Brazil. "The whole city is surrounded by a high stone wall with thirteen gates...Only the top of the great pyramid rises above the canopy of the forest. |
Nutty neocons battle it out with top Pentagon brass over Iraq debacle!
Iraqis Chafe at U.S. Block on Choice of President New York Times Apologizes for Its Iraq Coverage
Bulk of Atlantic Fleet? 911 Was a Joint US-Mossad False Flag Operation
Gore: Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet Should Resign Gen. Tommy Franks to be knighted Queen Lizzie's Yankee Pawns Shrub speaks...Here's the translation Halliburton Makes a Killing on Iraq War Dr. Eugene Mallove is dead CLOAK AND DAGGER Skull & Bones Society The Nicholas Berg execution Radiation level in Baghdad becomes life threatening Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005 'Manchurian Candidate' comes to life: Man sues CIA for spiking drink!
CoResearcher: bob woodward was interviewed on 60 minutes last weekend...
CoResearcher: he talked about the interviews he had with the president which gave him material to write his 2 recent books...
CoResearcher: or just his recent book...plan of attack...
CoResearcher: anyway...
CoResearcher: when woodward asked bush at the end of his last interview with him "Well, how is history likely to judge your Iraq war? says Woodward
CoResearcher: the pres responds...
CoResearcher: And he said, History, and then he took his hands out of his pocket and kind of shrugged and extended his hands as if this is a way off. And then he said, History, we dont know. Well all be dead.
CoResearcher: that is the last line in woodward's book as well...
CoResearcher: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/04/15/60minutes/main612067.shtml
CoResearcher: gulp
BARDSQUILL: not sure if it means something is incoming, or just the ultimate equalizer. Elites really dislike residing in the same boneyard as all the Useless Eaters...poor lil Brats!
FORUMS: GLP Full Diskclosure One Step Ahead The Surfing The Apocalypse Network