3/19/02 Magstorm Begins Aurora
© Copyright February 2002 |
Animation <Lunar UFO
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Date: 3/23/02 9:47:01 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hello Kent, I have uploaded a .9 hz signal file taken from a six hour data recording on the 21st of March. As you can see, instead of a steady carrier, there is now what appears to be some type of modulation. http://www.elfrad.com/nine02.htm Sound File
Take care, Charlie, ELFRAD
NASA's Dirty Little Secret: Remarkable UFOs Captured On NASA Open Broadcasts
Iceberg B-22 Calves Off Thwaites Ice Tongue Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapses - Biggest Event Of Last 30 Years
Commercial fishermen demand answers to 'black water' mystery
2000 MASCAL simulation |
Flight Of The Bumble Planes I've worked in cryptology and there are many ways of hiding the truth. Substitute information, omit information, scramble the information out of sequence, and add nonsense (random garbage). All four methods were used on the 9-11 incident. Let me lay out the clues and show you where they lead.
Flight 77 - Pentagon Event Investigation
Deception to Revelation
of American Airlines Flight 77
9/11 early watch
URGENT: 911 Cartel Infighting Info I am sure out of respect for the dead many would rather move on then stir up more trouble. But the sad fact is that if the truth is not being addressed then those who died are not being honored by our refusal to act on our better conscience. Go through the images in such a way that they can be seen side by side...it helps to clear up the confusion. Then ask yourself why did they lie about something like this? The motive for this crime must be something quite rotten to behold. But that is why they blamed it on the Talibin. |
Lying to the public is all right, says Washington's chief lawyer
Interview with Mike Ruppert [note: Chevron tanker trucks running on hydrogen]
Imperial State Power in America Now even US postage stamps will project the supremacy of American Imperial Power into the world. The new 57-cent stamp shows an eagle, which is an exact copy of the symbol of the Waffen SS, which in turn was taken from the Imperial Praetorian eagle of Ancient Rome. |
Marching toward an American Police State - "Washington Scene"
EDITOR: wormy lil Nazis, most a bunch of pansies playing power games--like the dogmatic brats we all wanted to beat up in high school. More whisperings about Eugenics, depopulation down to a few million, concentration camps, forced innoculations that kill, etc. SIGHHHH! The "beautiful people" get damn mean when they start to wrinkle up (er, like me), pain in the butt! Damn pissant power-weenies seem like they want to wipe out everybody including themselves http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/ THEY BE FRIGGIN INSANE! Think about these Elities that have money, power, and yet they end up in the boneyard like the beggar wino on the streets of LA. They can't handle it, and wouldn't mind taking everyone with them. Kento's Belief of the day (subject to change, ALWAYS). We all made an agreement to come down here to this rock, shed our boring torturous ethereal immortality, go into cocoon stage, love each other, hell, celebrate, then die-hatch and Return. Even the Angels, the Jinn, are jealous! So time to quit being a bunch of freaked out cowards-- okay, okay so the above comment is full of irony...name o' the game.
Date: 3/22/02 6:44:48 AM Pacific Standard Time
The goal is to NOT be reincarnated and have to come back. The going towards "the light" with your dead relatives waving to you to come this way, is a trick to capture your "soul/spirit" to be put in another body. A body must have a soul to make it work. Bodies are then controlled as slaves by other (pissant power weenies) bodies. A soul/sprit does not have to have a body, hence the term a Free Sprit. I will take the road less traveled
Very important pronouncement.......Black Pope is now in power.....watch things closely. Next two weeks will be huge. http://www.iht.com/articles/51698.html | |
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Yale student writes thesis in fall '98 on Osama bin Laden She is murdered...Thesis advisor top suspect (check Yale Daily News site)....Advisor happens to be Yale 82 and Naval Intelligence/Bush admin and possible Skull & Bones.... |
The JINN from the INNER EARTH, are Manipulating
the Surface Population: Sheik Gilani talked about what he sees as the
most serious threat to the world, why bad things happen in America, including
acts of terrorism. These bad things, he says, are caused by invisible forces.
[We have new mysterious and powerful Voices from the Internet]
New ambilac article available!
For 'Stupid White Men' |
Michael Moore Home Page
Stupid White Men ...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation! |
The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative by David Brock |
by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative by
David Brock
The recent machinations of the American right - blaming Bill Clinton for the terrorist attack of September 11, comparing Senate majority leader Tom Daschle to Saddam Hussein, exploiting the war in Afghanistan for domestic political gain, trying to spin Enron as a scandal for the Democrats - are all examples of the kind of political tactics pioneered by the Republican right wing in the past decade. People want to say this is politics as usual, but it's really an outgrowth of a singular transformative event that began when Bill Clinton was elected in 1992. That was when the conservative movement turned American politics toxic, as its members plotted to disrupt and destroy the Clinton presidency. |
They will not kill or capture bin Laden nor Saddam. Both have been
juiced by CIA funds and training. Both are important elements within
a Fascist formula: "control the world's resources and stimulate conflict
for the benefit of the world military-industrial arms industry."
The Architecture of Modern Political Power VIDEO: Farewell address by former U.S. President (and General) Dwight Eisenhower, January 17, 1961. Smedley Butler on Interventionism Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC. John D. Rockefeller: "The combination is here to stay. Individualism has gone, never to return. |
attacks 14/3/02 A Newsnight investigation raised the possibility that
there was a secret CIA project to investigate methods of sending anthrax
through the mail which went madly out of control.
NUKES NOW AND WHEN [Afghanistan now?]
THE DOOMSDAY DOCTRINE US Will Respond With Nuclear Strike To Attacks - New Policy U.S. Works Up Plan for Using Nuclear Arms Nuclear review 2 US Will Respond With Nuclear Strike To Attacks - New Policy World Reacts to US Nuclear Plans
2002/03/13 08:40:54 20.18N 45.67W 10.0 4.9 B NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
2002/03/07 07:10:13 1.24S 24.42W 10.0 5.1 A CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
2002/03/12 10:52:04 34.27N 97.63W 5.0 2.5 <TUL> OKLAHOMA
2002/03/12 08:30:47 37.15N 90.02W 5.0 3.6 A EASTERN MISSOURI
2002/03/12 07:13:25 41.62N 69.33W 1.0 3.0 <WES> SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND
Recent Earthquakes in Central US Rainier Webicorder
Earthquake "Y" and microline page
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UPDATE: Comet Ikeya-Zhang Now Naked Eye Comet Ikeya-Zhang Photo Gallery Comet Returns After 341 Years |
Date: 3/18/02 8:58:42 AM Pacific Standard Time
Following in the path of Ikeya-Zhang, is a new-new comet; dubbed 'Snyder Murakami", which has been first sited on the 16th of March, in the constellation of the Eagle or Aquila
Date: 3/19/02 11:33:55 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent, Have you noticed the strange name given to the newly discovered Comet . SNYDER-MURAKAMI is an anagram of, MY-MARDUK IS NEAR
Asteroid buzzes Earth from "blind spot"
Date: 3/20/02 10:17:09 AM Pacific
Standard Time
Did you happen to notice yesterday NASA was showing 386 PHA's and now they are showing 411? What's up?
Searching for Planet X Scientific Abstracts Supporting the Existence of Planet X/Nibiru
Mythology, Symbolism and Prophecy of the Return of Planet X and the Age of Terror
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Weird Mars News Huge ice field found on Mars
Date: 3/15/02 9:56:25 AM Pacific Standard Time
Congratulations to Kent and Richard for your now verified research into the water on Mars mystery. The attached NASA article reports that "water may have flowed on Mars literally as recent as 'yesterday or last year,' " according to James Garvin, Chief Scientist at NASA Headquarters. He goes on to say that "swimming-pool volumes of water could be entombed underground until suddenly it's warm enough for an ice plug to burst, letting all the water rush down the slopes." I know I've heard Richrd Hoagland on Coast-toCoast make those exact claims --- only that was a year ago. Nice to see NASA catch up the rest of us. Kudos too to NASA for fixing the software problem that had caused the radiation monitor to fail on MARS Odyssey. Yesterday's newspaper reported that NASA now has use of all its sensors.
LUCAS A Familiar 'Face' in Northwest Olympus Mons
THE MARS RECORDS Radical science: did angels create the universe? Angels in Space Camael Russian Cosmonauts and Generals confirm: UFOs are real
Monkey Moves Cursor by Thinking
Head of Internet body recommends major restructuring The president of the Internet's oversight body recommended a major restructuring Sunday, saying the goal of leaving the Net in private hands has proven unworkable.
AHA! Gnutella Filter-Bypassing Web Browser 'Peekabooty' Coming Soon NSA backdoor into Windows
CIA Removes Forbidden Web Tracking Software After Complaint
Make sure you bookmark here for instructions if the site goes down AOL/emergency.html
The Pale Horsemen Are Set To Ride
Date: 3/17/02 8:01:53 AM Pacific Standard Time
KENT -- FLASHdp http://www1.etl.noaa.gov/othr/atc.htm Ionospheric Research The East Coast OTH-B radar, with no modifications, could provide routine tracking and control of commercial air traffic in the crowded North Atlantic corridor. EDITOR: Caught a Snippet on History channel . Apparently they were trying to create a death ray in the 30s, and they said the death ray idea failed but out of it came RADAR! Space Based Weather Control: The "Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite" |
Subj: Global Warning
Date: 3/20/02 6:53:36 PM Pacific Standard Time
Hi, Kent, Long time, no speak. Hope all is well. Given recent events, I'm starting to believe that our masters are deliberately causing global warming to scare us into a world government, while culling the population. Note how shocked climatologists and other scientists are shocked and amazed that an ice pack as big as Delaware could break off so suddenly. I don't doubt that the technology exists to cause such a catastrophe. Nor do I doubt that chemtrails and HAARP are at least partially responsible for the rash of drought we are currently experiencing. The two-year drought pattern certainly seems to correspond with two solid years of chemtrail spraying. And, what a great cover story- they're trying to remediate the problem! I'm no chemist, but I do know that barium sucks up moisture. Am I to believe that Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, is trying to save us with his aerosol design? I think not.
Date: 3/15/02 6:45:46 AM Pacific Standard Time
I think we have entered a new era of "radar rings."
Notice all the little round spots in the SE + the big ring over Davis AFB, TX. These consistently show up at Wunderground, but the 2X animations get "defective" and blank out. Rings don't show up at Intellicast or Accuweather. HAARP is testing now, for two weeks, apparently. ELFRAD message included
Spectrum Monitor Waterfall Chart
Chemtrails - Barium, Aluminum, Titanium CONFIRMED In Rainwater
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