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UPDATE: I have suggested in my paper that Cassini will plunge into a polar area. I now believe they will go into the south pole as it allows Cassini to ignore storms, clouds, and extra pressure for a much greater time than a normal entry. In essence, the south pole might be like a gateway to the center of the planet which is where they would like the plutonium to implode for maximum effect.--AUTHOR |
est ad astra mollis e terries via.There is no easy way from the earth
to the stars.
is a documentation and study of the feasibility of creating a sustainable
fusion reaction from an initial fission reaction on Saturn caused by a
significant quantity of Plutonium-238 being inserted deep into the
atmosphere. A fusion-ignited
Saturn-sun would be the key to creating a human-habitable area on
Titan. This report is the result
of my intensive research on this subject since late
2002. I could not be so confident
in my assertions if it were not for the additional key research of Jacco
van der Worp, a Netherlands physicist, and former NASA Consultant, Richard
C. Hoagland. I am sure
I will be accused of being an alarmist, but I believe the information presented
here will convince any open mind that there is at least some suspicious activity
regarding NASAs Galileo and Cassini
Titan, Saturns largest moon, like an early earth frozen in time~
There are a few people in the world, who with endless imagination and creativity in union with massive resources and high technology have been playing God and secretly experimenting with changing the makeup of our solar system. There are not too many plans conceived that could be greater than creating a new star in our own backyard. One could almost claim godship upon success. Although at first I considered hiding what I knew so that the plan would go forward with full success, in the end my conscience overcame this desire since I knew there could be dangerous Earth implications for such a plan. Also keeping something this large a secret would be like finding a massive buried treasure while deep-sea diving and then never returning or telling anyone about it. (I still find myself wavering back and forth between wanting to see this spectacular plan unfold and not wanting it to happen knowing the potential consequences). I first stumbled onto the reality of this project while reading a famous conspiracy book entitled Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper, former U.S. Naval Security Briefing Team member. Most people who came across Coopers short account (only a couple paragraphs) immediately discounted it, afterall, creating a star with a plutonium bomb sounds somewhat incredible at first, but this idea captured my imagination and completely fascinated me. I kept asking myself, Why discount this? With advanced knowledge and technology, I could see how some great minds would start to think about doing once impossible things. The more I checked into the facts, the more I became convinced that Cooper did not just make this up out of the blue. Too many coinciding events that he had predicted started manifesting themselves for it all to be just a tale. I could not keep quiet anymore about the plan despite my appreciation of the deep science, creativity, and innovation that made it possible. Also, despite the long odds of the event occurring, I felt compelled to warn the public because of the potential danger from the cast-off of matter that normally occurs in a stars ignition. I will also make a case that there is a great deal of ritualistic symbology associated with the timing of this event, symbology that has strong ties to Freemasonry (old and new). I ask the reader to consider this scenario first: If a handful of the worlds greatest scientists were hired and paid top dollar by an organization with great wealth to solve a nearly impossible scientific problem and were allowed to work on it full time for years or even decades, do you think they would have a good shot at solving the problem, assuming they had the latest and greatest technology at their fingertips and were allowed to work in secrecy? My personal answer to this is Yes, I believe they would have a very good chance! One needs only to know the story of the Manhattan Project to see this.
The logic
of the Lucifer Project other than the extreme thrill of creating something
so amazing, if not of sinister intent, could be that in order for humans
to one day break out of this shell of Earth we must create more favorable
conditions for traveling within our own solar
system. For instance, could
humans one day live on Titan?
Maybe, but how do we warm it up?
We play the part of
creator and conduct solar
system terraforming on a grand scale by turning Saturn into a small star
that supplies Titan with the heat and light it needs to
awaken. Turning one of our gas
giants, like Saturn, into a star is the essence of the Lucifer
The goal of fusion is in effect, to produce and hold a
small star. It is a daunting
and tedious research which is considered to be the most advanced in the
world. 2
A self-luminous, gaseous, celestial body of great mass which produces
energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions, whose shape is usually spheroidal,
and whose size may be as small as Earth or as large as Earths
Alea iacta
est.The die has been
The Cassini spacecraft is currently orbiting Saturn, but is likely to be sent into Saturn July of 2008. This report was written with the assumption that NASA will end Cassinis mission the same way they ended Galileos by plunging it into the planet. The polar orbits that are currently scheduled allow an impact with Saturn on July 7 and approximately every week thereafter. The Cassini project is to be concluded no sooner than July 1. The Cassini Spacecraft is powered by two different means, its thrust propellant, used for trajectory adjustments, and its main power supply for running instruments. The latter is 238Pu, or Plutonium-238. This 238Pu is what is known as a radioisotope, or radioactive isotope, which becomes physically hot from its own radioactive decay. This heat is converted into electricity by a thermoelectric converter. At time of takeoff the spacecraft contained more than 72 lbs. of Plutonium-238 dioxide fuel within (216) 1 inch diameter x 1-1/2 inch long cylindrical pellets. Each pellet has about 1/3 lb. of plutonium dioxide fuel, most of which is plutonium-238 and a small amount being oxygen by mass. In addition, there are some minor amounts of 238Pu for other heater areas. The pellets are divided into three even groups of 72, each group within one RTG (Radioisotope Thermo-electric Generator).4
has crashed a plutonium-carrying RTG into a similar atmosphere before which
may have resulted in an explosion the size of Earths diameter near
the equator of Jupiter as observed by many and imaged by Olivier Meeckers
of Belgium on October 19,
2003. Space.com carried the
story Mystery Spot on Jupiter Baffles
Astronomers.5 The
craft, Galileo, entered into Jupiter near its equator very close to where
the mystery spot later developed (Diagram
It is possible that if the explosion
were larger or deeper, Jupiter could have reached
ignition. The fact remains that
a very suspicious bruise appeared on Jupiter 28 days after Galileo made its
plunge there. It is important
to mention that it is rare for a comet or meteor to impact Jupiter at the
equator so it is unlikely this was the
Saturn, like Jupiter and our Sun, is mostly composed of hydrogen and
helium, in various gas, liquid, and metallic
forms. The inner core may be composed of a somewhat solid rocky
material. The average density of Saturn is only .7 g/cm3 (water
is 1.0), but the pressure in the atmosphere and below is very
intense. Towards the core of
Saturn it is estimated the pressure
could be millions of times that of Earth at sea level. Saturn's atmosphere
consists of about 97 percent hydrogen and 3 percent helium by volume and
about 80/20 by mass.6
If Saturn had been 200 times more massive, it might have evolved into
a star rather than a planet. Our solar system could have been a binary star
system (more easily with Jupiter, of course). Besides hydrogen and helium,
small amounts of methane, ammonia, and water vapor, and various hydrocarbons
have been detected in Saturn's atmosphere. Saturn has similar relative abundance
of hydrogen and helium to the Sun
itself. However, its core
temperature is too low a value to trigger nuclear fusion.
I propose the magic trigger
has been sought after and found!
The Trigger
IMPORTANT: The Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL-9) comet event created enormous explosions, but no fissionable material was present to cause a nuclear reaction so the explosion temperatures (at max-7000ºC) were not high enough to cause a fusion reaction.
The plutonium fuel cylinders
in the RTGs of Cassini (Diagram B) may act as
Implosion Weapons and a
fission trigger that may result directly in a
fusion reaction that may be
sustainable. In essence, a gas
giant may be turned into a star in this
way. A report in September,
2003 by physicist Jacco van der Worp of the Netherlands entitled Could
NASA Use Galileo to Create a Jovian Nagasaki, states the same concerning
Galileos plutonium at
Theoretically the avalanche reaction described for the
Pu-238 pellets aboard Galileo can take place setting off an implosion-induced
nuclear detonation.7
Weapon: A weapon in which
a quantity of fissionable material, less than a critical mass at ordinary
pressure, has its volume suddenly reduced by compression, so that it becomes
supercritical, producing a nuclear explosion.
Tom Van
Flanderns summary of Planetary Explosion Mechanisms states
the following:
nuclear fission chain reactions may provide the ignition temperature to set
off thermonuclear reactions in stars (analogous to ignition of thermonuclear
While 238Pu is fissionable,
it has been advertised as not fissile, or in others words this would mean
it can produce a fission reaction that is difficult to sustain, but a 1962
test proved reactor grade plutonium (Pu-238 and Pu-240) to be fissile:
The Department of Energy is providing additional information related to a 1962 underground nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site that used reactor-grade plutonium in the nuclear explosive.
Specifically: -A successful test was conducted in 1962, which used reactor-grade plutonium in the nuclear explosive in place of weapon-grade [Pu-239] plutonium. The yield was less than 20 kilotons.
Background: This
test was conducted to obtain nuclear design information concerning the
feasibility of using reactor-grade plutonium as the nuclear explosive
material. The test confirmed
that reactor-grade plutonium could be used to make a nuclear
explosive. This fact was
declassified in July 1977.
In short it would be quite possible for
a potential proliferator to make a nuclear explosive from reactor-grade plutonium
using a simple design that would be assured of having a yield in the range
of one to a few kilotons, and more using an advanced design.
In addition to this, a
study conducted in part by Richard L. Garwin, a former
JASON Group member, noted that all plutonium isotopes, even Pu-238
up to 80% purity, must be considered bomb making material. Garwin was involved
in this study as well as other JASON Group studies, some of which can be
accessed on the web at the references provided at the end of this
report. 27
The Nuclear Control Institute (NCI) stated that reactor-grade plutonium
could be more desirable for a simple bomb because it eliminates the need
to use a neutron initiator.11
Also note the following in a report entitled Plutonium-238,
Use, Origin and Properties:
If Pu-238 sits in the reactor long enough, it will
absorb a neutron and become Pu-239
Of course, Pu-239 is very fissile, in fact, it is the key component of most nuclear bombs. Since Cassini was launched in 1997, we know that its Pu-238 will have been sitting in the RTG reactors for more than 10 years by July 2008, maybe longer if the fuel cells were created beforehand. In an analysis of whether the fuel cylinders contain fissionable as well as fissile elements, we have to conclude that it is very possible.
It has already been well demonstrated that a fission reaction can be sufficient to ignite a fusion reaction (i.e. the Hydrogen Bomb). A fission reaction generates high enough temperatures (high enough equals about 35 million degrees Kelvin) to reach the critical point required for a fusion reaction. This, however, does not necessarily mean a fusion reaction will occur. The right elements (various isotopes of hydrogen) must be present or created, so it is assumed. We do know Saturn is mostly composed of the same elements as the Sun, hydrogen and helium, but we are unsure if fusion and fission reactions would work exactly the same on Saturn as on Earth. However, conventional belief says Deuterium and Tritium (isotopes of Hydrogen) are necessary to accomplish fusion. Both are likely present deeper into Saturn. What is important to remember is the tremendous pressures inside Saturn are the key here when talking about implosion.
We do know that implosion is what will occur to the fuel cylinders at some point in the impact. If the final implosion collapse of a cylinder happens suddenly enough, it could simulate an explosive-initiated implosion, the method normally used in a plutonium nuclear bomb. As mentioned earlier there is prior imaged evidence of an explosion from Galileos plutonium on Jupiter. An analysis by Richard C. Hoagland Did NASA Accidentally Nuke Jupiter? states the same concerning a nuclear reaction on Jupiter: It is this unique, dark carbon signature appearing as a dark black splotch in the highest levels of the Jovian cloud belts which has given this entire, incredible scenario away .13
Cassini is carrying 1.5 times the amount of plutonium dioxide (72 lbs) that Galileo was carrying (48 lbs) and Saturns mass is 30% of Jupiters mass. 48 is to 3.333 as 72 is to 1 translates into around 5 times the effective plutonium when the planets masses are figured in.
The plutonium pellets aboard are protected against unexpected pressures (not Saturns atmospheric pressures though). The upper crust of Saturns atmosphere is gaseous hydrogen and helium for about 500 miles in, followed by a more liquid substance of the two, and much further in (about half the radius), a more metallic version (so it is guessed). Cassini would go from 1/2 bar to 5 bars in just a few seconds upon entry into Saturn and then explode and burn up at which point its RTGs, containing the Pu cylinders, will continue on. Eventually the RTG casings will deteriorate but the plutonium pellets will continue on, each having their own little heat shield of iridium and graphite, and start dramatically slowing down as the higher density atmosphere is encountered. It may take several days for the pellets to reach the point at which they implode. All that is required for fission from implosion to occur is for the final collapse of one of the graphite/iridium shells around one plutonium capsule to happen suddenly enough to prevent a fizzle, (a fizzle is a reaction that turns it into a dud). Since there are 216 separate cylinders, there are many chances to achieve a proper implosion and if one proper implosion occurs, it will act as a catalyst for others by showering them with neutrons as all of the cylinders will likely stay within 10s of miles of each other. Each cylinder by itself will eventually reach the pressure point within Saturn to go critical if they are not spoiled somehow by then. The fuel cylinders would travel deep into Saturn, much more than the rest of the craft because they are designed to withstand extremely intense heat and pressure. They were designed this way in order to keep them intact in case of an accident upon launch and subsequent earth-atmosphere re-entry (also Cassini did a couple of Earth swing-bys for acceleration).
Some members of the various agencies involved with Galileo and Cassini surely have considered the potential of a plutonium ignition and there is also evidence to suggest that a reaction is what is secretly hoped for, at least by a few. It was stated by William Cooper, (former United States Naval Intelligence briefing member in the early 70s) that an elite group known as the JASON Group, or certain members of, had been hired full time to work on turning Jupiter into a small star. The JASON Group is comprised of the greatest science minds in the world.14 The Richard L. Garwin reports mentioned earlier further prove that the JASON Group does indeed exist.
Saturn is much like Jupiter in composition and is actually a safer and more realistic target. Titan may be the big the big prize, being one of the few bodies in the solar system to potentially contain a significant amount of water and an atmosphere that could be very terraformable. Titan could be thawed out substantially with Saturn as its sun.
Cassinis orbit is scheduled to decay in July of 2008. Similar to Galileos plunge into Jupiter on September 21 2003, Cassini will most likely be plunged into Saturn with the exception that Cassini will likely go into the polar region of Saturn.15
In an Saturn ignition Earth would receive a miniscule amount of solar heating from a Saturn star, but brightness could be 100s of times what Saturn is now. Around July/August 2008, the distance is about 10 AU or 1,500,000,000 km from Earth. More importantly though, Earth could receive a nasty shower of hot hydrogen a few weeks later, the real reason for concern.
In summary, most of the cylinders will survive the initial impact
with Saturns upper atmosphere, because they are designed to do that,
they have been successfully tested at an impact pressure of 19,600
PSI and higher than that for non-impact
pressure.16 Each
cylinder has a heat shield that can withstand temperatures in excess of
6400° F. The notion
that Pu-238 cannot be fissile is very much in error, at least when talking
about Saturn/Jupiter conditions. I
will use Jacco van der Worps analysis and also remind the reader of
the declassified 1962 test mentioned
earlier. Pu-238 has a normalized
reactivity of 1.1 and a spontaneous fission rate of 3440 neutrons per gram
per second. This results in critical mass
under normal conditions
at 200 grams (this is why the cylinders are kept at 151 grams or 1/3 lb to
avoid critical in Cassini). The
cylinders will keep falling and may wander apart or stay together when the
craft burns up - it doesnt matter much because each cylinder will
eventually reach critical on its own when the pressure builds enough in the
fall into Saturn. Even if the
cylinders wander apart, each one that is still intact will be ignited by
a shower of neutrons from any cylinder that
ignites. Around ¼ of the
plutonium may fission because the surrounding Saturn pressure will maximize
the results. With 72 lbs (32.7
kg) of plutonium this is equivalent to a 600 kiloton explosion. In comparison,
the Nagasaki explosion used 7 kilograms, 1.2kg of which went into fission
and caused a 22 kiloton explosion.
This Saturn explosion would create temperatures of around
100,000,000° K because of the
high density at the point of detonation.
Even the suns interior is not that
hot (only
K). This is way above the threshold
for fusion to start. Saturn
is similar in content to the sun and the same ingredients can produce the
same result: ignition of the entire body of dense hydrogen. 7
Regenerating, Recovering, and Creating
Our atmosphere is constantly regenerating to restore itself to the
normal state. There
have been traumatic periods, of course, when the atmosphere was under stress
from the outside and from within, but the Earth has always
recovered. Although a Saturn
barrage could be deadly for a short time on Earth, a full recovery could
take place in a matter of months.
On Earth, geological boundaries are accompanied by mass extinctions
at five epochs over the last billion years. Two of the most intense of these,
the P/T boundary about 250 Mya, and the K/T boundary (and the extinction
of dinosaurs) at 65 Mya, are the most likely to be associated with the damage
to Earths biosphere expected from a major planet explosion.
[On Earth] The ozone layer's condition fluctuates between poor and excellent and the size of the holes measured in the ozone layer also goes up and down. Theoretically, given the appropriate conditions, the ceasing of using fossil fuels as a major supply of energy and fuel and the banning of the use of motor vehicles which do not meet strict emissions standards, the ozone layer would "repair" itself. The hole in the ozone layer, given the right conditions [would] "heal up". It must be noted that natural events such as volcanic eruptions can also have a dramatic impact on the ozone layer. It is even thought that holes in the ozone layer existed long before mankind's industrial revolution.19
Titan, however, being at point blank range might require
a few years to stabilize and its atmosphere and surface would dramatically
change with Saturn as a sun. The
dynamics could then exist for Titans atmosphere to be transformed into
a more earthly state by getting rid of the conditions that produce
the thick smog. Titan could
get a kick start going from primordial to recognizably earthlike within a
few decades with proper seeding and terraforming supplied by
Earth. As this report is being
written, data is being interpreted from the Huygens probe on Titan and the
first images returned of Titans surface remind us of earthly coastlines
with swampy deltas, although the muddy look may be due to liquid methane
or pools of complex hydrocarbons.
Visible light cannot escape from the veil of orange smog that covers Titan's surface. The moon's dry cold atmosphere causes a 300 km thick layer of smog to build up. The smog, just like on Earth, forms when sunlight interacts with hydrocarbon molecules.18
Titan's atmosphere, a murky mix of nitrogen, methane and argon, resembles Earth's more than 3.8 billion years ago. Scientists think the moon may shed light on how life began. Finding living organisms, however, is a remote possibility. It is not out of the question, but it is certainly not the first place I would look, said Candice Hansen, a scientist for the Cassini-Huygens mission. It's really very cold. A lack of sunlight has put Titan into a deep-freeze, hindering chemical reactions needed for organic life. 17
Thus, while many of Earth's familiar geophysical processes occur on Titan, the chemistry involved is quite different. Instead of liquid water, Titan has liquid methane. Instead of silicate rocks, Titan has frozen water ice. Instead of dirt, Titan has hydrocarbon particles settling out of the atmosphere, and instead of lava, Titanian volcanoes spew very cold ice. 26
If the temperature were raised
significantly at Titan, it would begin to more closely resemble an early
Earth. The liquid methane (CH4) would turn to methane gas and
precipitated carbon, the dirty ice (H2O) would turn to carbon,
water, water vapor, and oxygen, nitrogen and argon are present, and hydrogen
would also be very available, of course.
Earths atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% Argon,
Methane, Water Vapor, Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen and several other
gases. The evaporated methane previously on the surface of Titan
would be replaced by water from melted ice.
A Bit About Lucifer
Magister mundi sum! - I am master of the
Why is creating a star
from one of our gaseous giants commonly known as the Lucifer
Project? The potential
stars name was first dubbed Lucifer by A.C. Clarke in his
novel 2010. Lucifer
is less of an actual deity and more of a concept representative
of several ideas here. Lucifer, literally light-bearer, represents
rebellion, claiming god-ship, bringing enlightenment, and mastering
knowledge. Lucifer is a symbol
of casting off the overlord and trusting the light from within, the concept
of breaking out of the subservient shell of Gods dominion
and claiming the universe as ones own to conquer. 20
In general, the Luciferian message could be:
am tired of worshipping a fairy-tale God and leaving the future
to the whim of idiots and fanatics.
I will take the reins of the world into my own hands and guide it
as I wish, as I may, as other will allow me
to. I will set myself as a
god. With the advantage of superior
knowledge and the latest technology at my fingertips, I will rule as I see
just. You may claim godship
also and join me, or try to create the world in your own
image. All you need to do is
realize that you are also worthy and then attain the
knowledge I have
gained. If you will not realize
and accept that you are a godlike creator then I have no pity for you and
I will continue to dominate you until you come into the
As related to a Saturn
Ignition, the message could be: Lets see if we can ignite something really
big, like a planet! Lets
see if any god stops us!
We will be recognized as gods within our own circles if we
Luciferian "spirituality" doesn't rely on stripping man of his
nature, but rather embraces his nature and his potential
"I [Lucifer]
am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star.
I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the
knowledge of death..."
-Aleister Crowley, The Book of the
Ancient Egyptian and
Freemasonry Connections Why Rho LEO in
This section is a bit esoteric and delves into the possible symbolic reasons for trying to ignite Saturn as well as the possible effects on Earth. There are several similarities between the two missions Galileo and Cassini: 1) both have similar plutonium payloads (Cassini, much more), 2) both scenarios have moon candidates that could be new earths (Europa, Titan), 3) both will have impacted into a gaseous giant with conditions that will allow a nuclear detonation, 4) both crafts will have impacted while crossing under Leos front nearly above Rho LEO (Diagram C). This last one we will discuss more in detail now.
This location in the sky, very near Rho LEO is in the tropical zodiac location VIRGO, despite being in the actual constellation of LEO. This particular star, Rho LEO, lies just below the ecliptic, (the general path of the planets). I suggest there may be a ritual of some sort going on here. Right Ascension 10.5 seems to be significant, (LEO is centered on RA 11, the 11th hour of the zodiac). The Greek letter Rho (r) is used as a variable for density calculations, and also a word to denote power as in Sigma-Iota-Rho (Prudence-Ideals-Power, the motto of Rhodes scholars), and Rho is synonymous with Romi which means Rome in Greek. The constellation LEO is also known to be one of power and kingship. Both impacts have been timed to occur while the planets in question are directly above Rho LEO, very near 10.5 Right Ascension. I propose that the significance here is three-fold. First of all, Rho LEO is referred to as the lions right paw. The Lions Paw in freemasonry has great importance as in the Hiram Abif allegory. In this story Solomon uses the Master Masons Grip of the Lions Paw to resurrect Hiram from the dead, which is symbolic of Hiram shedding his old life and waking up anew in his new understanding of the world, a baptism of sorts. This story is used in the initiation of Masonic members when they achieve the higher levels of Freemasonry. The story also echoes similar characteristics of the Osiris resurrection story of ancient Egypt. Many Freemasonry rituals are said to have origin in the ancient mystery religions of Egypt. Ancient hieroglyphs of Egypt feature a lion holding a symbol of some sort, possibly a planet, in his right hand over a prone body which is about to be resurrected from a dead level to a living perpendicular.22 This is part of the origin of the Hiram story.
Secondly, the right paw of the lion is symbolic of the right paw of the Sphinx in Giza, where it is highly rumored that a vault, or network of vaults was discovered in the late 1990s, but its contents not yet disclosed. A famous prophet from the mid-1900s with a relatively high percentage of accuracy by the name of Edgar Cayce, said the Hall of Records would be discovered under the paw in the late 1990s, but would not be revealed to the world until the time was right. The Hall of Records was to finally reveal to humanity their origins. I propose that the right time for this vault to be opened will be when NASA successfully ignites Jupiter, Saturn, or Neptune, while they are in the correct position of the sky, namely Rho Leo. This will clue the elitists to the fact that the time is soon for the final baptism of the Earth. At this point Earth will have less than a month to prepare for the likely ejecta from Saturn that would come after an ignition. Those who will figure it out in time and those in the know will have underground areas to go to for protection for at least 3 or 4 weeks during the shower, maybe more. The ejecta of Saturn may strip part of Earths ozone layer for a period of time leaving it defenseless against the shower as well as other cosmic ray bombardments. After a substantial wait, the bunker people could return to the surface to find the damage or new reality of Earth. What is odd is that this is also symbolic of dying and being buried under the ground, and then resurrected anew. In the 3 or 4 week wait time that it will take for Saturns cast-off to arrive at Earth, I propose that many amazing secrets will be revealed concerning our human origins, secrets brought up from the vaults of the Sphinx. Cayce also remarks that after the Hall of Records is revealed, Earth will suffer a major cataclysm. The puzzle fits together all too closely with Freemasons within NASA intentionally selecting a very specific location in the sky TWICE so far. I must conclude that the location is very symbolic and that symbol IS the LIONS PAW.
there are also Isis overtones here as the location in the sky is known at
this time as tropical VIRGO, the great
mother. Isis was the sister/wife
of Osiris and mother of Horus.
Isis (Aset) is synonymous with VIRGO.
VIRGO has also been associated with various other ancient
goddesses. Taking
this one step further I see yet another
analogy: The Great Mother (Isis),
having her egg (Saturn), fertilized by the craft (Cassini), after a significant
wait (days to weeks), bears a great child (Horus/Osiris resurrected from
the dead in the form of an amazing new
Fiat lux! - Let there be
The Plutonium-lad Iridium/Graphite Cylinder - like
the Monolith, the Alchemists Stone of Astronomical and Earthly
Another factor to consider is
Hoaglands assertion that Galileos plutonium started an explosion
10s of miles wide and as the gas bubble from the explosion neared the
surface of Jupiter 700 miles later, it had expanded to 1000s of miles
in diameter.13
Lets look at an
expanding bubble in Saturn. The
cylinders are better built now, the density of the atmosphere compared to
Jupiter is much less, and the pressure in Saturn doesnt increase nearly
as dramatically as in Jupiter.
This will allow the cylinders higher speed and much deeper drops before
Assume 10s of lbs of Pu isotopes ignite initially
into a gas bubble sphere that is 50 miles in diameter 25% of the way to the
center of Saturn, or 8500 miles into the polar
area. Even if fusion does not
start, this intensely hot gas bubble races to the surface at 1000 mph expanding
rapidly to 100 times its current diameter the first 1000 miles increasing
its size to 5000 miles diameter.
The bubble continues to expand now but the rate of expansion is reined
in for the rest of the trip. By the time the bubble reaches the surface it has slowed
down dramatically but the diameter has increased to around 20,000
miles. Imagine taking a big
spoon the shape of half of a sphere and 20,000 miles in diameter and scooping
it out of the top of Saturn. This
is the shape and size that would be affected in the most extreme
scenario. About 1-2% of the volume of Saturn could be rapidly shoved
aside or blown out. (Diagram
1. Displacement
of volume.
2. Thrust follows
to fill back in from all sides and from below.
3. General rush
from all sides as a building avalanche of matter falling inwards to aid in
4. Further inward
fall unstoppable, fusion heat
5. Critical is
reached and Saturn ignites.
What will this blowout cause? Even if fusion doesnt start by initial fission heat, will Saturn begin to collapse in on itself having 1-2% of its volume suddenly displaced? I see several parallels here to the 2001, 2010 novels/movies. Just before Jupiter ignites, a large cavity is seen increasing inside Jupiter (blowout cavity), it seems millions of black monoliths have converged in one area to cause this (iridium/carbon-cased plutonium cylinders?). The cavity increases to the point that Jupiter begins to collapse in on itself creating a situation where internal pressure and heat inside the planet increases 100 fold, at which point Jupiter ignites into a star via internal fusion.23 Is this yet another possibility for ignition other than straightforward fission heat resulting in fusion?
In 2010 the monolith was a catalyst and symbol of transformation of humankind to the next level of existence, somewhat of alchemists stone for the human spirit. In a way, the black cylinders of Cassini seem to parallel this somewhat.
When Jupiter ignited in the novel
2010, an unrealistically tame shell of ionized hydrogen
buffeted the spaceship on its way out into space, but depending on how much
Saturn decides to shed (a rough estimate would be 10% of its
mass)24, the ejecta may be much stronger than that for a much
longer time.
pramunitusForewarned, forearmed
While amazing and grand, no doubt, I also find
the Lucifer Project callous in regard for the people of Earth unless there
is a more profound plan at work here that is beyond my
knowledge. I have to conclude
that the creators know the repercussions of a successful ignition of
Saturn. This ignition can also be used as a religious tool, a
sign from the heavens,
possibly to give cause to ordain
a great leader on Earth. If
people are unaware of the artificial nature of the ignition they may be fooled
by the claims. I still believe
this event to be unlikely to happen despite the depth of research that I
have committed to it. Regardless,
my intention was to raise awareness on the subject so that in the event of
an ignition, we would not be caught blindsided and would know the truth of
how the star came to be.
Conspiratorial theory and timeline of events
(speculations and wild conjectures are
1945 (July)--
we ignite our first atom bomb
1950 -- a team is assembled to study how this new technology
can be used to create a star. Some
of the worlds best scientists work on it
This group is the JASON Group
within the JASON
Society, a think tank of geniuses that work full time to solve many major science
1968 Arthur
C. Clarke promotes the Lucifer Project in books and movies entitled
2001 and 2010, using Saturn initially, but is later told to use
Jupiter. (Once something
spectacular occurs in a movie, it takes on a non-real
1972 William
Cooper sees or hears of the Lucifer Project during his time with
the U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team.
An unnamed craft or lost craft is secretly sent on a course to
nudge a comet currently on a near collision course with Jupiter to a
direct collision course with
1989 Galileo
is launched with two secret missions: 1) Collect information about
the interior of gas giants using data from an upcoming comet collision with
Jupiter (SL-9). 2) Impact Jupiter
to ignite it, or if that fails, to collect more information about the interior
by igniting as far beneath the atmosphere as possible, thereby bringing the
interior to the surface.
1990 William
Cooper exposes the reality of the Lucifer Project in his book
Behold, A Pale Horse.
Galileos main antenna supposedly deploys
incorrectly. In reality,
the antenna is fine and is being used to send the prime data to a few elite
1994 Someone in the know
helps Shoemaker spot the comet and the proper viewing is set up with Hubble
and Galileo, etc. The high quality
Galileo-SL-9 imagery and data is kept from the general
1994 Data collected from the SL-9 collision
is used to tweak the specifications of the Cassini RTG setup in order
to improve the odds of a Saturn ignition.
1997 Shoemaker
is killed in a car crash in Australia.
am not aware of any evidence of foul
1997- Cassini
is launched for Saturn with a tremendous load of Pu-238 dioxide (72 lbs!),
many times the amount actually needed to run the crafts
2003 NASA
scientists decide to plunge Galileo into Jupiter after claiming there is
no other logical option after initially implying that the craft would be
sent to deep space, crashed into a moon, or left in
2003 (July)
Geographer, J.C. Goliathan publishes a report stating that a nuclear reaction
is slightly possible if Galileo goes into Jupiter.
2003 (early Sept)
Physicist, Jacco van der Worp publishes a report warning of what could happen
if Galileo plunges into Jupiter citing Goliathans report and actually
crunching the numbers to prove it.
Jacco sites the low probability, but believes the risk is high enough
to warrant a warning.
2003 (Sept. 21)
Galileo dives into Jupiter at the
equator. As was likely expected,
nothing happens. Then 4 weeks
2003 (Oct. 19)
Olivier Meeckers images a mystery spot the size of Earth
with a streak trailing away near the equator of
Jupiter. All other professional
telescopes ignore the spot!
2003 (late Oct.)
Richard C. Hoagland publishes a report detailing the entire amazing scenario
showing that the mystery spot is most likely Galileos plutonium
that had drifted down 700 miles into Jupiter at 1 mph for most of the
2004- Cassini
arrives at Saturn to study the
system. The start of attempt
2005 (early) -
Cassini-launched Huygens probe studies Titan in depth revealing its
primordial earthlike attributes.
2008 (early July
to late July) Cassini plunges into a polar region of Saturn
in order to increase acceleration of gravity before impact (Saturn
is very oblate). This
will give the pellets a head start and a much greater penetration depth than
if the equator were used. Also
the polar region is less likely to have a storm
brewing. A few days later,
or maybe weeks later, the plutonium pellets reach crush depth and implode
15-25% of the way to the center of Saturn and igniting it entirely into a
star. NASA does not have to
officially deny responsibility because the question is never asked of them
Did Cassini cause this? just as they were never questioned about
the mystery Jupiter spot at the point where Galileo went
The trick has been
all along how to get the pellets in deep enough for a significant disturbance
to occur. Saturn allows this
with much less density than Jupiter and less of a radius to start with especially
going into Saturn at its pole where the radius is 10% less than Saturn at
the equator. Jupiter may have
been a hopeful first try and more of a test or precursor to
Saturn. Even A.C. Clarke and
Stanley Kubrick originally envisioned Saturn as the best
candidate. Another thing to
note is that a Saturn ignition is much safer for Earth than a Jupiter ignition
as far as ejecta disturbing our
atmosphere. The amount of ionized
hydrogen that reaches us from Saturn will be a fraction of that from a Jupiter
ignition, but still risky . I
estimate the mass of ionized hydrogen intercepted by the Earth to average
.015 kg/m2/day for
every square meter of the Earth for about two weeks and traveling at high
speeds. During the last couple days heavier elements will reach the Earth
in smaller quantities.
2008 (late
July) The new star is named, possibly Lucifer, or a derivative of
that. The sign from the heavens is used to ordain
a great world leader, or a leader who had just taken power prior to the
(Jul/Aug/Sept) After a few weeks of 24/7 talk of the implications,
causes, effects, etc. of the new star, Earth begins to get showered with
the ejecta from Saturn. The
shower lasts 2 to 3 weeks and includes some heavier elements towards the
end. This directly or indirectly
kills millions of people and animals on Earth - a great boost for population
control. Those in the
know hide out in underground cities and bunkers for several weeks to
several months until Earths ozone shell has
2009 The
new world reality sets in. After
coping with the effects of the event, the survivors find that having a second
sun is novel. Earth is completely changed, all infrastructures, political
structures, and religions are thrust into
chaos. The strongest surviving
military force soon takes control of the Earth.
A call goes up to investigate and explore the new system of Saturn/Titan.
365/24/7 time and unlimited resources go into the new international
venture. Terraforming plans
start on a grand scale.
2033 - Humans set foot on an earthlike
Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary Tenth
8. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia,
14. Behold A Pale Horse
72, William
Cooper 1991
22. Ancient Operative
Masonry and the Mysteries of
Antiquity pg. 25,
and novel p.299, Stanley
Kubrick and A.C. Clarke
NOTE: JASON Group contributer
EDITOR DISCLAIMER: being one of the unwashed with no tether to "Secret-agenda" I have no privileged insight that there is a group trying to solar-form Saturn. But if there does exist such crew of planetary-engineers with intention to ignite one of our sister worlds then my deepest human intuition shouts that this is a bad idea, A REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA! --Kent Steadman, ORBIT |
NOTE: Arthur C. Clarke [suspected Jason Society mouthpiece] from 2010: The Odyssey Continues AUDIO CLIP: What is going to happen, Dave? [Something wonderful? Yea, right!]
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SYNCHRONICITY: Y-CLASS FLARE 2 HETE 2 |
UPDATE 2006 Jupiter's New Red Spot Oval BA first appeared in the year 2000 when three smaller spots collided and merged. Using Hubble and other telescopes, astronomers watched with great interest. A similar merger centuries ago may have created the original Great Red Spot, a storm twice as wide as our planet and at least 300 years old.
2001 C.M.
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cosmic debate
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EPSILON: anyone thinking what I´m thinking? More of an energy
vortex than a typical hurricane?
Christian O´Brien in Chapter 18 of The Shining Ones features the basic historical and geological evidence which identifies the Azores as the site of the Island of Atlantis. ARCHIVES: AZORES 2 |