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STRAY LIGHT Archives Galactic dust storm Mauna Loa Capture PSPT SUNCRUISER 9/30/2003 00:35 URGENT: Need help for October
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We are MOST GRATEFUL for recent help. We realize money is scarce for everyone and any gratis tips sent in we regard as vastly honorable and to be used with discretion to keep this effort ongoing. |
Site Steroids Needed
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Kent Steadman; 425 S. 156th Street; 119A; Seattle, WA 98148
NOTE: If you a power blackout happens in your neighborhood please report to CSO Research. We are trying to compile a database.
Partial Blackout in Israel? Major power failure blacks out Czech Republic Blackout- AUSTRALIA
Nokia said Tuesday that it's investigating two recent reports of its cell phones "exploding" and causing injuries
Magnitude 6.1 MINDORO, PHILIPPINES 2003 October 09 22:19:13 UTC
STATEMENT: I think it is important for myself to plunge into the polarity-battle at this time as opposed to removing myself--well, to the Alps. From a history lesson during pre-Reich Germany many of the young folks tired of protesting over-industrialization did that: went into the Alps to seek self-realization, damn the mundane, cosmic-bound they went. They called themselves the "Wondervogel". Trouble was that the forces of darkness and enslavement jumped on the opportunity to goose-step into the cities and take over. No one was there to protest.
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Getting really sick of sick power- Mengeles like this lowlife
carnival-hawker o' fear. What a dismal jackboot jerk!
The vice president said, ``The ultimate nightmare could bring devastation to our country on as scale we have never experienced. Instead of losing thousands of lives, we might lose tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands in a single day of war,'' Cheney said. [Still no evidence of WMDs in Iraq] |
What Happened To That Crazy Fire At Foggy Bottoms in D.C.?
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WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US State Department has lodged a vehement complaint with prominent conservative televangelist Pat Robertson for comments suggesting that its Foggy Bottom headquarters should be destroyed with nuclear weapons, officials said. |
"The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent that autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes." - Abraham Lincoln
Lucifer is the Secret God of Secular Society A 37-year-old Montreal historian, David Livingstone has written a stunning book that casts modern civilization in a new and troubling light. Livingstone shows how this occult dogma was secretly adopted by key elites throughout history and was behind the English (1649), American (1776), French (1789) and Russian Revolutions (1917), three of which involve regicide.
Death at Bush compound Body parts found near elder Bush's property
Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed Bush Family Heirs To The Holocaust?
Fake grass-roots "support" for Bush´s war, which is killing US soldiers
On the morning of 911 I was contacted by a fellow from California that had access to an uninterrupted global newswire and together we began to record the events and to open the process to the Internet community. Little did I realize that the investigation would continue with a formal command center until Feb 3, 2003, and informally since. Hundreds of people joined in the watch. Kent Steadman
911 was a grand coup. In a minor coup, some General takes over the government of a single country. In a Grand Coup the entire world order is transformed. The whole Enlightenment heritage has been abandoned: constitutional government, civil liberties, balance of powers, government accountability. International law has been abandoned, and national sovereignty is becoming a subject for nostalgia buffs. | ||
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“There’s three things to remember: claim everything, explain nothing, deny everything,” recalled Prescott Bush as to how politics was explained to him by Clare Booth Luce, congresswoman and wife of fellow Bonesman and magazine magnate, Henry Luce.
GETTIN EVEN: Walking Away from Petro and Petro-Poohbahs
![]() AMSTERDAM (Reuters) -- A major European chip maker said this week it had discovered new ways to produce solar cells which will generate electricity twenty times cheaper than today's solar panels. The new solar cells would even be able to compete with electricity generated by burning fossil fuels such as oil and gas, which costs about $0.40 per watt, said Salvo Coffa, who heads ST's research group that is developing the technology. |
NASA Successfully Flies First Laser-powered Aircraft
Russia to price oil in euros in snub to US
Big Surge
Jupiter Impact
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NOTE: the more I watch the sun, the planets, earth and man the more I am inclined to move away from the machine-universe notion. Did Galileo upon impact create a reaction at radiant Jupiter? Unknown! Who is to say, maybe we just pissed-off this mighty Giant, by Jove! |
mathematical demonstration of the nonrandom nature of the major orbits
of the Solar System. The observed fact of order is unexplained by the Nebular
Hypothesis, or any other scientific theory known to the writer."
Discovered by G.E.S.Curtis in 1980. [( p(9/4p).Ln30) - F](2p/3) = 20p NASA Tantalising evidence hints Universe is finite
Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy Has the Philosopher´s Stone Been Found?
Siberia find revives yeti legends U.S. Government Employee Ghouls As Weapon