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5/16/00 oo:50 C2 anomaly 4/5/00 11:06 C2 |
5/13/00 4:26:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time
At 13:15 CET, Pope John Paul II at Fatima, Portugal, announced that he gave the order to release the third part of Fatima Prophecy.
Related Links:
2) http://www.immaculate.force9.co.uk/xfatima.htm
4) http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20000512/wl/pope_fatima_4.html Pope to Beatify Portuguese Shepherd Visionaries
5) The Secrets of Fatima Powerful and daring analysis
Dialogue in Bellaria: Sitchin and Vatican Theologian Discuss UFO's,
Extraterrestrials, Angels, Creation of Man
LUCAS: Interesting theory regarding Fatima & a stargate
Date: 5/17/00 12:40:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time
"A flaming comet will terify all of humanity,during the Jubliee year of 2000AD." That's it. It could be C/1999 S4 Linear in July,or, 76PWest-Kahoutek-Ikemura impacting Mars in a few weeks, or Linear T-1 C/1999 in Sept. Thanks for all you do.
5/13/00 7:31:18 AM Pacific Daylight
Hi guys, Just off the news. Supposedly a high ranking cardinal within the Church just gave away the Third Secret of the Marian Apparition in Fatima, 1917. It was about a Bishop in white being shot (Pope shot down in 1981, also May 13th) Below the excerpt from Dutch Teletext (sorry, in Dutch, do your best) Interpretation 2 Older texts and interpretation 2
Date: 5/13/00 9:29:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, From what I COULD translate in the Portuguese papers, it wasn't martyrs that he fell amongst, it was the "fallen/unbelievers/traitors" of the high clergy. Quite a difference, eh? Couldn't get enough translated to make it all out though. If it is something already known and past, why would they have to "prepare the public"? This may get interesting!
The Pope's top aide, addressing a huge crowd in Portugal on the 19th anniversary of the shooting in Rome, also said the Vatican would publish the entire text of the secret after ''appropriate'' preparation for the faithful.
Date: 5/13/00 11:18:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time
At Bottom of the page..english translation of the Order to release the 3rd Secret:
"WHAT IS APPROACHING US" Father Malachi Martin
Date: 5/15/00 11:38:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
It's really weird, Kent...back when I first found this (it was a
post on Ed Dames' bulletin board)...well, for some ODD reason I copied it
and saved it in my email folder along with the cablecar accident article
- they've been sitting there since what...July of last year, something like
that. Now, with all this Fatima stuff going on...I thought maybe it was time
to remember these two articles, although the AP Vatican article, we could
never find it anywhere to verify it, remember? Strange stuff going on, that's
for sure!!
Revelations-Chapter 12, verse 3:
And there was seen another sign in heaven; and behold a great Red Dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns; and on his heads seven diadems
5/15/00 14:18 C3 MPEG
5/13/00 12:19:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Pleiades? or Possibly a portion of Asteroid200GJ147 which is tailing us? Look on the Orbit Simulation site from jpl.nasa. and see how close it is. If it is Pleiades, well, that's pretty cool, too!!! What a view!
DANCE OF WORLDS 5/8/00 02:26 C2
Date: 5/12/00 9:04:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time
The attached 1/2 rotation MPEG and it's companion http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/mpg/current_c3_13d.mpg [backup copy] are best visual evidence that the comet designated SOHO-111 did impact the backside about 5/3/2000 and the subsequent to current solar activity has been in large part a result of that impact like was observed back in January when there was a similar impact event. The 5/5/2000 to current planetary alignment is amplifying the effects of concurrent forces, frequencies, and energy fields that are being perceived emotionally and intuitively by humans and reflected in the weather by Mother Nature.
5/15/00 1:18:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time
The NASA site spaceweather.com does identify the object as the Pleiades, it is kinda creepy considering the huge importance of the Pleiades in Egyptian mythology.
Also, whether it was a torpedo or sungrazing comet that hit the sun earlier this month, it did appear to have a dramatic effect. Not long before, the sunspot number was near 300, but in the weeks after, the sun was nearly featureless. See- http://www.spacescience.com/headlines/y2000/ast09may_1m.htm which has a photo comparison.
And right after the "torpedo" disappeared behind the SOHO occulting disk, there was a huge spike in the solar wind speed to nearly 900 km/sec. Which is the highest I've seen it in this solar cycle. I think the best graphical representation of the solar wind components can be found at- http://umtof.umd.edu/pm
COLONEL ERVIN: Cometary Debris Field - Or Something
Date: 5/17/00 8:12:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time
There seems to be a marked increase of large cometary debris showing on the C2 camera since the recent impact events of 4-30-00 & 5-3-00, and todays (5-17-00) lastest C2 pics are especially rich in debris content. A very clear example of this contention may be noted by viewing all the C2 shots ranging from 11:26UT thru 12:50UT, sequentially.
On an even stranger note: I would like to ask your readers to contemplate the very critical connection which exists between worldwide (aerial) dispersal of vast quantities of: Barium Titanate, Uranium Oxide, and Red Blood Cells. When you've drawn your own conclusions, please respond with your thoughts. Research Hint Word: Transducer
Date: 5/15/00 7:33:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Let's keep an eye out for the upcoming Mars/comet pass around the 28th [2] [3]. I've been following your site and others pretty close. Definitely some changes going on, and fast at that. Everything seems to be escalating. What's next, Niburu?
Alamos National Laboratory
Many of the Laboratory's operations required hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials such as plutonium and uranium. Use of these materials resulted in the contamination of facilities, and in some cases, of the surrounding environment. A major source of environmental contamination was waste being discharged into the environment or buried in material disposal areas. In addition to hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials, the contaminants of concern include explosive residues, unexploded ordinance, and asbestos. Although it is no longer used, asbestos is generated as a waste during facility modification and decommissioning activities. In support of the Laboratory's mission, the Environmental Management program is also investigating approximately 2,100 sites to determine if cleanup is needed. These sites range in size from less than 1 square meter to tens of hectares (a few square feet to tens of acres). Potential residual contamination may exist at these sites as the result of 50 years of Laboratory operation. Contaminants may include radionuclides, organic solvents, metals, and high explosives. Residual contamination may exist in more than 7 million cubic meters (9.1 million cubic yards) of environmental media, primarily soils and sediments.
Los Alamos firesite
EDITOR: Torch the local contamination that is affecting the base-bound Dr. Strangeloves and spread it around the world, you know...democratically?
Did our government KNOW there was going to be a disaster in the Los Alamos/White Mountain area last year? Last year on July 27, 1999 there was a fax sent to Hilly Rose of the Art Bell Show concerning an evacuation notice to residents of White Mountain. Evacuation could be on a twenty minute notice. more
5/12/00 5:50:51 PM Pacific
Daylight Time
Kent this information has just been presented to us by our Pentagon contact.
About 2 weeks ago a secret meeting was held between Lockheed Martian, Boeing,
the Pentagon and the Air Force to name a few. The entire meeting was to discuss
the building of new "underground and under ocean bases" that must be completed
by 2004. My other sources say that the "powers that be" have "switched camps"
and now are taking orders from another alien faction. More when it
is available. Remain in your spiritual power center people no matter what
the "media" says.
Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:06 PM
It was just announced that Lawrence Livermore is tracking and calculating all possible travel patterns of the smoke plume from Los Alamos. Due to this, one can safely presume the cloud falls under their jurisdiction which means it is radioactive.
Historic atomic site destroyed
NEWSHAWK: Critical Nuke Facility Nearly Compromised/Radioactivity Increases Acknowledged
The lab's heavily armed security force was also forced to retreat Thursday when the fire raced toward the lab's main plutonium storage facility. Officials said they didn't fear a security breach since the compound was surrounded by flames and thus was inaccessible.
HELP!- Fires & Media Black Out in New
Well kids..were screwed here. We've been buried in smoke for a week and this is not just smoke.
Los Alamos National Labs did surface dumping of toxic waste for 50 years...the areas where the dumping happened have a bedrock layer 20 to 90 feet below the surface and it's no secret that the folage in this area is hot as hell.
Overview of Material Disposal Areas (MDAs) At Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has disposed at least 17,500,000 ft3 of hazardous and radioactive wastes on-site at twenty-four different officially-designated material disposal areas (MDAs) since 1944
Dangers persist of nuclear contamination in Los Alamos
Date: 5/18/00 8:27:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Subject: Trouble comes in threes
Los Alamos fire
Dutch fireworks
and.......to top it off
Santa Fe New Mexican Thursday May 18
Chernobyl reactor accident causes shutdown, also forest fires nearby re-releasing radioactive smoke from contaminated trees from the 1986 disaster! Deja-vu tit-for-tat times 2
Very curious timing......Dutch-American former nuclear safety inspector/tech.
5/11/00 RECENT
Most of yesterday was taken for work on the magnet power supply systems. There was about an hour of useful beam in the Blue ring before last night's thunderstorm caused power dips. As of 9:00 am we are still bringing systems back on line in the various accelerators.
At 10:42 AM 5/14/2000 +0000, flash wrote:
Deac....Now ain't that interesting...I tried to look at them a couple of hours ago and they wouldn't load completely, even though I kept refreshing. They musta been wiping them at the time?
5/16/00 9:23:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time
In 1994 Long Island started to learn exactly what went on at Brookhaven National Lab. What we learned was scary and what continues is even scarier. Brookhaven National Lab is a nuclear landfill. They discharge 2.7 million gallons of radioactive waste into the drinking water supply each day and 700,000 gallons of radioactive waste are discharged into the Peconic River a day. more
See if we can find anything anywhere. IR maybe, ELFRAD, seismic. Buccaroos doin it again, freakin Sundays.
Air Force Had Plans to Nuke Moon
00/05/12 18:43:20 UTC 23.42S 66.36W Depth: 240.1 km 7.0Mw JUJUY PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
Hello Kent, I took a look at the
on the Cam pics on Tue, 9th. Haven't a clue as to what it was, however
there were more like it. Also there was a pulse chain with a duration of
27 minutes which lasted several hours. Very regular.
Am sending a precursor pic of the Argentina quake this afternoon. There was a very clear indication of high intensity frequency bursts for a period preceding the quake for 92 minutes and 39 seconds. I found this interesting as this time frame and the events, have been occurring frequently after geophysical disturbances from Solar causes, arrive on earth. Always from 120 to 90 minutes. Charlie Plyler Elfrad Group |
00/05/12 18:43:20 UTC 23.42S 66.36W Depth: 240.1 km 7.0Mw JUJUY PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
00/05/15 15:05:34 UTC 35.24N 84.85W Depth: 5.0 km 2.5Lg TENNESSEE
16May2000 03:29:00.0 36.0N 72.0E 33 mb=7.4 A*YKA AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BOR0350
16May2000 03:28:37.0 38.0N 73.0E 33 mb=7.3 A*YKA TAJIKISTAN-XINJIANG BORDER0349
16May2000 03:28:05.0 41.0N 73.0E 33 mb=7.4 A*YKA KYRGYZSTAN 0348
15May2000 22:35:51.0 22.0N 142.0E 33 mb=7.4 A*YKA VOLCANO ISLANDS REGION 2257
15May2000 22:35:12.0 28.0N 139.0E 33 mb=7.4 A*YKA BONIN ISLANDS REGION 2255
15May2000 22:35:46.0 30.0N 140.0E 33 mb=7.5 A*YKA SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN 2255
15May2000 19:00:20.0 14.0N 142.0E 33 mb=7.5 A*YKA MARIANA ISLANDS REGION 1924
15May2000 19:00:35.0 29.0N 129.0E 33 mb=7.4 A*YKA RYUKYU ISLANDS 1924
5/17/00 9:15:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time
You wonder why USGS hasn't reported any of the quakes listed on your page, it's probably because they never happened. If you read the disclaimer on the Red Puma sight that reported them you'll see that you shouldn't take reports from automatic staions as valid unless they are verified by another station, preferably one with humans involved. There were no coroborating reports. All those 7.x magnitudes came from the same (automatic) reporting station in Canada. The quakes never happened. That's why USGS didn't report them.
EDITOR: I did receive a phone call that there WAS shaking going on as reported by agents in Greece. Confused. Is USGS itself to be trusted? Some have reservations.
This scenario, has been replaced by the one at the bottom! I feel a diversionary tactic coming on....
Hall "search" Postponed Atlantis Rising has just been informed by sources within the production company that the "Search for the Hall of Records" component of the special from Egypt previously scheduled for this month has been postponed again. The latest word is that the segment was too unwieldy to include in the May program which will deal primarily with recent mummy discoveries. The postponed segment, including a ground-penetrating radar survey, we are told will be treated in a special program before the end of the year.
Seeking the Hall of Records: Fox TV Live From Egypt This May, according to Atlantis Rising sources, Fox TV plans a live broadcast from Egypt which will include a segment dealing with the anomaly discovered beneath the Sphinx by seismic expert Thomas Dobecki in 1993. Some believe it could be the legendary Hall of Records. The new special to be hosted by Hugh Downs (apparently an effort by Fox to recover from recent negative publicity) is the much anticipated sequel to Fox¹s successful March 1999 Opening The Lost Tombs: Live From Egypt program.
On May 23, 2000, Fox Broadcasting will present "Opening the Tombs of the 10,000 Mummies Live" from 8-10 p.m. ET. Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass will open a sealed Egyptian tomb at Bahariya Oasis on live TV. Your host will be Hugh Downs. During the week leading up to this event, FOXNews.com will be filing reports and specials online. Follow along with FOXNews.com and Scientific American Discovering Archaeology Online as we take you up to this incredible event.
Date: 5/12/00 8:36:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Zahi did say in his last news bulletin that he was gonna concentrate on the oasis, and draw people away from Giza. Seeing as, at present, they have a big military presence at Giza, it makes sense they aren't going to do any show on the site that would bring people in.
EDITOR: Most rare manuscript, highly recommended! Mysteries of the Pyramid by David H.Lewis
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) _ Guatemalan archaeologists have unearthed the initial remains of what they believe to be a Mayan city as large as the sprawling, majestic ruins of the country's famous Tikal site.
China Building Weather-Changing Machines
Detailed Columbine Report Released
High-tech guru offers a chip for your thoughts
MAY | ![]() |