EMAIL CLUE: SECRET GOVT. SOLSTICE RITUALS, The Kimball Castell in Sedalia, Colorado, (Sedalia is south of Denver at the Castellrock exit and west to Wadsworth then north 1/2 mile on the east side).
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Your mission, Reader, if you dare to accept it, is to go to http://www.terrafly.com and enter the address of 6113 N Daniels Park Rd, Sedalia, CO. Then click on the 1.0 resolution after the map comes up (a java thing has to load once on your PC). Then click the North, South, East, or West arrows at the top there, and you'll be flying! |
DEC 21ST, 2001, KIMBALL CASTLE, SECRET GOVT. SOLSTICE CEREMONY SEER: If they are pulling crusader stuff then they are attempting to do battle against Tiamat. They view themselves as a continuation of Marduk. If that is the case then things are about to get nasty. It would make sense with the oil tie ins. Oil = blood of Tiamat etc..
EMAIL CLUE: They further are known to stay at the Brown Palace Hotel Downtown Denver.
RESEARCHER: i can confirm...lots of bigshots
in denver this weekend...here' why...
FIELD RESEARCHER: unbelievable when i found out...
RESEARCHER: look at december 22 on the calendar...
RESEARCHER: this is the cover...
RESEARCHER: they do it every year right around the solstice...
SAURON IN WASHINGTON Tolkien's parable of power – a story for our times
EDITOR: so let's see now, Bush-baby declares he is born-again (from
what, his old Skull-daze faction?) and that he is on a Holy Crusade against
evil-doers (actually some of his old pals in the oil-cartels, culture-stomping
Beezlebub-faction) and you can tell he (W) is a good guy now because
he wears a white
Stetson, and the citizens (all obviously born-again too, Saved, no matter
what, impossible to get un-saved) chant, "Get em, Junior!"
My poor brain! Please Save poor apostate Kento's butt too because he obviously has no clue and thinks the above is a wagon-load of fertilizer. ANOTHER TAKE Who Plotted The Attempted Coup Against Bush? Wagon # 2 Faith can conquer evil, says Queen THE Queen, the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury all delivered seasonal messages yesterday which stressed that the Christian faith found hope [not to mention a pile of loot] in the aftermath of the September 11 atrocities. |
EMAIL CLUE: Federal Grand Jury Demand filed in Las Vegas, NevadaUS District Court Sept 2001. Case Number CV-S-01-0714-PMP-PAL soon to be appealed.
Stew Webb, Federal Whistleblower, stewwebb@sierranv.net (702) 362-9567
Prescott Bush was surely aghast at a sensational article the New York Herald Tribune splashed on its front page in July 1942. "Hitler's Angel Has 3 Million in US Bank,"read the headline above a story reporting that Adolf Hitler's financier had stowed the fortune in Union Banking Corp., possibly to be held for "Nazi bigwigs." Bush knew all about the New York bank: He was one of its seven directors. BOSTON GLOBE 4/23/2001
John Loftus, former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes investigator and President of the Florida Holocaust Museum, is quoted as saying: "The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich." Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000
Subj: king george strikes again...
Date: 12/30/01 6:32:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
after such tremendous success prior to 9/11/01, it should come as no surprise to see that our intelligence agencies are now being given a properly increased budget...
congress, recognizing their brilliance, has yet to formally request of them what they have been doing with the billions upon billions they have already received and been held unaccountable for...
and now king george wants to let them keep their billion dollar boondoggles secret from congress...whose silence will again be deafening...
makes perfect cents...
NEW WORLD ORDER & GLOBAL ELITE The Nazi-ization of America
THIS IS CIVILIZATION? Global capitalism most barbaric economic system in history
Date: 12/31/01 11:39:19 PM Pacific Standard Time
Kent, play the Mpeg this is amazing and thought provoking and the best thing I have seen yet in video....send to all your friends.
http://www.guerrillanews.com./redux/ video
EDITOR: I remember in my boyhood that the world still seemed to have great leaders: Churchill, Nehru, deGaulle, Meier, Eisenhower; now it seems the world only has great gassy buffoons: Blair, Bush, Sharon, Hussein...
..."The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand [or believe]..." Excerpt from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf
Miscellaneous Awesome Stuff |
GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories by Robert Lederman When President Bush spoke of "outrageous conspiracy theories" he was for the first time acknowledging something of great significance. There are informed viewpoints completely missing from the propaganda war being relentlessly waged on Americans about 9/11 and its aftermath, viewpoints which are as opposite from the official story as it is possible to get.
The Bush administrations' official story has three basic premises. To briefly summarize, the first is that Islamic terrorists based in Afghanistan who hate American freedom plotted and executed an attack on America - an attack which the U.S. government had no prior knowledge of nor any connection to. The second premise is that in order to wage and win a war on terrorism we must invade Afghanistan and every other nation harboring, funding or otherwise supporting terrorists and that a simultaneous suspension of domestic civil liberties is necessary for internal security. The third basic premise is that our government is all good while theirs is the very personification of evil, the "evil-doers" as President Bush likes to call them.
The "conspiracy theories" Bush is referring to similarly have three basic premises and many divergent subsets. The first is that the attack was known about (and possibly, planned) by various elements of the U.S. government before 9/11 and was allowed to take place in order to bring about certain conditions, including the suspension of our guaranteed civil liberties. The second premise is that even if bin Laden and the al Queda network based in Afghanistan were immediately responsible for the attack that those supporting, funding and protecting them are not for the most part based in Afghanistan but are in fact closely connected to the Bush administration and to the allies President Bush has taken such efforts to rally to our side. The third premise is that a U.S. built oil pipeline through Afghanistan which has been in the planning stages for more than a decade is the real goal of the war and that a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was in the works long before September 11th. more
We are surrounded by fire! Please pray for us. Thank you. |
Date: 12/30/01 9:53:24 PM Pacific Standard Time
Dear Kent,
Boy oh Boy tons a goodies here to feast your eyes on.....why Kent do I smell a skunk? I think we are about to get our asses handed to us. Whore media is spinning this all wrong.
Mark my words. "if" India doesn't get it's Enron disaster relief in form of complete reimbursement they will launch "MAJOR" offensive in Kashmir to completely occupy it which will immediately draw in the Chinese. as they will go for Taiwan immediately and test mildly the Indian borders with minor skirmishes for future engagement intelligence. No one gives Indians much credit. They are slick bastards. They will wait till the Iran thing is peaking and move if unsatisfied as mentioned earlier. The Chinese aren't going to wait till that anti-ship missile is deployable and their Political puppets lose even more footing in Taiwanese Government. Coalition will falter....Saudi jumps ship with Iran....Jordan Syria get hammered by Israel as Saddam will To bolster Arab support for his ONE Islam Ideology in fighting American Hegemony, attack Israel with Bio tipped Scuds. I saw a recent report that there was only "One" confirmed mobile Scud hit since and including the gulf war to present. All Scuds they "talk " about destroying were hardened permanent launch sites.
Furthermore our success will depend upon our treatment of Pakistan. I feel we are getting ready to make a huge mistake. I think the US is waiting till Pakistan brings its missile's out into the open and is going to destroy them as has been intended for some time. This will break the camel's back so to speak and the Tinder box will blow and we will see horrific Terrorism here in America simultaneously. It sucks being a realist in this insane world.
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/geostrategy-direct/ India, Pakistan prepare nukes, troops for war
60,000 Flee Kashmir Amid India-Pak Military Build-Up, Shelling We will win nuclear war, says India
Families of Sept. 11 victims fight for change
The Euro, Gold and the Dollar France Investigates Israeli Banks For Money-Laundering
The Horsemen Of The Economic Apocalypse
Biggest Winner In Afghan War - Russia? EARTH-MOUNTAIN VIEW
Mosques Closed; Muslims gone: Attack imminent? The US On The World Stage - A Rogue Nation?
India, Pakistan prepare for war Argentina Ending 2001 Leaderless and Penniless
Date: 12/28/01 2:41:03 PM Pacific Standard Time
If bin Laden is in China hiding out. We may not get to him. Unless the Chinese willingly give him up. Since the Chinese have been selling arms to the midlleeast and others involved in terrorist activities and are making money too ( USA's #1 export is weapons and arms). Do we want to take on the Chinese to get Bin Laden? OR North Korea. China's involvement in all this has been suppressed or a gross over sight in the media of their involvement. China would also stand to gain the most if America's economic and military might were weakened.
Boom, Bust and Echo: A Dark Theory Behind Black Tuesday Michael Ruppert: From the moment it happened we began hearing the name Osama bin Laden and there is an enormous body of evidence building already that Osama bin Laden is not and was not capable of pulling this off by himself. Period.
Blair message ties Britain's future to euro TONY BLAIR will herald the imminent arrival of the euro today by saying that the currency's success is "massively in our interests".
Airline passengers face more intrusive security screening
Common Mycoplasmas -Now Weaponized, Pathogenic & Deadly
IMF may change rescue efforts after Argentine crisis
Establishment Mouthpiece Will's Call For Mass Moslem Civilian Killings
Bush shifts focus of war away from bin Laden Gold - This is the bottom line
Were the 9-11 Hijackers Really Arabs? Maybe Not US missile shortage delays Iraq strike
Stitching Together a New World Order Quilt, or...The New World Order Flag
Stargods Mosques Closed; Muslims gone: Attack imminent?
Reid 'used web to buy explosives' 'My son was brainwashed' The father of alleged "shoe bomber" Richard Reid said today his son must have been "brainwashed" to want to blow up a plane.
Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral Scores of US soldiers wounded in Afghanistan have been arriving at the Khanabad air base in southern Uzbekistan - far more than official reports suggest
New day for Europe Nothing quite like it has ever been attempted before. On "E-Day" -- January 1, 2002 -- 50 billion coins and 14.5 billion new banknotes will become legal tender overnight in the 12 countries which have chosen to adopt a single currency and become part of "euroland.
An 11th-hour conversion as Germans abandon the mark
New Mexico church plans Harry Potter book burning
Columbine motion accuses cop of killing Denver officer named in bid for reinstatement of Rohrbough family's case
13 Pak soldiers killed as border hots up Russian Senate Ratifies Nuclear Cooperation Pact With Iran
USA Today - Vigilantes Take Up Arms, Vow To Expel 'Muslim Filth'
Banking Wackyness or something more? PATRICK BUCHANAN: THE ABOLITION OF CHRISTMAS
In October 2000 Cryptome learned of an apparent CIA function located at Bend, Oregon, by browsing the Gov Whois, which listed it under the domain of ISTAC.gov
US Army Training For Urban Warfare
The Central Intelligence Agency has for the first time confirmed that a high-ranking Nazi general placed his anti-Soviet spy ring at the disposal of the United States during the early days of the Cold War. The National Archives said in a release Wednesday that the CIA had filed an affidavit in U.S. District Court "acknowledging an intelligence relationship with German General Reinhard Gehlen that it has kept secret for 50 yearr...UPI 9/20/2000
EIR Blows Israeli Spies' Coverin Sept. 11 Case Deported Druid Becomes Cause Celebre
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New bin Laden tape to be broadcast by al-Jazeera TV, says CNN 12/26/2001 15:29 2 3 4 5 LONDON (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s mother was quoted in a British newspaper on Sunday as saying she believes a videotape of her son, which the United States says proves he had prior knowledge of the September 11 attacks, was a fake. PAKISTAN: Evidence, History Says Otherwise |
India Bans Pakistan Airline Bin Laden Tells United States Its End Is Imminent
India Campaigns For US ToMake Pakistan Next Target US investigating whether nukes in country
Military: Terrorism fought outside Afghanistan Military action against terrorists under way outside Afghanistan
What does this tell us? Unmanned plane takes flight in rural Sonoma County
Nuclear Missiles 'in Position' India, Pakistan Head Toward War
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. Hermann Goering, Hitler's #2 Man
ALTERNATE ENERGY DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Old Cosmic law: when the ORCS are off clattering for war, a certain amount of shall we say, COSMIC FREEDOM, is released. The usual barricades are down because of the distractions. GO FOR IT NOW! The Little Engine That Could Be NICOLA TESLA'S AUTOMOBILE Bearden Group awarded patent on Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Alternative Energy Developers Fusion power 'within reach'
War on Terrorism Thoughts - Timeline MILITARY.COM DEBKAfile STATE DEPT. CRYPTOME Angels Intranet ARABIA.COM VILLAGE VOICE SURVIVAL DATABASE GlobalSecurity.org PROMED Mail CDC CCOPS: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States WTC TOWER REPORTS 2 3 NEW GHOST MISSILE 2 3* Ziggy's Huge WTC image archive EDITOR: the term, *missile, used in the general sense Enormous data base of info on Bin Laden Robert Lederman THE AFGHAN KILLING FIELDS: BLOOD FOR OIL/GAS TO CHINA PART 2" US "SECRET" PLANS FOR AFGHANISTAN PART 3: SILK ROAD, THE BUSH/BINLADEN/CHENEY LINKS
.Follow events as they unfold in Afghanistan, through the eyes of two foreign TV 24/7 online news services. Aljazeera TV Qatar, is an Arab news channel currently used by CNN and can be viewed live at: http://www.aljazeera.net/live.asx.
Sign up for PayPal here, great secure way to...well you know...help ORBIT
NEWCOMERS: this effort, although many send reports, boils down to one old frazzled guy, me, Kent. page one page two page three page four page five page five page six page seven page eight page nine page ten page eleven page twelve page thirteen page fourteen page fifteen page sixteen page seventeen page eighteen page nineteen page twenty page twenty-one page twenty-two page twenty-three page twenty-four page twenty-five page twenty-six page twenty-seven page twenty-eight page twenty-nine