To make interstellar travel believable NASA was created. The Apollo Space Program foisted the idea that man could travel to, and walk upon, the moon. Every Apollo mission was carefully rehearsed and then filmed in large sound stages at the Atomic Energy Commissions Top Secret test site in the Nevada Desert and in a secured and guarded sound stage at the Walt Disney Studios within which was a huge scale mock-up of the moon... |
NASA realises that their mission to Mars will not work, and instead of risking a cut in government funding because of the error, fake the mission in a studio on Earth. The astronauts are unwilling to cooperate after a while, and so NASA decides to 'kill' them, announcing their re-entry capsule's destruction upon contact with Earth's atmosphere. All that's left is for the astronauts to be killed in real life, so they can never reveal the truth. In an edge-of-the-seat chase, the astronauts split up and head across the desert, with NASA helicopters in hot pursuit.
Subj: Kent.
The Micky Mouse Moon
Date: 8/30/00 10:14:43
PM Pacific Daylight Time
In response to the skeptics on the Van Allen Belt
and the impossibility of us going to the moon. Look at this link.
Yes its on the Nasa site, however, not everyone in this world believes the
Mickey Mouse Moon Landing Theory. I suggest people study any questions they
have themselves before believing anything anyone has to say. Great sight,
I find it very Entertaining.
EDITOR: I recall hearing a taped lecture given at Fresno State University in the early Seventies. Apparently NASA called a conference including scientists, psychologists and also Native American Elders to discuss the problem: how to protect astronauts from the deadly effect of radiation, specifically cosmic rays. Moonrocks were also discussed: apparently the artifacts had begun to increase in mass. The Indian Elders decreed to take them back, a rape of the Grandmother. Another point discussed was a communication with Tibetan Lamas regarding a mind-twisting wave to be generated artificially, identified as a "disrupter." SLEUTHS?
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![]() "When the galactic core is exploding and shooting out the cosmic rays, you would see the blue light. That's the center of the galaxy, and the blue light is more from the cosmic rays. [Normally], there's so much dust between us and the center of the galaxy that you don't really see light from the center....As days and weeks go on, you begin to see more stuff around the blue star. It would start to back-light cosmic dust clouds in the sky....Right at the first instant, there would be an electromagnetic pulse wave; it could give a large radiation dosewhether it would be lethal or not, that would depend on the size of the outburst...."
"Lie" About Their Ages -- Another Hit For Hoagland's Hyperdimensional Physics
Date: 8/30/00 11:03:02 PM
Pacific Daylight Time
Kent...was reading about your "blue flashes" and they were seen last summer
and several times since then west/'east of "the Dalles" Oregon ...and always
to me it seemed during an "Solar Storm" and sometimes "light" earthquakes
in the area afterwards...
Stefan's Tesla-Pages (Lightning page Current Lightning Research
![]() Artificial lightning of 5,000,000 volts is now produced in the experimental lightning laboratory of the General Electric Company at Pittsfield, Mass., F.W. Peek, consulting engineer, told the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The previous record was 3,600,000 volts, but higher voltages are now obtained by the use of a radically new method which, in effect, throws into series four or more of the smaller lightning generators. Welcome to Tesla Systems Research Tesla Wild Inventions Tesla Information Tesla The Tunguska Explosion Colorado Springs |
Shopping online? Autos, travel, apparel, entertainment, everything under the sun.
UFO in tornado from May, 1999 Blood Predator Chupacabra Animo It Came From Outer Space
Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
Xray Flux Proton Flux .Electron Flux. Magnetometer. Kp Index
8/24/00 11:06 C2 |
8/26/00 12:15 C2 |
8/25/00 19:19 EIT ANIMO |
8/28/00 01:19 EIT
The Solar Probe will fly as close to the Suns surface as is technologically feasible today. It is being sent to the Sun because the physics of the flow of energy through the Suns surface and into its atmosphere and the causes of both slow and fast solar wind are not understood. EDITOR: has the skunkworks been tossing stuff at the sun for a while? |
Kent, you will note that a common thread appears through most of the literature...the potential for very, very rapid change. And this is not coming from wild-eyed millenialists. It is coming from orthodox science.
EDITOR: is it me or does the world seem more HAUNTED than ever!
Urgent Action: "UN Millennium Assembly" September 6-10, 2000
Ports of Gaol: "Eggs Files" for
[GOV] Military call up for Oct 15th?
Date: 8/29/00 10:41:39 PM
Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent, Check the chain of the following articles
- see what you think! All I gotta say is hope someone is paying
Date: 8/29/00 11:57:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Want to query anyone about the use of utility companies transmitting certain things on their lines?.....say perhaps: certain brainwave frequencies.
Date: 8/29/00 7:21:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Melatonin is directly mentioned in this article.... here is a piece of the puzzle.... it says...Electrical lines linked to suicides..........PEOPLE exposed to power lines and electrical machinery at work are at a greater risk of suicide, an American study has shown.
Power line workers or electricians were up to twice as likely to die by suicide, possibly because the electromagnetic fields to which they were exposed made them depressed by reducing the production of the "mood hormone" melatonin, Dr David Savitz and his colleagues from the University of North Carolina say.
Power Line Communications Capabilities
Serotonin levels controlled by negative ions Serotonin, Depression, etc.
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EDITOR: I added the logo-button so that my readers will be aware of the anti-UN movement. I will study the campaign myself. I spend much effort to investigate seemingly dangerous technologies as well as deadly-disinfo perpetrated by covert special interests. When will wayward institutions and spooky rogues, following no human directive, stop screwing around with earth and life on the earth? I want truth! I do certainly challenge the control aspect of the seedy NWO, but if we pull out of the UN will we then take the next vital step: to expose the pissy homegrown control-freaks lurking inside our own picket fence? |
World government by September?
EDITOR: I wonder what the real deal is? "Outside"intervention?
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With Eddie Middleton and the Night Search Team |
IN RETURN: THE ARTIST'S MOST CHERISHED CREATION Date: 7/26/00 5:05:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time To Daddy bear and the lovely Leah - thank you! I laughed, I almost cried, I chuckled with glee, and at times the tingles ran up my spine. I was in danger of losing the magic but now it's back and it's powerful! See you in the Enchanted Forest. Love, Elf .
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