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Date: 4/27/03 7:45:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time Hey, Kent- Have a look at the EIT images for today.... Just above the 9:30 o'clock position, there appears a distinct outline, [resembles an eagle's head in some views, a pyramid in others]. This image appears to 'swing into view' as the sun rotates on it's axis! http://www.spacew.com/eit/index.html, [Great image at 0105UT 03APR28], http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs/20030428_0105_eit_284.gif http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs/20030428_0100_eit_171.gif http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs/20030428_0048_eit_195 LOOK HOW IT MORPHED, ROTATED BUT THE STRUCTURE IS STILL THERE http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs_small/20030429_2048_eit_195.gif |
Lakota Grandfather's Directive, April 2002: Watch the Sun Nov 2004 is anticipated by some traditional Elders to be a time of change and happenings [the earth's spin is engineered or conducted by the sun, but the sun will withdraw electrogravitational forces (no, the sun won't go out, quite the opposite) leaving the earth to wobble by momentum only and to align to a new spin--Kent]. The Elder spoke of the increasing need for sunscreen for everyone.
Weird Unprecedented Proton Spikes |
Date: 4/26/03 12:37:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, Check out gaps on X-Ray flux and mpg movie. Movie shows 15 hour gap!! X-Ray flux has blank spaces. Also hyperactive M-class flaring. VERY NOTEWORTHY, IMHO. http://www.maj.com/sun/noaa.html LATEST/current_c2small.mpg |
A new look at a skywatcher mystery
ORBIT exclusive by Dennis Rau and Lisa Osborne
Reactor Incident in Moscow? CAM
Animation from
4/26/03 CAM [seems to do
a special pan -out to show a smoke cloud, unsure if this involves a nuke
There has been a denial by authorities, rather strange: Greenpeace activists have inspected the forecourt of the Institute and found no trace of a radiation leak...
Tornado near Denver International Airport
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Date: 4/17/03 4:17:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time I pop by your site to see if anybody has noticed anything (Radar rings, ELF pulses, solar activity) but I've been surprised that nobody cross reference with Total Electron counts. Take for example your "witch storm". I've been noticing a symmetry the last few days again and when I looked at it the night before last the western edge of the red zone match the western edge of the Witch storm. I have noticed quite often the TEC correlates to unusual weather patterns. MORE |
Date: 4/24/03 6:12:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, Help!!!. Since last weekend, this has been the best opportunity for collecting data I've ever seen, the events are still currently in effect. Please forward this to your contacts. I need ANY Image Data from the last week. I've collected so much from last weekend that I'm still compiling video streams and analysis. I've missed a lot this week. If anybody has ANY North American/US Composite, IR, Visible or any other Sat images, PLEASE send copies to bardsquill@aol.com. Any TEC data is also appreciated. All info is valuable when added to the "big" picture. Current data and analysis is posted at http://home.sprintmail.com/~nhm/WatchMatrix/EICMP.htm http://home.sprintmail.com/~nhm/WatchMatrix/TecArchive-NA.htm
Main page access is: http://home.sprintmail.com/~nhm/WatchMatrix/index.htm
Last four hours on The Weather Channel Something Strange goin on in ANTARCTICA
2003/05/01 00:27:04 38.99N 40.46E 10.0 6.4 EASTERN TURKEY
2003/04/30 08:38:44 43.46N 110.74W 10.0 3.2 WYOMING
2003/04/30 04:56:22 35.94N 89.89W 24.6 3.7 TENNESSEE
2003/04/29 10:44:39 7.02S 103.70E 33.0 5.8 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
2003/04/29 08:59:36 34.55N 85.50W 5.0 4.5 ALABAMA
2003/04/28 07:32:26 36.88N 104.94W 5.0 3.7 NEW MEXICO
2003/04/27 22:57:44 8.15S 71.53W 557.8 6.0 WESTERN BRAZIL
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Comet Neat, PX & the upcoming Earth Mars dance!
NOTE: Comet V1 interacted most closely with Mercury [Mercury territory] and Merc will be on the LASCO screen in early May..Watch for more bands of debris.
Stardust's First Pictures of Asteroid Annefrank Released Hubble captures 'perfect storm' in space
STRANGE NIBIRU ARTICLE: Nibiru Fear Mongers are Creating Needless Panic / NASA ACKNOWLEDGES PLANET X? Is it time for a serious discussion of the evidence of Planet X? Planet X Is A Stargate
Satellite to Impact over Equatorial Region 40 Countries at risk Oceans suggest life beyond
ever accidently light yourself on fire? Seems cosmic, dunno why...maybe
Planet X, earth changes and an xploding suns don´t count-- human folly
Updated daily
by Yeshe Dorje
...the dream is compelling me to facilitate its telling...
The End of Death: ´Soul Catcher´ in 2025. What are your thoughts?
Experienced Astral Travellers: It takes a long time to adjust to the dynamics of the astral plane, sometimes many years. The astral is only the in-between place, go beyond. Once you zing through the Astral (Middle Earth), and go into the Source, in a sense you have made it, you are there. It is frustrating to re-polarize back to hamburgerland, the sensory world, because the tethers are vague and the brain-mind feels cheated; you might bust a gut trying to "go back." Calm down, be patient, you are already there, probably always have been. Rather than trying to rip off another "at-one-ment", let the Force do you instead, safer that way. You won´t make the mistake of cooking up another useless cult or two. Just being a hollow flute is ironically enough damn work.--Kent
Hummm, US Military Leaving Saudi Arabia Report: U.S. Troops Fire on Iraq Crowd, 10 Dead 2
Meet the "Family" Undercover among America's secret theocrats Disinfopedia Main Page
Can An Entire Country Go Mad? Had an ex-wife that went to Sweden, came back all screwed up. Dummass Swedes, ought to free them...
Congressional pork spending leaves taxpayers hamstrung Our Congress just passed a bill to fund the war in Iraq. The bill provided $80 billion for the war. Few would be opposed to such spending, so our congressmen jumped on the bill and added $20 billion for pork. They added $8 billion for foreign aid -- $1 billion to Turkey, $1 billion to Israel, $700 million for Jordan and millions even to the countries that Bush listed as terrorist havens. On the home front, they added $3.2 billion for airline bailouts, $125 million for more security for Congress, $215 million for agriculture, $5.5 million for the Library of Congress and even $1 million to build a UFO museum. Congress has increased spending by 22 percent in the last two years. We are now $6.5 trillion in debt.
Revealed: How the Road to War was Paved with Lies Intelligence agencies accuse Bush and Blair of distorting and fabricating evidence in rush to war
Munitions explosion kills civilians Enraged Iraqis protest ammo dump´s location
U.S. Commander Franks Faces Belgium 'Genocide' Case BRUSSELS -- US Allied Forces Commander, General Tommy Franks, and a second, unnamed party, could face trial in Belgium for war crimes under the country's amended genocide law after four Belgian doctors lodged a complaint in Brussels.
Riddle me this, lots of money found in Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Hundreds of Iraqis were rallying against the United States on Saturday after a cache of confiscated weapons exploded in southern Baghdad, killing six people, according to the U.S. military, and 14, according to residents.
Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words? And now the bombs are falling, incinerating and humiliating that ancient civilization...
Hussein Given Safe Haven in Belarus?
The day of the jackals Fox News Engineer Charged With Smuggling Stolen Iraqi Paintings, Bonds More Looter Investigations US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public THE LIBERATION RAGES ON Shattered Iraqi Hospitals Struggle to Recover 'Saddam Hussein alive, Republican Guards lying in wait'
Secret American Space Planes to Dominate Planet Earth
The curse of the privileged man, he has everything to lose or gain, as is the same for all.--Kent
Date: 4/26/03 10:58:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, Like usual we're the last to be told the truth. I've been tracking epidemiology for a while. Here's two new pages for you with current info links. http://home.sprintmail.com/~nhm/WatchMatrix/Alerts-SARS.htm and also http://home.sprintmail.com/~nhm/WatchMatrix/Alerts-Health.htm
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World's first hydrogen service station opens in Iceland "In time, what is happening in Iceland will show to the rest of the world that hydrogen fuel is a real, commercial possibility that will lead to a cleaner, pollution-free environment," Industry Minister Valgerdir Sverrisdottir said at an opening ceremony on Iceland's official First Day of Summer. Another hydrogen station is to open in Hamburg, Germany, in May, and others will follow in major cities in the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, Belgium, and Sweden. Forum |
EDITOR: If I was an Iraqi I´d open up hydrogen-power and allow the Neanderthal oil-buffons to go play in the muck to their blackheart´s content.
Genesis World Energy Introduces Revolutionary Automotive Hydrogen Fuel Generation Device [email s received in urge toward a cautious investigation of these specific devices]
Z produces fusion neutrons, Sandia scientists confirm
Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car Forum SUNDAY HERALD COLUMN -- April 23, 2003 THE END OF THE OIL |
ORBIT CD The Secrets of Everything!
650 megs of orbit archives, took me three weeks to compile. Takes
all morning to copy/produce ten or more here on my CD burner, add insert,
package. I do treat the project like a Printmaker's craft, sign, edition
each item. CD DEMO Page. I have already
lost around 100 megs of Internet files because of an old retired server beyond
my control--many missing
images--however preserved on CD. I might have to intentionally remove
more data on my main server to make room for new. There is also the looming
possibility of Internet sectors collapse or hack.
Materials and postage about $4.00 my cost. I've sent them out free to many supporters and folks that are broke, other donations range from about $10.00 to more (general Orbit support). Don't worry about it. Let me send on approval before the Net becomes of negative interest to the TPTB. Best to do a snailmail request or I get lost. If you request by email make sure you put clearly in subject line ORBIT CD or I may not see it. If you have requested prior and I missed it do, ORBIT CD YOU SENILE OLD COOT! Make sure you send a separate snailmail or email after a paypal donation with intended request for CD. SNAILMAIL ADDY: Kent Steadman; 425 S. 156th Street #119A; Seattle, WA 98148 |
SIMPLE PAYPAL DONATION [gratis tip to keep it going]
Thanks to Great Patrons: living artists need patrons need artists, an ancient tradition towards a golden culture.
Blessed are we the paupers of prayerful panhandling. We beseech you, then, oh Saints, open your holy hearts and wallets, and let us in. ---Marjorie Maddox |
Thanks for your generous help on appeal 4/22, keeps me plodding on.
[These Pages in Constant Update]