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Planet-X: Time Rolling Up?
Date: 4/1/02 3:52:40 PM Pacific Standard Time
As Earth's rotational momentum begins to decrease, the law of the conservation of energy should cause core temperatures and subsequent geologic stress to increase in an inversely proportional manner. http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=29032002-101248-3039r
Over the next 6 months, take note if normally accurate time pieces increasingly gain time relative to the "observed" rate of Earth's spin. As an experiment, you may wish to leave TWO precisely set, independently ACCURATE time pieces unrecalibrated with any future time-checks to serve as benchmarks. Over the next 6 months, compare "official" time sources (Internet atomic clocks) against these benchmark time pieces to observe and track if there is a steady increase in the amount of time they gain with each passing month.
on 9-11)
9/11>>![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Stopping Light This improbable feat -- stopping light -- was accomplished by two teams. One was led by Ron Walsworth, a physicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the other by Lene Hau of Harvard University's Department of Physics. Walsworth's group used warm rubidium vapors to pause their laser beam; Hau's group used a super-cold sodium gas to do the same thing.
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![]() ORBIT exclusive by Dennis Rau and Lisa Osborne |
Sharon seeks OK from Bush on Arafat
Brokers a Surrender at West Bank Site Mideast: Stream of 250 men
and women leaves ruins of Palestinian compound run by a security chief with
ties to the CIA. Sharon threatens to exile Arafat.
Red Mercury And The Strange
Case Of Delmart Vreeland Last week I interviewed Vreeland, who claims
to possess official Russian documents stolen from Moscow that link the Kremlin
to the Sept. 11 terrorist assault and to a planned Iraqi nuclear attack against
U.S. cities using Russian red mercury fusion devices... Last Saturday I spoke
with Sam Cohen, a U.S. nuclear weapons expert credited with inventing the
neutron bomb. I asked Cohen how he would answer critics who ridicule the
idea of red mercury fusion. According to Cohen,
"These people don't understand the laws of
physics." He further stated that red mercury "is a compound with tremendous
energy density." In all likelihood, Russia has successfully fabricated this
compound using "ultra high pressure technology," Cohen explained. "You knock
all these electrons out so it's not the same atom. It pulls a lot more energy
per gram than any other explosive that I've ever heard of."
The Un-holy City 2 And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? Yeats Ben Wedeman: Reporters can't get near church
Bush Has Only Days to Stop Global Criminal Court
Chemical and Biological Weapons: Possession and Programs Past and Present
The Case for Sedition: High Crimes of the Bush Cabal (Part 1)
Citizens For Legitimate Government Jordan Maxwell Interview
Stupid White Men : And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the
FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT: El-Lizzie's Boy Scouts.................Appropriate other "eL-Toons"
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The Original Thirteenth Article
of Amendment To The Constitution For The United States
"If any citizen of the United States shall
accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall
without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension,
office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince,
or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States,
and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them,
or either of them."
Appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath by H.M.Queen Elizabeth:
George Bush, former U.S. President; Ronald Reagan, former U.S. President; Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell, U.S. Military Generals; Caspar Weinberger, former U.S. Secretary of Defense (Reagan); John Paul Getty II, U.S. billionaire businessman; Admiral Leighton W Smith Jr., who recently retired from the United States Navy.
GOOD NEWS! (I hope, unless it spans retribution from the infernal oil-pirates, oil paradigm on last gasp) Patents are not granted on devices which do not work, so in a sense this announcement proclaims a new era. Bill Morgan
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![]() Bearden |
MEG Scalar Energy Device
Patented - Production Starts Next Year
The Motionless
Electromagnetic Generator, Extracting Energy from a Permanent Magnet
with Energy-Replenishing from the Active
Vacuum How it
Why it Works,
The Simple Explanation
Date: 4/6/02 7:43:05 AM Pacific Standard Time
Dr. Robert Park of the American Physical Society, the High Priest of Orthodox Dogma, has officially dismissed Col. Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, U.S. Patent No. 6,362,718. http://www.aps.org/WN/ This will be sufficient to keep any academics from claiming Col. Bearden's work, and will keep the academics out of scalar research for the next 25 to 30 years. Just don't plan on publishing anything in the field in Science or Nature. While you are on the site, check out the archives of all of Dr. Park's writings. This is an advanced course in the proper application of the scientific method by Inquisition. Actually reading the claims of what is commented on is not necessary and is discouraged. Just take his word for it. While you are at it, also give thanks that we have academics like Dr. Park and the government to tell all of us ignorant sheep what to think.
![]() THE TIME PUMP: Scalar EM Research - The TEP Project 2 More scalar |
Not-So-Free Energy, or The Sinking of Atlantis Date: 3/31/02 9:17:08 PM Pacific Standard Time Hi Kent, Am I the only one who thinks it might be a little dangerous to take "time" (E=deltaC2 or Energy=change in time multiplied by the constant speed of light squared) from the fourth dimension and use it to power cars in the 3rd? (Why does the phase "time to burn" keep coming to mind? <G>) Does this reverberate in any way to the holes in time ripped by the Philadelphia/Montauk experiments? Now we'll have something more like a gazillion "perferations"? I mean the last thing I want is a little 4th dimensional bleed through! Isn't this where all the ghouls live? <G> |
EDITOR: if this energy is tapped ftom a hyperdimensional reality, then what is this thing-land we live in? If a cube casts a 2D shadow, does a hypercube cast a 3D shadow, a cube-shadow, a human-shadow, a universe-shadow? So we now tap 4D like we should have done a hundred years ago! Unleashing the Creator?
EDITOR: a sunken city built by
ancient man, or a city built by intelligent Aquatic Beings. [The
2, who could live on
land but dwelled mostly in the sea, were part fish, like merfolk (mermaids
and mermen). Similar creatures have been noted in other ancient civilizations
-- Babylonias Oannes, Acadias Ea, Sumers Enki, and
Egypts goddess Isis. It was from the Nommos that the Dogon claimed
their knowledge of the
heaven.] Comments
Experts urge race against time to unearth last secrets of Herculaneums lost library
Date: 4/2/02 7:19:18 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hi, Rome was not built in a day........Last summer somewhere in Georgia at a roadside farm store I found a piece of stone among others being used as paper weights. It was a hand axe. Hand axes belong to an earlier period of stone technology not in use by Native Americans upon their arrival on the North American continent and prior to the arrival of Europeans. The use of hand axes had pretty much ended before the onset of the last Ice age and were common tools in use by Neanderthal and Homo Erectus in Europe, Africa and Asia. So what on earth is a hand axe doing in Georgia and what in the name of sweet Jesus has it got to do with sunken Cities off the West coast of Cuba? It could all inevitably point to the new theory that people have been in the Americas a lot longer than previously believed and developed independently and made contact and traded with the early civilizations of the Mediterranean corroborating the stories of a certain Greek geezer about a city called Atlantis.
![]() Dear Kent, the interpretation of the milk hill fractal crop circle as a galactic spiral is interesting, but please see the attached graphics of a collapsed 4 dimensional sphere into a 3d torus (as shown by the 2d diagram). More |
Force Fields and 'Plasma' Shields Get Closer to Reality Harvard M.D.Challenges Big Bang Theory
A New Laser For War And Peace Waiting For Phasers Quark Science Powers FEL
Physics professor confident his time machine will work
Oldest-known Solar Eclipse Recorded in Stone
This is worth it |
Date: 3/30/02 5:27:03 AM Pacific Standard Time There is an M-Class Flare NOW. SOHO is down! |
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Date: 4/1/02 5:21:21 AM Pacific Standard Time
Seeing that down spike on http://www.maj.com/sun/noaa.html -- wondered -- what the heck would cause that? Never seen that one-- if the signal sent from a satellite-- should we be looking for the passing of a nearby stellar body w/ either enough gravity to pull the signal next to nil, or-- to physically block the straightline x-ray path to the sensors-- or worse yet, a massive denormalizing change in the regulatory mechanism of old Sol... The consistency in timing and magnitude of these drop-outs rules out the possibility that they are a natural occurrence. Is this a communications / programming glitch or possibly interference created by a powerful land-based electromagnetic source the satellite passes over every 24 hours, such as a highly stressed fault line or a powered-up scalar weapon? Is there any way to determine where GOES-8 was located when both of these occurred?
SOLVED: Because they orbit in the
equatorial plane, around spring and fall equinoxes, the geosynchronous satellites
like GOES experience daily, brief periods of eclipse (Earth shadow) that
blocks sunlight from the solar panels and they temporarily lose power and
data collection ability. See:
This results in the glitch you saw, (which has since been scrubbed out
of the data as it would skew any automated digital data processing.)
The GOES satellites providing these data are not in exactly the same
orbit so their eclipses will occur at different times and thus show
up in the data at different times, but it does occur at roughly the
same time of day.
Strange Vibres and The Current State Of The Sun
Really stunning new photos
of mars
Search for Life on Mars
on Mars hopes raised
Date: 4/3/02 8:27:29 AM Pacific Standard Time
Fire works? They won't even define where the comet is....... i.e., which constellation? Must be a big secret........yet any fool can figure it out. http://www.space.com/spacewatch/comet_utsunomiya_020403.html
FD6 Flyby on April 6th, less than a million miles out.
Sleuths, heard a quick headline
on MSNBC about an even near-miss between earth and moon. Here it is,
1950 DA, 878 years until potential impact, whew, will probably wipe out
cockroaches only.
Uncontrolled rocket re-entry warning The re-entry is uncontrolled
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Date: 4/4/02 5:17:24 PM Pacific Standard Time
This is a strange one! Evidently Japanese astronomers have found an identified
satellite. Not such a big deal until you look at the size of the object.
50 meters in diameter!!! If my math is correct that's over 164 feet in diameter.
Hmmmm!! How do you launch something that big? They say it is currently visible
in the southeastern sky.
Vreeland interview
Subj: In light of the taiwan earthquake Date: 3/31/02 7:59:59 AM Pacific Standard Time Kent, Could you take a look at the email I sent last night about the radar in taiwan, I've attached another picture in the series, let me know if you want all 12. Date: 3/31/02 12:11:05 PM Pacific Standard Time Kent, keep your eyes on that Taiwan radar page, still looking like stuff is going on over there, 3Pm EST Date: 4/1/02 11:12:59 AM Pacific Standard Time Are you seeing this stuff? Watch out for another quake is what I'm thinking... This scenario happened before, Seattle quake. Suspect China, with its legends of geomancy, now in the scalar-era. China assembles missiles near coast facing Taiwan XIZANG Comments SOLUTION? Still watching... EDITOR: hunch attack: "The theory was that underground nuclear explosions could trigger earthquakes far from the site of the original blast. Researchers speculated the destructive force released would be many times greater than the nuclear blast, that it could be directed toward any point on earth and that there was no way to guard against it." Date: 4/1/02 3:38:34 AM Pacific Standard Time I thought that you might like to have a look at the books of Bruce Cathie an ex-Air New Zealand Airline captain. His Harmonic 333 and 695 books show that infact earthquakes are generated by nuclear weapons explosions and the epicenters can be calculated from the position of the explosion. Among other things his Harmonic calculations are able to achieve are the exact time of detonations during tests (US gov. was very pissed when he published) His site address is: The Gridworks Universe |
Seeing or sensing anything unusual in your area, weather, military movement, strange vibes? Please send email
INTERNET MESSAGE, 7:09 AM PST There has been an increase in flight activity for the past 4 nights in the DC metro area. When I go to work in the morning there are circular clouds left from the chemtrails of the jets that are protecting our air space 24/7 I believe that Radar picture is proof of the increased activity...also Thursday night the Pentagon had parking lots full and helicopters too numerous too count flying around, landing and taking off. I went dancing last night in a club close to DC...the house band said they had never seen such a quiet crowd...people here in the DC area sense something is happening.
FBI warns of possible truck bomb attack, but cites no specifics
Date: 3/30/02 7:02:27 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hello! My mom asked me to go to the KOMO4 news website and see if I could find anything about explosive devices found on an underpass someplace between West I-90 and the connection to I-5. She said she had heard something on the news yesterday and they said that they'd have more info later. I guess that the Bomb squad (?) detonated it but do not know what the heck it was. Well, they never gave any more scoop and I can't find a darn thing about it. Any know anything about this?????
World: Atomic experts examine radioactive cobalt in Kabul
Date: 3/30/02 1:28:29 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hey K Been saving this for a special occasion. Guess this is it. "The Inner World of Jimi Hendrix"
French Best Seller Says US Invented Pentagon Air Attack
Date: 3/29/02 9:05:13 PM Pacific Standard Time
The Chemtrails I am observing tonight (03/29/03) I would estimate at 20,000 ft or below, That is about 1/3 closer than daytime events around the Florida Panhandle I have observed lately. Pale Horsemen on the move? Spinner - F.A.C.T. Floridians Against Chem-Trails
Crews respond to Loop fire, explosion
Date: 3/29/02 9:00:31 PM Pacific Standard Time
Kent, I Always have been an earth sensitive. Getting serious pressure that's indescribable on the brain. ...thinking is clouded and general weakness and more tired than usual. I forgot to mention we got chem hammered yesterday...they trailed right into the night time.......interesting note...that sunny days now start always without any clouds......and the trailing starts and major haze
Date: 3/29/02 8:42:23 PM Pacific Standard Time
This is a usual and unusual report on Chemtrails. I was out about 9:15 CST PM tonight 03/29/02 & we have all kind of planes going back and forth with their little red light blinking spraying us unmercifully. Because of the fullness of the moon tonight its a good one to see what they are up to. While most of them are the normal variety, from observation, that we are all used to. I am seeing tonight some very weird dark gray ones(chemtrails) as well. I always recommend protective gear when it gets this massive but I am wondering .have the pale horsemen begun to ride.
Judicial Watch wants GWHB to resign from Carlyle Group
Date: 4/1/02 8:13:40 PM Pacific Standard Time
Kent, I saw something beyond my comprehension this afternoon in Seattle. I was driving and looked up in the sky at a stoplight and happened to notice a dark object moving through a cloud. It captured my attention because I could not tell what it was. As it moved through the cloud it became clearer that it had an absolutly rectangular shape. There were no wings, it looked like a shadow and I thought when it came out of the cloud that I would be able to see what it was but when it did come out into the blue sky it was still a shadow! It still had the same rectangular shape but it was now blue like the sky. Somehow I could still see it like a shadow on the sky! It was larger than a plane. It filled me with dread and fear like the Nazgul in Lord of the Rings. The light changed and I had to drive on and lost sight of it. What is that?!
CentrEx Alternative News - CHEMTRAIL WATCH
Subj: Mirror Mirror
Date: 4/1/02 9:28:05 PM Pacific Standard Time
nehw elpoep og gnissim, enoemos lliw kool rof meht, yllaicepse fi yeht era tnatropmi ro dloh tnatropmi snoitisop.
nehw ew era dlot yeht erew dellik ro dessap yawa , ydobon skool.
kniht daed stsigoloiborcim dna stsigoloimedipe.
gnihtemos si gniog ot neppah dna yeht deen eseht elpoep dna evah derots meht erehwemos.
Jack rabbits attack walkers in Sonoma County; man bitten, woman forced to evade jack rabbit
Date: 4/2/02 7:50:54 AM Pacific Standard Time
Kent, I was reading an Easter report about someone from England that saw adark beam in front of a chemtrail jet. I have seen that several times here in Maine. Here is a couple of photos I took of this event. These are from 10/9/2001. I watched this jet fly up without this dark line and then it appeared suddenly while it was spraying. There were no other jets above it and it was directly coming out in front so I don't see how it could be a shadow. Thank you for taking this issue seriously! Jim Mathers
Measurements Using HAARP as a Signal Source for the WIND Satellite
Date: 4/4/02 9:46:45 PM Pacific Standard Time
Hello! Do you think it is possible that Kokomo-Hum-type events could be releated to EMF devices as described by Tom Bearden? Ie, the Woodpecker Grid, etc, where whole swaths of EMF manipulation/energy (sorry, I'm a novice in that science) are beamed around the globe for hostile lobbing of Tesla slugs and weather alteration? And, if you're familiar with that work Bearden's), do you think it's true? (I believe we have advanced electo-gravitic technology and zero point enery devices, but all this Tesla-type EMF warfare? Yikes! now I'm really scared...)
Straight from the X-files! But it's all fact! From Scholars, investigators and those with personal experience. Nothing is left untouched: NWO, aliens & abductions, mind control, mass control, covert operations, spiritual awakenings! [Including input by Ye Ol' Editor]
OLD MATEY Many Misty Tales |
cloning project claims progress A woman taking part in a controversial
human cloning programme for infertile couples is now eight weeks pregnant,
revealed Dr Severino Antinori, the well known Italian doctor involved in
the cloning project banned in his home country and the USA.
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