2/10 DRACO |
Date: 2/11/00 4:40:28 PM Pacific Standard Time From: New Millennium: The CME (actually two) that I had sent the bulletin out regarding, is beginning to impact the Earth. continue
Xray Flux Proton Flux .Electron Flux..Magnetometer. Kp Index
2/5/00 21:08-22:00 region 8858
Dragonhatch: Animation |
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Subj: X-Class Flare in Progress... Date: 2/5/00 12:13:16 PM Pacific Standard Time From: hblondel@tampabay.rr.com (New Millennium) An X1.2 Class solar flare has been detected from the GOES 8 and 10 satellites. X-Class flares are the most powerful category of solar flares, and it has been quite some time since we've seen a flare of this magnitude. Additionally, this is (of course) totally contradictory with NASA and the SEC's forecast for only C-Class activity during the period. Certainly a CME would have been coincidental to the flare ... whether it would have been geoeffective (pointed toward) Earth will have to be determined.
According to the SEC, the region responsible for today's X-Class flare is growing and if this growth continues, additional major flares may occur.
Stargates seem to happen in these periods of astounding magnetic anomalies
2/2/00 6:23:24 PM Pacific Standard Time
Please review
the attached two images carefully. It appears that we have another SOHO Spin
Out/ ORCA event.
Here's the 64,000 dollar question: why are the Navy and NASA Images so different.
The Navy is the raw data, why is there a star field present to the right on the NASA image where there is none on the Navy image. Do we have a case of selective editing yet again.
Sleuths should look hard.
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![]() Wonder if this is what they been looking for the last couple of days. Rusty |
Subj: Altered SOHO movies
Date: 2/8/00 9:16:27 PM Pacific
Standard Time
While viewing some of the SOHO movies from the web site this evening, I noticed
that there is something quite wrong with the images being presented. I was
watching a movie of the EIT 195 (green) images and forn a period of several
hours, the clock is changing on the images but the images are not changing
*whatsoever* ... then there is a jump where the Sun rotates a degree or so
to the left and actual movement of the disk and it's features then begins
several frames after that. The period from 1832 to 2117 UTC (24 separately
labeled and time stamped images) are all the same exact image... pixel for
pixel. Obviously something was being covered. When they don't get or offer
new images there are large movement gaps or "jumps" as you would expect ...
they do not simply place an erroneous time stamp on the same image over and
over, just as though it was from each of the new image times.
Date: 2/9/00 8:15:50 PM Pacific Standard
Seen this evening over Santa Rosa, CA: An orange-glowing object approaching
from the south east, moving rapidly towards the north west. Suddenly over
down-town it explodes. It was probably less than 100 feet in the air, seemed
to start ejecting embers just prior to exploding. Unable to determine size,
but possibly less than 1 yard in diameter. At first I thought it was a small
plane flying just below the cloud cover, then perhaps a helicopter, but there
was no noise. It was raining this evening too. Speculation: Perhaps a balloon
with some kind of exploding flare below? But not that windy, and it was moving
quite rapidly. I have never seen anything like this
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Please back up and read the information concerning a wild scenario
at the Giza Plateau. I would suggest that you examine the reports in this
order, left to right:
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Ambilac CorporationPresents:
1/8/00 18:15 |
Two Planes Collide Near Chicago; One Hits Hospital |
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STORY: Tuesday February 8 8:45 PM ET
ZION, Ill. (Reuters) - Chicago's top-rated radio figure and two other people were killed on Tuesday when two small planes collided in mid-air over northern Illinois, one slicing into a hospital roof and the other crashing into a residential street a few blocks away. FLASH RADAR |
Whisperings behind you
A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.
Microwave Hearing - abstracts, references
The Surveilled
American - 'The US In Digital Terror'
A Briefing on
Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons
Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control
High-Energy Collisions Create New Form of Matter
Traces of particles flying out from a collision of lead ions in atom-smashing experiments at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. The experiments have yielded evidence of a new form of matter.
Many physicists found the CERN achievement promising for the next stage of similar research, slated to begin this summer at Brookhaven National Laboratory's new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Long Island.
EMAIL: 08 Feb 2000 08:07:50 PST: the catalyst TiO2RuO2Pt, created in Switzerland separates water into fuel when exposed to sunlight. I just got this and it should be given to your list. Big brother is going to try and squash it. didi feberrus
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January 18, around 18:00 UT a meteorite impact on the moon was observed visually and photographically by different amateur astronomers in Germany. A first picture of the event, which is currently under investigation, was published in several German newspapers. |
You probably already have this info, though I don't see it on quick glance. DRUDGE this morning had a link to this article in The Sun about an asteroid that may hit in 2022. Yeah we've all seen these stories. What caught my eye though was the mention of setting up a task force of "THREE WISE MEN". What an ODD biblical phrase to find in a discussion of science and astronomers.
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Hi, folks. Round One, One punch, and here it is. You know we have gravity, electricity, and magnetism, right? Well, Our Masters have a type of magnet which is created through nuclear chemistry. I'll call it a Nagnet...It is based on nuclear bonding properties on a very large scale. continue |
EDITOR'S COMMENTARY: About harmony, disharmony
and banjo-pickin, a parable.
Early in February, ORBIT will take a limited break,
to re-think, go back through suggestions, maybe finally move to
ANOTHER UPDATE: OKAY! A-gettin ready to move to domain, first step. Please keep the info and sleuths coming in now too. Many powerful issues cooking right now, need all the perspective I can get, even if I'm kinda slow at response. PAST AND FUTURE PATRONAGE MUCH APPRECIATED! Jump aboard the saucer fly to the moon Gonna dip a piece of cheese with my silvery spoon.