Saddam's Xmas message says US,UK creating "catastrophes"
New Afghan Strongman Is Former UNOCAL Consultant (Big Surprise...)
ConSERVatives have no voice in the media?
Burglars With Badges There were some members of Congress who fearedas the Bush-Ashcroft anti-terrorism bill was rushed throughthat the Constitution was in the line of fire.
THE CHILD SCRAMBLER What a mobile can do to a youngster's brain in 2 mins
Tracking Bioterror's Tangled Course [Or should it be "Bungled Course"?]
![]() |
Count Scalia |
Top-secret hideaway is secure but no longer secret Experts Urging Broader Inquiry in Towers' Fall
FBI Investigates Possible Financial Motive in Anthrax Attacks
Army harvested victims' blood to boost anthrax Ex-scientists detail Detrick experiments
When Smallpox Struck During The Revolutionary War
Air Defenses Stood Down On 911AFTER ATC Alerts Given Laden in Kashmir?
Why the US Government Hates the US Militias Did Kohl Around Bin Laden's Eyes Poison His Brain?
The great euro heist Europe's currency switchover on New Year's Day could be a real bonanza for the criminal class
Redstone Arsenal To Shut Down:Department of Defense Deceptions Continue Elsewhere
Renegades in the Wilderness Coalition Sheldan Nidle Answers Your Questions
LONDON (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s mother was quoted in a British newspaper on Sunday as saying she believes a videotape of her son, which the United States says proves he had prior knowledge of the September 11 attacks, was a fake.
Bush Babies in the Briar Patch New US Thermobaric Bombs Now In Afghanistan
20 December 2001 : US Warplanes Attack Targets in Yemen
US Bombs, Annihilates Afghan Tribal Elder Convoy IHT INSIGHT How the World Sees the U.S. and Sept. 11
Missing Scientist Found Dead in Mississippi River Bush aide attacks Iran terror link
MONEY The dirty little secret Congressman Ron Paul asked him why the Money measure -- M3 -- has been growing for the past several years. WHY, If Inflation, which Greenspan claims to be trying to control, is caused by growth in the Money Supply, why has the FED allowed M3 to grow unchecked since 1992?
Greenspan replied, "... We have a problem trying to define exactly what MONEY is...the current definition of MONEY is not sufficient to give us a good means for controlling the Money Supply..."
Congressman Paul asked "Well, if you can't define Money, how can you control the Monetary System?"
Greenspan replied "That's the problem..."
Date: 12/21/01 4:44:02 AM Pacific Standard Time
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is all going. Doctor Whiley, a professional microbiologist in weapons of mass destruction, has unleashed the plague in the form of the naming of Ebola virus into the hands of the asg's; who will be applying "it" in your corner of the world in order to place the blame on outside terrorists groups.
Since Africa is already infected with the deadly virus and "it" is spreading fast, it is no longer contained and can and will show up anywhere.......
Reports of war draw fire to Fox
TV: Industry critics say network needs to clear the air over Geraldo Rivera's 'friendly fire' reports from the front.
FROM DEBKA INTELLIGENCE FILES Al-Qaida fighters airlifted to safety According to intelligence sources, U.S. and Pakistani agents are investigating the source of the reports claiming that al-Qaida and bin Laden had concealed themselves in the Tora Bora cave complex and the White Mountains abutting on the Pakistani frontier to fight to the last man. Those reports may have been part of a deliberate deception. It is now clear that no more than 200 to 300 al-Qaida fighters actually hid up in Tora Bora as bait to misdirect the Pashtun and U.S. Special Forces hunters. Small groups moved from cave to cave to keep the searchers and U.S. bombers occupied and unaware of the main body of the al-Qaida force, which meanwhile escaped into Pakistan.
Oklahoma and New York Cities Murder in the First Degree Ritual Sacrifice and the New World Order The greatest predators are those who disguise themselves as the prey.
Feds Search For Smuggled Nuclear Bombs Said Inside US
WHO: Ebola Has Spread to Congo U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Spy Network
Date: 12/20/01 4:12:26 PM Pacific Standard Time
We're losing support! A poll of 275 opinion leaders in 24 countries by the IHT reveals many think we brought this war upon ourselves with our penchant for acting like cowboys "acting unilaterally." Highlights anew how we think we're seen abroad and how we are really viewed.
The Coldest Warrior India, Pakistan and the Bomb French envoy to UK: Israel threatens world peace
Formal Estimates Of Civilian Afghan Dead At Least 3,767
Did We Let OBL Escape On Purpose? Commonsense in the Crisis
The Nazi-ization of America "Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." It is the same with our government today.
An Open Letter and Question for FBI Director, Robert Mueller I want you to know that on Monday December 10, I released a 20-page detailed report to the press, to members of Congress, and to your bureau chiefs, which has largely propelled these recent mainstream media identifications of the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as your principle suspects in the anthrax mailings mystery. (Download report at: http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/anthrax/anthrax_espionage.html)
Bush Stops Inquiry - Dan Burton (R): "We've got a dictatorial president and a Justice Department that does not want Congress involved. ... Your guy's acting like he's king."
The searing tone continued for more than four hours from Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives. All objected to the order Bush signed Wednesday and made public yesterday. It claimed executive privilege in refusing to hand over prosecutors' memos in criminal cases, including an investigation of campaign finance abuses, saying doing so "would be contrary to the national interest."
E-BOMB In the blink of an eye, electromagnetic bombs could throw civilization back 200 years. And terrorists can build them for $400.
Fierce Clashes Erupt Between Riot Police and Anti-Government Demonstrators in Argentina
Date: 12/19/01 10:57:43 PM Pacific Standard Time
GREECE, the cradle of Democracy, is headed for the dreaded LIST of terrorist states?!! What kind of fascist paranoia is this? Has Dub been at the girls kegger stash, again? Has the disease gone from his liver to what's left of his brain? Well, Socrates, looks like nobodies given any quarter, not even for old times sake. Greece got oil? NO, but it has all those great shipping ports. It's also a Christian country who disagreed with the last Balkan war. Look at the map, kids, Greece in the right place at the wrong moment in history.
U.S. warns new NATO members on jets
Inside the World Trade Center after the attacks APFN MESSAGE BOARD
Congress Tackles Bush on 'Cover-up' Web site for ex-Enron people Alternative enron splash page
INDIA: PAKISTAN MASSING TROOPS State of Siege Declared in Argentina
Israeli prime minister lets loose the dogs of war Israel's Facts Are America's Disgrace
Date: 12/19/01 3:26:38 PM Pacific Standard Time
A Lost Cause? It sadly appears from the following demonstration, that it has become collective wish of the "average" American, to live out the rest of their lives as slaves. For they now label those who defend their inalienable rights on their behalf, as terrorists!!! Sigh!
Date: 12/19/01 9:15:13 PM Pacific Standard Time
tyson foods, the world's largest producer, processor, and marketer of poultry-based food products, has been indicted by the united states department of justice on 36 counts of conspiracy to smuggle illegal aliens to their processing facilities in the united states, for profit.
greed and corruption are destroying the country...both on the corporate level and the political level...hell, on the personal level, too...but this story just punctuates how serious the problems are...don't kid yourselves...this is nothing but slave labor... right here in the u.s.a....
A Chip ID That's Only Skin-Deep
The keystone cop navy is at it again! Can't tell an Arab from an Iranian. http://www.bayarea.com/rc/headlines/docs/1709522l.htm Navy Boards Belize-Flagged Tanker
Origins of the G.W. Bush-Carlyle-Nazi Axis The White House connection: Saudi 'agents' close Bush friends
Michael Ruppert: From the moment it happened we began hearing the name Osama bin Laden and there is an enormous body of evidence building already that Osama bin Laden is not and was not capable of pulling this off by himself. Period.
Va. Scientist Killed With Sword Katie Inglis, 19, a talented artist who often was teased in high school because she was quiet, abruptly left a Navy basic training camp in Illinois in May...
500 Officers to Be Issued High-Powered Weapons Used by Elite Unit
Strong Japan Quake Causes Tsunami China simulates attacks on U.S. carriers
Fire Rages in Landmark New York Cathedral Rumsfeld to NATO States: You Too Could Be a Target
The End of Ordinary Money, Part I 9/11 WHAT WAS ISRAEL'S ROLE?
U.S. Weighing Assassination In Terror Fight Update to "Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers: Section 1"
Refugees meeting hears proposal to register every human FBI Probes Espionage at Clinton White House
Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks Putin warns US over war on terror
CIA links UK laboratory to anthrax postal attacks Match between anthrax attacks spores, US army stocks
China Supports Palestine's Peace Efforts Ebolapox, Veepox Chimeras Of Smallpox - What Next?
Who's Using Bio-Weapons In Afghanistan? 'Israeli Death Squad Disarmed Men And Shot Them'
Lynne Cheney-Joe Lieberman group puts out a blacklist McCarthyism Watch
Controversial Historian David Irving On The bin Laden Tape
Biological and ChemicalnTesting Law (Sec.1520) Repealed Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress
Neighborhood Bully - A Former U.S. Attorney General on American Militarism
Three Charged In Va. Scientist's Fatal Stabbing Unpaid Alliance soldiers spark crime wave in Kabul
Date: 12/19/01 3:00:29 PM Pacific Standard Time
The Slide Continues....
This reads like a page right out of a horror novel.
Wonder if these free-thinkers on the black-list are now also on the "RED LIST"?
Don't be surprised if they are eventually "disappeared" by our increasingly ruthless dictatorship. For the greatest threat to any totalitarian, dictatorial society are the educated and enlightened. If you currently hold a degree, just look to the fate of Stalin's intelligentsia or those professionals who fell into the hands of the Khamir-Rouge to see what the "New Patriotism" most likely holds in store for us.
``It is from the desperate, angry and bereaved that these suicide pilots came.'' A professor emeritus from the University of Oregon is listed for recommending that ``we need to understand the reasons behind the terrifying hatred directed against the U.S. and find ways to act that will not foment more hatred for generations to come.''
And I don't see any way how this simple, self-apparent truth and sound advise could be even remotely be equated with Anti-Americanism, unless one's IQ was below 4? ...... Oh RIGHT! Sorry, I forgot that does apply to Duh-bya.
Date: 12/18/01 10:37:08 AM Pacific Standard Time
This story is nothing new, but it is enlightening....
Is it not ironic that despite the many warnings of our forefathers and even Jesus Christ himself, we have proceeded knowingly into the FINAL trap laid out for us by the "Money Changers"? Christ foresaw future events of the end-of-time and perhaps that's is why the temple's money changers were the only ones to have truly enraged him. He knew! And was it not immediately after he overturned their accounting tables that he was brought down? If these charlatans can bring down a Christed one, what chance does a politician stand against them? Have we not seen this same drama replayed countless times in our modern era, except now these mysterious Babylonians bring down the mightiest of nations that oppose them! Has anything changed in 2000 years, including the primary location where their accounting tables are set up? No they have not!
Who is ultimately behind these ungodly parasites? Simple, WE ARE! As long as we COLLECTIVELY buy into their false religion that their worthless shreds of paper and shiny metal trinkets are worth more than our happiness, our health, our families, our lives, our homes, our freedom and our souls.... then we will forever willingly remain their "useless eaters".
Have we not proven to ourselves that we can do almost anything we put our spirits and minds to? That working together, what we can achieve is almost limitless? So why do we bind ourselves with the fetters of their false and corrupt economic religion? Ultimately, who needs who more? Who truly holds the power in this antagonistic relationship? Who truly are the Masters? What are they and their billions of paper slips without you and I to supply them with all their material wealth? Nothing!!!! In fact, less than nothing!!!! They have NOTHING except that which we willingly offer them. Most would experience a deep sense of humility upon having this revelation, but they don't. Their spiritual aspect has sadly been completely lost to themselves in their DECENT into the wholly material realm. They are almost to be pitied.
We were warned that "money was the root of all evil", and now we are about to participate a global demonstration of just how horrifically understated that quote can become. And yet, even as we stand here on the brink of self-extinction, is there but a few of us that would step back from worshipping the false dollar? Ninety-nine percent of us are willingly rushing and fighting each other tooth and nail to be the first ones to the slaughter. Sorry, but the one with only the most toys at the end... LOSES, BIG TIME! Is it any wonder they've been so amused and have held so little respect towards us? Ironically, we will have the last (posthumous) laugh if they ultimately succeed. For they will realize too late, their fate is inseparable from ours as they are dragged into the dark, silent abyss with us.
Money has only served us as a crutch to kick-start our interdependent civilization(s) and as a poor excuse to apply ourselves according to our gifts. It's NOW time to throw away the money crutch, before their gangrene of corruption spreads completely and kills us with it's foul rot. If we gave only half to each other what we now give to them, do you realize how incomprehensibly RICH all of our lives would become both materially and spiritually? It's time for ALL OF US to willingly and joyfully participate, each to our inspired fullest in a truly free yet responsible civilization that's based upon a shared respect for ALL OTHER interdependent lifeforms, both known and as of yet unintroduced to us. We are ALL about to be rudely booted from the comfortable nest. We either consciously fly NOW..... or fall to our extinction. So stretch those wings, we have some soaring (and exploring) to do!!!
Date: 12/18/01 5:00:44 PM Pacific Standard Time
How can Donny be so sure? Unless he was in on the orchestration?
Don't you find this headline reads more like a veiled threat than a concerned warning?
If he knows so damn much about these imminent threats, why is he not working to intercept and shut them down quietly, with his usual flair for "All Things Are National Security". Why does he suddenly feel it necessary, to maximize to the fullest, the potential terrorizing impact of this announcement? Is he not participating in terrorist activity by these very actions? Does this and other news headlines and government statements of the past 3 months not all read like poorly written totalitarian propaganda? (Apparently they're consulting with Hollywood to help improve this situation... and find a better left-handed actor).
Remember where the anthrax for the earlier mail-attacks ultimately originated from??? That's right, Donny boy's agencies!!! If there are ABC attacks on the way, I suggest we keep a close eye on Donny-boy and his agencies as the most likely source of these coming "terrorist" attacks. Conveniently, just in time to hammer the final nail into our coffin for the new year too...... HR 2459. (Peace on Earth)
Hmmmmm...... Come to think of it in this light, the most likely role the 5000 Bush-imported and protected Iraqi National Guards will play in this shabbily written drama is becoming abundantly clear! Don't forget.... if they are eventually unleashed on us a "foreign terrorists"; who bought them, fed them and held their leashes. With any luck, these dogs will turn on their own cruel masters.
ALTERNATE ENERGY DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Old Cosmic law: when the ORCS are off clattering for war, a certain amount of shall we say, COSMIC FREEDOM, is released. The usual barricades are down because of the distractions. GO FOR IT NOW! The Little Engine That Could Be Bearden Group awarded patent on Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Alternative Energy Developers Fusion power 'within reach'
War on Terrorism Thoughts - Timeline MILITARY.COM DEBKAfile STATE DEPT. CRYPTOME Angels Intranet ARABIA.COM VILLAGE VOICE SURVIVAL DATABASE GlobalSecurity.org PROMED Mail CDC CCOPS: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States WTC TOWER REPORTS 2 3 NEW GHOST MISSILE 2 3* EDITOR: the term, *missile, used in the general sense Enormous data base of info on Bin Laden Robert Lederman THE AFGHAN KILLING FIELDS: BLOOD FOR OIL/GAS TO CHINA PART 2" US "SECRET" PLANS FOR AFGHANISTAN PART 3: SILK ROAD, THE BUSH/BINLADEN/CHENEY LINKS
.Follow events as they unfold in Afghanistan, through the eyes of two foreign TV 24/7 online news services. Aljazeera TV Qatar, is an Arab news channel currently used by CNN and can be viewed live at: http://www.aljazeera.net/live.asx.
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NEWCOMERS: this effort, although many send reports, boils down to one old frazzled guy, me, Kent. page one page two page three page four page five page five page six page seven page eight page nine page ten page eleven page twelve page thirteen page fourteen page fifteen page sixteen page seventeen page eighteen page nineteen page twenty page twenty-one page twenty-two page twenty-three page twenty-four page twenty-five page twenty-six page twenty-seven page twenty-eight