Control Field Operational Technology -(De-Classified)
Clever tactic, NWO Jackboots, you have just radicalized another generation!
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I saw about 7 people attacked (before being forced to leave). I saw two of them right in front of me. One was a guy who was walking around with a camcorder stunned at what was happening. A soldier told him to give him the camera now. The raver said no it is my camera. The soldier then proceeded to grab the camera, throw it to the ground and then began beating the kid. In the end they threw him to the ground violently an put their knee into his back while handcuffing him. All for wanting to keep his property. When I last saw him he was knocked out and unmoving...This could happen anywhere to anyone not just ravers, so AMERICA DON'T LET THIS STAND!--Rodan |
NOTE: this exercise was not for god and state and church. Rather this stunt was a NWO experiment on behalf of Rothy, Rocky and....Bushwinkle. This was an organized military assault. The only good that might come out of it will be the children made veteran in resistance before some idiot stirs up the Draft. The kids of the 60s were in fact patient, very patient, until the body bags back from Nam numbered in the tens of thousands... |
8/23/2005 12:01:07 AM Pacific Standard Time
VIDEO: For years we've had a travelling tekno festival in europe "Teknival", visiting all the countries. Free minds, free people, you probably have to be an European to know about this. Compare it to Burning Man if you will, it does set the mindframe. But it has become impossible, because of the government(s). Not allowing this to take place for the last few years, for me in the Netherlands, the caravan is no longer visiting. So I thought in eastern Europe they'd still be safe! Sadly the new world mindset reaches everywhere nowadays, just look at the picture. It's CzechTek 2005, sorry for getting all emotional. It's my desktop right now, to remind me and maybe all of you out there... More |
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Internet Message 8/16/05 11:12
I believe the tactics used in the forced removal of Israelis from Gaza (and other settlements) will become the international standard, if you will, in large NWO style population re-locations in the near future. I also think that the "greater good" argument for the forced removal is an attempt to get the world population used to the concept of human traffic. bleh. Keep and eye on the situation... |
Bush visits veterans in
Utah In downtown Salt Lake City's Pioneer Park, between 1,000
and 2,000 anti-war protesters gathered to speak and demonstrate against the
continuing fighting in Iraq.
Organizers were thrilled at the turnout and Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson called on Utahns to make the protest a turning point in national opposition to Bush policies in Iraq and on environmental issues. "Our nation was lied into a war," said Anderson, who was booed by VFW members earlier in the day but cheered by Bush protesters in Pioneer Park. Protest organizer Eileen McCabe-Olsen, said: "A fire has been lit." Celeste Zappala, a co-founder of Gold Star Families, and the mother of a son killed in Baghdad, said she was amazed by the size of the anti-war demonstration in conservative Utah, which gave Bush his largest margin of victory in the past two elections. |
Bush, administration aides confide, frequently explodes into tirades over those who protest the war, calling them mother#####ing traitors. He reportedly was so upset over Veterans of Foreign Wars members who wore ##### protectors over their ears during his speech to their annual convention that he told aides to tell those VFW assholes that Ill never speak to them again is they cant keep their members under control. "Dry Drunk" Syndrome and George W. Bush
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans' approval of President Bush's handling of Iraq is at its lowest level yet, according to an AP-Ipsos poll that also suggests fewer than half now think he is honest
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Idaho -- President Bush spent Tuesday at a resort in the Idaho Rockies,
mountain biking around a rugged trail circuit before going fishing in a small
pontoon boat on a wind-whipped lake.
"I'm kind of hanging loose, as they say," Bush said earlier outside of his lodge at the 9-month-old Tamarack Resort, where he was spending two nights away from his Texas ranch. |
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"In Bush´s speech as he tried to rally support for Iraq, he referred to the 'necessity of the Patriot Act being renewed in January'. This happened because with the Patriot Act it can. Unless this act is repealed or allowed to expire, this will become the way 'assemblies' are dealt with. This is not about drugs." The failed Presidency of George W. Bush by a Republican |
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- A federal judge on Wednesday overturned a jury's decision to award more than $300,000 to a Narragansett Indian tribe member who was injured when state police raided the tribe's smoke shop.
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Lance of Longinus
Discovery Times is currently hosting a program about the spear: The
presentation includes this info: "The
paranormalists, however, have an answer even for this. Austria has not recovered
its power simply because it does not possess the spear. The object in the
museum is a fake, substituted in 1945 by the Americans, who kept the original
in order to forge their own almighty power. Others believe that the Americans
themselves were duped. The true spear, they say, was spirited away by submarine
long before Patton´s men reached Nuremberg and concealed somewhere in
Antarctica or South America. When the time is right, as the SS colonel boasted
to his fellow officers, it will be brought out again to launch the Fourth
Rodney Kobayashi, one of the highest ranking "civilian-soldiers" in the Army, retired Sunday as a two-star general and commander of the 91st Division in a ceremony at Fort Lewis. General Byrnes
Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan Voices Concerns About Long-Term Health of U.S. Economy
Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, and Vermont have all passed Bill of Rights Defense Resolutions, basically stating that our Constitution and Bill of Rights take precedence over the "Patriot" Act; and 324 cities (including NYC and Philly), towns, and counties have passed similar resolutions.
There is a pretty tough guy Who shoots at the moon in the sky The trigger he squeezes But somehow hits Jesus Who is just winging by to say, "hi." ARCHIVE: DISTURBING RELIGIOUS WEBSITE Hmm, pulled Charles Taylor |
BEACH, Va. The founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network says
the United States should assassinate Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez
Slams Robertson Over Remarks
Is Bush the Antichrist? The Christian right and the Christian left are engaged in a debate over who 'owns' Jesusand whether Dubya is a force for good or evil.--Seattle Weekly |
ARE YOU HOMELESS? Look out you might be deemed a Terrorist
Sorcha Faal United States Warns Foreign Governments of Impending Internal Crises While Massive American Troop Movements Continue
911 was a grand coup. In a minor coup, some General takes over the government of a single country. In a Grand Coup the entire world order is transformed. The whole Enlightenment heritage has been abandoned: constitutional government, civil liberties, balance of powers, government accountability. International law has been abandoned, and national sovereignty is becoming a subject for nostalgia buffs. |
Republican Congressman Breaks Ranks, Joins Demand for Documents on Downing Street Memos
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Sustainable Development Glossary Non-governmental Organizations Research Guide Lynn Stuter's Site - good source for info about global organizations, the consensus process, delphi technique, and educational issues |
New Treaty In The Making Draft Covenant: Moving from Agenda 21 "soft-law" to binding international law and Global Governance.
Latest Issue of International Rivers and Lakes Newsletter Available Bolton throws UN summit into chaos
Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005
Groups seeking punishment for the alleged misdeeds of a major oil company may be one step closer following recent revelations that operators at a Texas plant where several accidents have recently occurred apparently neglected to repair known defects.
Stocks sink as oil reaches new record
Cornish Hydrogen Generator I have a Sonata. it was fuel injected I unhooked it and made a plate to mount a motorcycle carb. It is a 4cyl. After the air filter I have a pvc pipe with a hole in it and a nipple for the hydrogen gas then a hose connecting the pvc to the carb intake. More HAS WATER POWER BEEN AROUND FOR A LONG TIME? Dad Garrett, Water Carburetor Powerball has developed sodium hydride pellets that react with water to produce hydrogen Stanley Meyer: Water Fuel Cell Urine Battery Turns Pee Into Power Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc A History of Hydrogen Energy: The Reverend Cecil, Jules Verne, and the Redoubtable Mr. Erren |
Hydrogen Breakthrough Scientists have found a way to harness the Sun's energy to extract zinc metal, which can then be used to produce hydrogen simply by pouring water over it.
Ultraclean SynGas fuels can use the existing delivery infrastructure Whew, the DOE is already doin it! So now our genius engineers are freed up to make onboard fuel conversion, like a coupla guys doin it in Oz: Water Powered Internal Combustion Engine The Australian Way. The "Nitro" cell Willie Nelson: On the Road Again with Biodiesel Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicle Achieves 12,665 MPG on Test Track
Control Field Operational Technology -(De-Classified)
Ancient, half buried Pyramid found in Southwest U.S. Ancient Civilisations: Six Great Enigmas Bigfoot New sea serpent claim The Hive
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