Bush beats Bin Laden to become second worst JEDDAH, 1 January A pan-Arab poll has chosen Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as the worst personality of 2001, with US President George W. Bush coming in second place ahead of his two arch enemies, Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Muhammad Omar. The poll published by Okaz newspaper was conducted on a randomly selected sample of 1,116 readers in Riyadh, Beirut, Amman, Abu Dhabi, Sanaa, Aden, Gaza and Bonn. Sharon topped the list while Bush beat both the leader of Al-Qaeda network and head of the Taleban militia to become the second worst person of the year. |
EDITOR'S PLEA: Quit draggin your butts,
engineers, get your cottonpickin Alternate Energy Systems, Overunity, going
QUICKLY! Screw the patents, delays, Orc resistance and hankypanky, visions
of private gain,
just DO IT!
Date: 1/7/02 9:14:11 PM Pacific Standard Time
Last time buster bush and the schrub club were in this kind of 'financial' trouble, we had 911. Friday we have 111, Bilbo's big birthday and Frodo's 33rd were celebrated with BIG fireworks. Just a silly old thought, don't know where I get these wacky ideas. Enron Scandal Shapes Us As 'Big, Big Trouble For Bush'
San Francisco March To Demand Congressional Inquiry Of 911
Prince Turki, chief of Saudi intelligence one of bin Laden's mentors Recently Eric S. Margolis, author of War at the Top of the World : The Struggle for Afghanistan, Kashmir and Tibet told a television news interviewer that Osama Bin Laden Had vetoed UNOCAL's pipeline offer thru Afghanistan in favor of (Bridas) an Argentine firm. more backup
More Planes Dropping
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Delta Flight Makes Emergency Landing
Small plane crashes into Tampa skyscraper Date: 1/6/02 3:02:04 PM Pacific Standard Time Teen Pilot in Tampa Crash Had 'Sympathy' for Osama Ya right. If we start flying planes, they will mysteriously fly into buildings, too, because we 'have sympathy for osama' and don't buy the bushmob line. Any one can be used in this sick scaly scalar game. BOULDER A plane crashed northwest of Boulder Saturday afternoon, killing at least one person. (FAA Returns to Boulder Plane Crash) Small Plane Crashes in Puerto Rico Small Plane Crashes Near Fullerton, Calif Takeoffs resume after security problem at Twin Cities airport Two Americans Among Dead in UK Plane Crash Small Plane Crashes in IBM Headquarters Parking Lot Near New York City; Pilot Killed |
Some California rescuers who flew to New York in a desperate search for survivors after Sept. 11 have reported a mysterious illness since their return, and worried state and local fire officials are trying to find out why.
US Request Let bin Laden Escape Says Top Afghan Commander
HERAT, Afghanistan - Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants would be dead or in custody if Northern Alliance fighters had continued to pursue the terrorist leader, one of this country's top commanders and regional powerbrokers claimed Sunday. Instead, said Ismail Khan, governor of Herat province and one of Afghanistan's most successful militia leaders, his troops and other Northern Alliance fighters held back at the request of the West. The fighters did not push south of Herat and Kabul after taking those cities in mid-November and attack Kandahar, then the stronghold of the Taliban rulers who had given bin Laden safe haven. Allies, including the United States, wanted Northern Alliance forces to give way to fighters commanded by ethnic Pashtun leaders from southern Afghanistan. In the delicate balancing act that is Afghan politics, allies feared that giving Northern Alliance forces too much territory might only lead to renewed factional battling later on. Khan maintained, however, that "we could have captured all the Taliban and the al-Qaeda groups. We could have arrested Osama bin Laden with all of his supporters." That claim, aired during an interview with a small group of Western reporters, marked his strongest criticism yet of the Western-backed effort that led to the Taliban's toppling and installation of a interim government in Afghanistan earlier this month. Bin Laden's whereabouts are a mystery. Khan said the Saudi terrorist is probably still in Afghanistan. "Osama bin Laden has to be in Afghanistan because (Taliban leader) Mullah Omar is here. He doesn't have any place else to go." One possible hideout, some Afghan officials have said, is in the mountains northwest of Kandahar. Khan's forces, driving southeast from Herat toward Kandahar, might have reached that area if the U.S.-backed war had continued unabated. Instead, he said, the ethnic Tajik-dominated Northern Alliance was pressured to hold back and let anti-Taliban ethnic Pashtuns win the day there. Pashtuns, who make up about 40% of the population, are Afghanistan's dominant ethnic group. Most Taliban members are Pashtun. A Pashtun, Hamid Karzai, heads the six-month interim administration. If Northern Alliance troops had been allowed to push on and then hand over prisoners to Pashtun fighters, Khan said, time and momentum would not have been lost. Three weeks elapsed between the fall of Herat and Kabul and the fall of Kandahar. Now, he said, Afghanistan is saddled with "many Talib Afghans, the al-Qaeda group. And it might be dangerous for the future of Afghanistan."
Presidential Decision Directives [PDD]Clinton Administration 1993-2000
Euro's real test still to come Recession may trigger disputes over economic sovereignty
Japanese banking system 'about to collapse' TOKYO: Japan's financial system is headed toward collapse and will require a government bailout of one trillion dollars, a US think tank said.
Israeli Principal & Teachers Suspended For Burning New Testament
Bush, Giuliani, wtc, war, eugenics, sprayed chemicals, 9-11 and other horrors
TYRANNY, TREACHERY, TERRORISM & TRAUMA THE FORMULA Let me explain. I was pulled in the usual ways. Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove. they tell you enough. so that you can be useful. I don't know all that much. Transfer of power is all the reason. that's why they do what they do. magic. ancient magic. occult practices. You know what I'm talking about? I'll explain.They discovered certain practices that you cannot conceive of. I don't know exactly know how it's done. I avoided finding out. I couldn't stomach it. more video HOAX? Worldwide Internet 'Death-Bed Confession' Video The Crowded Theater of Mike Z
RENSE INTERVIEW: January 3rd Chris Wilson A Very Strange Death-Bed Confession.
LONDON, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Britain's second-largest bank, Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, said on Tuesday Andrew Fisher, chief executive of private banking arm Coutts Group, had resigned and would be replaced by Gordon Pell.
Pell would be taking on the role at Coutts, Queen Elizabeth's bank, in addition to his responsibilities as executive director and chairman in charge of retail banking and wealth management.
Royal Bank said Fisher would leave with effect from February 28 to work with private equity company The Carlyle Group.
The FBI's House Calls And, as Reingold found out, you don't have to be Arab or Muslim to get nominated for a house call. Lucas Gutentag of the National ACLU's Immigrant Rights Project believes most people aren't concerned about what's going on with internal security in this nation because they're under the impression that the FBI is targeting and profiling mainly noncitizens. "It camouflages the full effects of the [Justice Department's] policies because [citizens] don't feel directly affected, " Gutentag said. "But the principles the government is relying on result in the same kind of practices against everyone."
Announcing: Operation: Restore the Eagle Americans have rights, too - a message that many have been trying to convey to the powers in Washington. The Endangered Species Act (ESA), created to protect endangered species - has for years eroded away another species from the land, Americans.
FBI Continues To Cover Up Pilot Communications Related To September 11 It is becoming evident that Flight 93 was shot down by an unmarked white jet that was seen intercepting Flight 93 and following it down as it crashed. The jet was witnessed in detail by several people on the ground. One military witness claims he heard a missile being fired. In addition, the main body of the engine of Flight 93 was found miles from the main wreckage site, with damage comparable to that which a heat seeking missile would do to an airliner. FBI Implicated in Anthrax Mailings To: The U.S. Senate Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
The US is preparing to invade Somalia and the conquest of Yemen is already in the planning stages. Careful study of the map reveals the real goal (aside from restoring the major US oil companies' access to the oil fields) of bringing the Gulf of Adar and the oil tanker routes into the Red Sea under US control. |
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Is the "OIL" truth coming out? "BUSH APPOINTS
Date: 1/1/02 11:19:53 PM Pacific Standard Time from the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1736000/1736789.stm |
Remember how UNOCAL [Midnight Rant] was part of the consortium to build a pipeline through Afghanistan?
Now, for those who don't know, read this November story that explains who this guy is......
"During the mid 1990s, while at the for-profit Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Khalilzad conducted risk analyses for Unocal Corp., a U.S. oil company that hoped to construct gas and oil pipelines across Afghanistan.
At the time, Unocal held signed business agreements with the Taliban.
In December 1997, Unocal brought top Taliban leaders to the United States to view its operations in Houston. Khalilzad joined Unocal officials at a reception for the visiting Taliban delegation......"
Not to mention other things.... some highlights from the post story....
- Khalilzad headed the Bush-Cheney transition team for the Defense Department
- part of the small group of policymakers who successfully pressed the Reagan administration to provide arms -- including shoulder-fired Stinger missiles -- to anti-Soviet resistance fighters in Afghanistan
- worked as a senior political scientist at the Rand Corp., a consulting company that performs policy studies for the U.S. military. He directed strategy for Rand's Project Air Force and founded the corporation's Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- also counseled Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
- In his current role, answers directly to Condoleezza Rice
CYBERNETICS The first brain implants were surgically inserted
in 1974 in the state of Ohio, U.S.A., and also in Stockholm, Sweden.
IDchip TM
United States Patent: 4,877,027 Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated. |
Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America
And Another Strange Death -Top DNA Scientist Murdered Five die in UK jet crash
Iraq deploying 'super-cannons' 7 nations involved in invasion plans set for February
Is There a Constitution? Civiliian Inmate Interment Program
Genetic Bullets - Ethnically Specific Bioweapons Talkin' About the F-Word
Operation 911- No Suicide Pilots Missing Pieces To The Amazing 911 Mystery Puzzle
Spooks, Saudis, 911 & Florida Firefighter Mag Raps 9/11 Probe
Oklahoma and New York Cities Murder in the First Degree Ritual Sacrifice and the New World Order
Whales' Deaths Linked to Navy's Sonar Tests
Date: 1/3/02 11:37:57 AM Pacific Standard Time
In the Denver Airport "Murals" there is a picture of the whales jumping up out of the water. In the background it looks as if something (near earth object?) has hit the ocean and there is an explosion. I sent an e-mail in Dec., to Jordan Maxwell asking if he would/could "read" the murals and tell the "unwashed" what they say. I just know there is "more information" in the murals than what is obivious and shown as "The March to the New World Order"
Date: 1/3/02 10:47:53 AM Pacific Standard Time
Either a Zionist or a terrorist
Following months of brutal military operations, thousands of casualties, delegitimization and insults, brainwashing and political and media manipulation that would have toppled many a regime, Arafat, besieged and humiliated, is still holding on, while Sharon and his cronies are the ones who have been pushed into a defensive position; evident in all its absurdity in their frightened rejection of President Moshe Katsav's hudna initiative.
Israel has stabbed America in the back
A long way away from resolution Problems include the absence of bin Laden; trouble between India, Pakistan
Saudi royal family 'in complete panic' during December riots
Sydney threatened as bushfires break through Omar faces joint US-Afghan assault as security force flies in
Pakistan, India Preparing For Showdown Media Waking Up? Afghanistan - Needed for Oil and Gas Pipelines
What Are The Feds Hiding About Flight 93? Enron's India Disaster Israel's Secret US Agenda
Coca-Karma: The Very Secret Battle of Bob Kolody vs. Coca-Cola
Date: 12/31/01 11:39:19 PM Pacific Standard Time
Kent , play the Mpeg this is amazing and thought provoking and the best thing I have seen yet in video....send to all your friends.
BUSH FUNERALGATE MANAGER FOUND DEAD - "Suicided?" Monsanto hid decades of pollution
ALTERNATE ENERGY DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Old Cosmic law: when the ORCS are off clattering for war, a certain amount of shall we say, COSMIC FREEDOM, is released. The usual barricades are down because of the distractions. GO FOR IT NOW! The Little Engine That Could Be NICOLA TESLA'S AUTOMOBILE Bearden Group awarded patent on Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Alternative Energy Developers Fusion power 'within reach'
War on Terrorism Thoughts - Timeline MILITARY.COM DEBKAfile STATE DEPT. CRYPTOME Angels Intranet ARABIA.COM VILLAGE VOICE SURVIVAL DATABASE GlobalSecurity.org PROMED Mail CDC CCOPS: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States WTC TOWER REPORTS 2 3 NEW GHOST MISSILE 2 3* Ziggy's Huge WTC image archive EDITOR: the term, *missile, used in the general sense Enormous data base of info on Bin Laden Robert Lederman THE AFGHAN KILLING FIELDS: BLOOD FOR OIL/GAS TO CHINA PART 2" US "SECRET" PLANS FOR AFGHANISTAN PART 3: SILK ROAD, THE BUSH/BINLADEN/CHENEY LINKS
.Follow events as they unfold in Afghanistan, through the eyes of two foreign TV 24/7 online news services. Aljazeera TV Qatar, is an Arab news channel currently used by CNN and can be viewed live at: http://www.aljazeera.net/live.asx.
Sign up for PayPal here, great secure way to...well you know...help ORBIT
NEWCOMERS: this effort, although many send reports, boils down to one old frazzled guy, me, Kent. page one page two page three page four page five page five page six page seven page eight page nine page ten page eleven page twelve page thirteen page fourteen page fifteen page sixteen page seventeen page eighteen page nineteen page twenty page twenty-one page twenty-two page twenty-three page twenty-four page twenty-five page twenty-six page twenty-seven page twenty-eight page twenty-nine page thirty