flee in panic Volcano [Mount
Talang] Sumatran
Super-volcano Might Blow At Any Time
Krakatoa and Tangkuban Perahu 2
NOTE 5/29: If there is a connection between grb's and major earthquakes produced by the same GC source as the December 2004 event, the GRB associated with yesterday's 8.5 Richter quake should arrive about 45 hours after the quake, hence on Wednesday the 30th at around 15 hours universal time and should have the same 7.57 second pulsation signature. We will see if this a priori prediction checks out.
Explosions in Space May Have Initiated Ancient Extinction on Earth Volcano pours ash over Pacific island
LISA And The Search For Elusive Gravity Waves
4/2/2005 9:25:51 AM Pacific Standard Time
I do not have the knowledge at present to know which surface or quadrant of the earth was facing toward any bursts when they occured. It would be interesting to be able to "see" which surface of the earth were facing when one hit.
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Kent Theory
Might be more that earth's iron crystal core amplifies the signals, a resonance comes from inside--out to effect the weaker places in the crust.
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New Image of Earth, Seen Through Gamma-Ray Eyes A NASA-funded scientist has produced a new type of picture of the Earth from space, which complements the familiar image of our "blue marble". This new picture is the first detailed image of our planet radiating gamma rays, a type of light that is millions to billions of times more energetic than visible light. Abstract astro-ph/0410487 pdf Image Another Abstract Dodecahedron |
Subject: Concam- Canaries
[Some historians suppose that the legendary continent Atlantis was located here] Date: 4/2/2005 6:17:25 PM Pacific Standard Time
AM - Saturday, 2 April , 2005 08:30:00 EDMOND ROY: Was it a bird, was it a plane? Australians across a vast swathe of the country last night were baffled by a huge glowing object cutting across the sky. |
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Wonder What the Poet Would Say about the
GRB? Beacons in the
EL, ELohim, ELectricity, ELectron |
Hmmmm...wonder if we should now regard the Sun Cruiser phenomenon with new eyes? [Think energetic events within curved space-time]
4/11/2005 8:43:15 PM Pacific Standard Time
Believed or not all points to a massive object that comes with it's own deadly dust cloud heading our way. There are many hypothesis on the net, but only an incoming object like the one described above can account for ALL the changes that we are seeing...More
The Wolf: New Planet or Brown Dwarf Star?
But there is another mystery concealed inside the Great Pyramid [of Giza] that must be explored. The pyramid appears to have been built to memorialize the explosion of a great star 4,000 years ago.
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Subject: Smokin in the Valley
Date: 4/5/2005 9:15:27 AM Pacific Standard Time Got this off the internet astonomy group, from the ESA; Thought you'd enjoy it; Here's the link to that dense fog over Marineris EMAIL NOTE: After a considerable amount of digging and a few e-mails, I have managed to get a definitive answer concerning the bona fides of the photo...this comes from a source close to the European Space Agency who for the time being shall remain nameless: "This is a real picture, no specific image processing was used." Notes More Detail ESA Presentation More images 2 Spirit Making a Splash on Mars |
NASA May Silence Voyagers on April 15
BREAKING: U.S. Military Wants Weapons In Space Warning from Wernher Von Braun Eclipse Gallery 2
Note the close proximity of the attached 6.3 quake and the prior 6.1 to the Toba super-volcano shown in the map here Toba Volcano, ch.2 - Today
Recent Strange Rectangle, Central Ark. |
Tectonic Weapons Scott Stevens St. Helens |
Why the March8.7 Quake Did Not Cause a Tsunami Volcano on Indonesia's Sumatra Erupts
Hole Drilled to Bottom of Earth's Crust, Breakthrough to Mantle Looms Drillers use the vessel JOIDES Resolution. The 10-year, $1.5 billion program is funded by the NSF and Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. Expedition 304 [Uh oh, where the Joides goes there is BIG trouble: Archives 2 Papua, the Day the Sea Caught Fire Diary The Giant Eel] Forum |
U.S.intel once considered causing huge quake
April, 2005
04/04 METAMORPHOSIS: TERENCE McKENNA vs. the black hole
march, 2005
03/28 DMT the SPIRIT MOLECULE with Dr. Rick Strassman
Sony aims to beam sights, sounds into brain The Mysterious Valley
ANUNNAKI WAR PLANS by Amitakh Stanford
Xee- a Twelve
Intervention in the Anunnaki Wars
Dugway expansion a mystery Are plans due to tainted soil or maybe UFOs? Archives 2
The Disclosure Project - The Moon Base and Soul Scalping, warning, 227 mb
SUPER-ANTENNA By William Henry
Vatican City - Pope John Paul II died on Saturday, the Vatican announced
4/7/2005 8:22:19 PM Pacific Standard Time
Did see you any websites posting anything on the "ironies" of the Pope's life and death and the St. Malachy prophecies? Here at The Alpha-Omega Report we have posted an article that ties it all together with the coming Solar Eclipse that will occur during the day of the funeral of the Pope, just as when he was born during an eclipse, now he's buried in an eclipse and St. Malachy had labelled him as De labore Solis Some claim it refers to "eclipse of the sun" while others say it is "Labour of the sun" as in the Woman of Revelation (Virgin Mary of Fatima) who labours in the sun to give birth and who saved Pope's life during the assassination attempt. Kinda ironic isn't it? Article also discusses Malachi Martin's predictions about the next pope and the 3rd Secret of Fatima Video Shows Object in Sky Behind St. Peter's The Black Pope
The Crusaders: Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own image
Latest neocon target: The Vatican The neocon strategy to ensure their candidate is selected pope
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A21 Table of Contents for Researchers Virtual Library |
Designed to encourage individual investigation. Look deeply, crucial to human freedoms!
Good resources here including Green Building, which by the way is very common in the UK. (Local Agenda 21)
United Nation's Local Agenda 21 (LA-21) When this blueprint for rebuilding world was adopted by the UN in 1992, it wasn't headline news. There were no public votes cast for or against. There were no big discussions of its purpose or consequences. No major editorials, no explanation of how it would be imposed, it was simply quietly announced by the national governments who endorsed it. The major media outlets were mostly silent.
Media Won't Touch Agenda 21 I don't understand the refusal to talk about the greatest threat to America that has ever existed. However, it dawns on me that wrapping a brain around Agenda 21 requires time, effort, interest, and a lot of diligence.
Boltons Local Agenda 21 UK sure seems to be taking the lead with Sustainable Development
SEPARATING PEOPLE FROM THEIR WATER Agenda 21 represents a major fundamental change in the role of government in social and land-use policy. Under its concept of sustainability, the primary purpose of government will no longer be to serve the people. Rather, the focus of Agenda 21 is to protect nature from people. Governance will be by consensus among "stakeholders and partnerships." The concept of elected representation that holds the government accountable to the citizens will be eliminated.
Our Ancestors foretold that water would someday be for sale. Back then this was hard to believe, since the water was so plentiful, so pure, and so full of energy, nutrition and spirit.-- Message From Arvol Looking Horse
NYC Photos, Flight 93 Witnesses Identify 9/11 White Jet Lasers to warn pilots in restricted D.C. airspace
It is hard to follow one great vision in this world of darkness and of many changing shadows. Among those shadows men get lost--Black Elk
Serious and principled opposition to renewing parts of the USA Patriot Act is growing in the form of an improbable coalition that includes some of Washington´s leading conservatives, the ACLU, gun rights groups, libertarians and medical privacy activists.
New Undeclared Arms Race: America's Agenda for Global Military Domination
Scientists Scramble to Destroy Flu Strain
Ex-Intel Chief Blasts Bolton at Hearing Army reservist witnesses war crimes SEC SECRET PROBE OF STOCK DEALINGS BEFORE 9/11 CIA STOCK STUNTS Teachers and Classmates Express Outrage at Arrest of Girl, 16, as a Terrorist Threat
Americans Increasingly Reject Bush With George Bush's approval rating now at the lowest level of any incumbent president since World War II, are the hard times and absurd lies finally getting through to Americans?
Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles, astrological: for the second consecutive time, the date of the Princes marriage has the makings of a royal disaster. Not only does it bode ill for the future status of Ms. Parker-Bowles, but suggests that the Prince might never become the King he was born to be. The odds of choosing two such ill-starred wedding dates is, well, astronomical.
How Wolfowitz and the Neo-Cons Sabotaged First ´Oasis Plan´ The only hope for Southwest Asia and an Israel-Palestine peace agreement, is the implementation of Lyndon H. LaRouche´s "Oasis Plan," where a Middle East peace can be organized around cooperation for regional economic development. Such a plan would necessarily involve the construction of nuclear-powered desalination plants and other infrastructure throughout the region, enabling an exponential increase in the water supply to "make the deserts bloom."
Oil for dollars, and dollars for US deficit The Asians remain shocked and in disbelief. Just when Japan, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong had accumulated enough dollars to buy oil to keep them warm for many winters, it's all over. In broad daylight, the Americans and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cheered as the price of oil popped up from US$30 a barrel to more than $50.
Debt Slavery: What The Bankruptcy Bill Could Do To You A top insurance company as the new Enron?
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The Hidden Hand Of The CIA, 911 And Popular Mechanics A brutal purge of the senior staff at Popular Mechanics preceded the publication of last month's scandalous propaganda piece about 9/11. Pulling the strings is the grand dame of Hearst Magazines and behind the scene is her obscure husband a veteran propaganda expert and former special assistant to the director of the C.I.A. |
Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon, Hunter Thompson and the unraveling of a troubling tale
HELENA - Montana lawmakers overwhelmingly passed what its sponsor called the nation's most strongly worded criticism of the federal Patriot Act on Friday, uniting politicians of all stripes.
Minutemen gather in Tombstone for kickoff of civilian border watch Bush And Mexico: The End Of The Affair
TOPOFF 3 Full-Scale Exercise (T3 FSE) The TOPOFF Full Scale Exercise (T3 FSE) will take place from April 4-8, 2005, and involve more than 10,000 participants representing more than 200 Federal, State, local, tribal, private sector, and international agencies and organizations and volunteer groups. The FSE offers agencies and jurisdictions a way to exercise a coordinated national and international response to a large-scale, multipoint terrorist attack. It allows participants to test plans and skills in a real-time, realistic environment and gain the in-depth knowledge that only experience can provide.
Iraq is becoming 'free fraud' zone The administration has harshly criticized the United Nations over hundreds of millions stolen from the Oil-for-Food Program under Saddam [Hussein]. But the successor to Oil-for-Food created under the occupation, called the Development Fund for Iraq, could involve billions of potentially misused dollars."
WAR IS A RACKET General Smedley Butler
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TOMBSTONE, Arizona (AP) -- About 450 volunteers gathered Friday for a monthlong effort to patrol the Mexican border for illegal immigrants and smugglers, an organizer of the project said. The idea, according to organizers of the Minuteman Project, is for the volunteers to fan out across 23 miles of the San Pedro Valley to watch the border and report any illegal activity to federal agents -- an exercise some law enforcement authorities and others fear could lead to vigilante violence. Brief Report of some Activities of Day Nine of Minuteman Project Border patrols inspire imitation |
Forum: Truth Coming Out -- 13,000 US Soldier Died, 49,000 Injured Bringing The War Back Home Eugene Resisters Shut Down Recruitment Center When an army is near defeat or soldiers are in mutiny they start executing their own troops Gas Pump Prices to Shatter Records The telephone lines Amber alert on Capitol Hill Letter to the American People from the Mujahideen Army
Fractal hydrosonic hydrogen generator (QTX F - H) Kits/Equipment Installation This cell is very effective and efficient. The design is very sleek and is done keeping in mind the cramped space in the engine bay. It is 12 inches high and 5 inches diameter (3 inches at the base). The fuel cell is very easy to install, you only have to connect 4 electric wires, plug a T connection to PCV valve hose, and fix the cell to the vehicule around the motor. The device creates 1 liter of gas every 4 minutes, and with a simple additive you can increase it of 25%. |
Optical computer made from frozen light Oil Fields' Free Refill Nanotechnology's miniature answers to developing world's biggest problems Extremely tiny self-contained remote controlled flying devices monitor and neutralize terror camps
BIFFY BLOGS:. Survivalist . N.S.I Insider [Hoax Check] . A Bartender's Tale . Old Indian Man
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