Wed Mar 10 15:42 MST 2004 Files
That SEB disturbance last night was very intense. I thought that I had my settings wrong because it looked like I was oversaturating the EZ. I immediately processed my first AVI and the image was fine. When I started, there were some very bright plumes right on the meridian, streaming from the NEB. It was very amazing.
Here's something to ponder: What's going on with JUPITER What is going to happen, Dave?
NUKING JUP Precedent Theory J.C. Goliathan |
Mystery Spot on Jupiter Baffles Astronomers
UPDATE JUPITER: Amazing Blue Band Around Jupiter! ABC NEWS FORUM
Date: 3/5/04 9:23:58 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Goliathan
This site shows a diagram of the naming of the belts. The South Equatoral belt is the dark auburn one near the equator. The band they are referring to is the chaotic dark blue wispy one that looks like an extension of the mystery spot. We need to get a higher resolution image of it to see it better, but the astromner noted that it was spreading fast. I have e-mailed the website in New South Wales to let them know our theory.
Jupiter´s NEB (North Equatorial Band) - INTENSE ORANGE with accompanying BLUE STREAKS
Date: 3/7/04 2:00:10 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Rannells
Here's a thought for you>(from forum discussion) use geology and bacteria on Jupiter too/Organics reacting to highly charged ions! (same as Mars and Earth)
Read Vianova's reply on 2/28/04>what I was implying is that we may be seeing some kind of copycat system on Jupiter (it is that universal random number thing again, life could be fairly consistent everywhere): as we just discuss on blue balls thread (model of the system on Mars).
Analyze the spectrum of color from Jupiter, that should tell you something>from black to blue>carbon to bacterial to Copper again, or a like chemical system>have not seen enough data on Jupiter to make precise call at this time>but you got to wonder?
Vianova has great technical way of putting it> hope that helps >just where did that bacterial on Mars come from in the first place>everywhere maybe?
Also reminds me of your mysterious message too>ongoing experiment?!
MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE This haunts me-- received from anon source in February 2000
You may not realize how right you are. However, brace yourself, the changes are only just beginning. Do not fear however, the "EXPERIMENT" as you call it is not over, it will continue. The only thing remaining to be seen is the way in which you humans handle the coming times. Look to Mars, and the red storm of Jupiter as well. You will be amazed at what you discover.
In response to an quote from Sagan:
Originally at
Galileo also will be powered by radioactive plutonium. There is no alternative. To power Galileo by solar panels, the spacecraft would have to be as big as a house; to power it by batteries would add so much weight that the mission would never fly -- at least on any U.S. launch vehicle in existence or now under development. But plutonium can be deadly, and the Galileo RTG's have now begun to alarm many people."
Teller and the Super Bomb: The first day, Teller described his proposed design, which came to be known as the "classical super." Although details remain classified, Teller´s basic concept was that an atomic bomb, might produce enough heat to ignite deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen). Teller proposed putting a fission bomb at one end of a long pipe full of liquid deuterium. According to the theory, the atom bomb would heat one end of the pipe sufficiently to start a burning wave in the deuterium that would proceed down the tube. |
Unlike fission bombs, which rely only on nuclear fission, and which can achieve explosions equivalent to thousands of tons of TNT ("kilotons"), the power of an H-bomb or thermonuclear weapon has no practical limit -- it can be made as powerful as you want, by adding more deuterium/tritium to the second stage. |
D on Jupiter Another difference is indicated by the presence of deuterium (D) on Jupiter. This heavy isotope of hydrogen has disappeared from the Sun as a result of nuclear reactions in the solar interior.
Date: 3/8/04 10:10:18 AM Pacific Standard Time
"Existing theories cannot easily explain the intensity or distribution of Saturn's X-rays." Looks like Saturn is also acting up...
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are looking brighter
NIBIR ON THE NIBBLE? WEIRD NEPTUNE: It's springtime on Neptune, which means about 40 years of bright clouds -- something of a surprise to astronomers who were not necessarily expecting the seasons to change on this distant planet. Actually, only the southern hemisphere appears to be experiencing a Neptunian spring, according to observations made with the Hubble Space Telescope. |
MARS: watch out, might get your feet wet
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Date: 3/9/04 8:48:06 PM Pacific Standard Time
Dear Kent, They said "filaments are contamination" of the site. I think that "contamination" is all over the place...I downloaded the image [source] and corrected contrast 35%. Take a look on that. This one contains a lot more [source] FORUM
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The Curious Case of the NASA Crinoid Cover-Up
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Subsequent to finding the lake at the Elysium Rise the Mariner 9 data files were released on the Internet. Frankly I think that the planetary crowd has known about water on Mars since the '70s. The thought police seemed to enter the scene on the Viking mission. Dr. Gilbert V. Levin, President of Biospherics Incorporated, said he has now concluded that his experiment detected microbial life on Mars 21 years ago. |
Valles Marineris Outpost of Snefru Valles Marineris Palace of Marduk
Hubble's Deepest View Ever of the Universe Unveils Earliest Galaxies Diagram
A scientist says one of the most sought after particles in physics - the Higgs boson - may have been found, but the evidence is still relatively weak
The original radio show covering the Roswell crash
Official DATA discrepencies? Comet T7 -- NASA Vs. HARVARD Comets C/2001 Q4 & 2003 XJ7 + Toutatis
Date: 3/5/04 12:03:20 AM Pacific Standard Time
Last week there was a rather large meteor low in the evening sky that came from the south west. I live roughly in the middle of the island. It started out as a spot in the sky which I thought was a plane, and quickly grew in brightness. It then became a bright streak and winked out.
And then last night I thought I might have seen two more meteors from a different radiant, but I only caught them out of the corner of my eye, and I'm not sure if they were meteors or what...
Date: 2/27/04 2:09:13 PM Pacific Standard Time The day all across the PNW when we had power problems (batteries, cell phones dead, etc) this pattern was over us in the Columbia Basin. You're looking down upon the Columbia Basin in these shots. You can see the confluence of the Snake and Columbia rivers. Just a heads up.... this stuff is for real. |
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UPDATED: 8:29 AM MST February 26, 2004
DENVER -- If you saw something unusual in the night sky above Colorado Wednesday night, you weren't alone. Many people called 7NEWS to report a fireball around 6:30 p.m. and the Museum of Nature and Science said it was likely a meteor. |
The Pentagon´s Secret Scream Sonic devices that can inflict pain--or even permanent deafnessare being deployed.
Date: 3/8/04 10:23:02 PM Pacific Standard Time
hello. today is a weird day. with all that is going down on the surfingtheapocalypse boards with tomorrow...err today, and other things, this is worrisome. today, at tmobile, there were several MAJOR outages, unexplained, in the mississippi river valley, from chitown to New Orleans, all the major cities had reports of massive outages, etc.
A Chilling Possibility: By disturbing a massive ocean current, melting Arctic sea ice might trigger colder weather in Europe and North America
The real level of world inequality and environmental degradation may be far worse than official estimates, according to a leaked document prepared for the world's richest countries and seen by the Guardian.
On the morning of 911 I was contacted by a fellow from California that had access to an uninterrupted global newswire and together we began to record the events and to open the process to the Internet community. Little did I realize that the investigation would continue with a formal command center until Feb 3, 2003, and informally since. Hundreds of people joined in the watch. Kent Steadman
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911 was a business decision, for business interests, with business interests in order to further business interests.
Pix of new taxpayer paid for KILLER Armored Truck for use against American Citizens
NEMO ALERT: Atomic fusion in a cup? It's hard to believe |
See Flash {ee-YOH-yahm} IN LAKOTA IS [FLASH]
In Memory of Grandfather Selo Black Crow
knowledge can be learned but until it is truly experienced, it does not become wisdom--Selo |
When conspiracy turns to fact!
FORUMS: GLP Full Diskclosure One Step Ahead The Surfing The Apocalypse Network