In this age of increased control, maybe the old-timers should recount how it was once, so the kids get an alternative take. Historical necessity, eh? When I was a kid we got to run through the fields, haunt the streams (you know after the chores, just be sure to show up for dinner...) We had kid stage plays, puppet theaters, hawked lemonade, marched in spontaneous parades.
How about it? YOUR TALES O´ YORE?
![]() SPECIAL FORUM AREA TALES AROUND THE POTBELLY STOVE My life has been durned strange, has yours? Bet it has too. When I was a kid there were still General Stores, a pot-belly, apple barrel and old-timers with their tales. We whippersnappers used to skirt the shadows to listen. Better than TV, well, ahem, in my youth radio. Got any stories? |
CONTROL AND COWARDICE [Un]Patriot Act Expansion Moves Through Congress
IRS wants to use PATRIOT ACT powers to punish Government in-house whistleblowers
Relatives of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq Decry Bush's "Photo Opportunity" 9/11 Widow Sues Bush
In a minor coup, some General takes over the government of a single country. In a Grand Coup the entire world order is transformed. The whole Enlightenment heritage has been abandoned: constitutional government, civil liberties, balance of powers, government accountability. International law has been abandoned, and national sovereignty is becoming a subject for nostalgia buffs.
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." ~ Adolf Hitler
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Westerners, Easterners;
Presidents, Popes, Priests, Mullahs, Monarchs; Politicians, Military, Magnates;
Christians, Muslims, Pagans, Jews, again compete for the historically sought,
much honored, Dumber Than a Cord o' Wood
Wooly Sheeple flock to the bleachers and bleat for their favorite primal-ram. |
EDITOR'S NOTE: My friend, National Guard, just got shipped off to Bush's illegal and impossible war in Iraq, and I have children [do you?] that might end up in Iraq because of the disgusting Fascist Skull & Bones Administration. It is my responsibility as a father and a citizen TO RESIST [based on painstaking and painful research]. Some of you think ORBIT is just about solar watch-- it is not. Although many others have helped ORBIT is my workshop and voice. If you disagree on particular points do so intelligently in forum which has been provided for debate. Quit sending me pissy email, stick your neck out in forum and back it up!
WAKE UP and be seen- -Wanna Wrestle, do it here--Indignant Old Fart, Kent
How to add nothing, the big bad beer belch
In a message dated 11/30/03 2:42:30 AM Pacific Standard Time, [whippersnapper] writes:
Begin--"you are an ignorant old fart with an ignorant website, you will undoubtedly continue to wallow in your self delusion and self pity rather than have the courage to see the truth." --The End
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Do you ever wonder who us running this silly Neo-Fascist Neocon dog
and pony show? Ask yourself the questions, "who is in charge? Who is running
the show? Who is responsible?" Then quickly answer to yourself, declare it
loudly, "I AM!" New Leak Smells of Neocon Desperation Washington demands triggers for attack on Iran Something Wicked This Way Comes THE FIFTH ESTATE: Broadcast on the fifth estate Wednesday, October 29 2003 on CBC TV at 9PM |
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of Students Karen Kenney turned the clock back decades by approving sanctions
against three Berkeley students for their part in a peaceful on campus sit-in
on March 20 (for more details go to
The protest was organized by the Berkeley Stop the War Coalition and involved 4,000 students at a rally with 400 participating in the sit-in. |
F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies Patriot Act stifles dissent on campus Postcards from Seattle
Miami's Trade Troubles Contrary to the Bush Administration's spin, the Free Trade Area of the Americas met defeat in militarized Miami Thousands Begin To Gather at the Gates Congress Grovels for the WTO 10,000 Protest in Fort Benning, Georgia Against School of Americas, What Many Critics Call the School of Assassins" Unions Call For Timoney to Be Fired & Congressional Investigation After Bloody Miami FTAA Protests
Miami Vice - Undercover
Cops Acted As FTAA Protestors
Army Faces Crippling Shortfall in Re-Enlistment Paul Krugman | The Uncivil War U.S. military efforts raise concern of about draft return
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. --Dwight D. Eisenhower
Smedley Butler, War is a Racket: During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
JEBBY'S JACKBOOTS TAKE AIM: New Photos of Nikki Hartman Shot in the Back Nikki's version MP3
Dept. of Homeland Security Monitors Protesters Homeland Security Chief Added To Presidential Succession? "Homeland Defense" and the Militarisation of America
Paramilitaries, Embedded Journalists and Illegal Protests. Think This is
Iraq? It's Your Country! Militarization in
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Whatever Happens It Ain't All Bad [the dumber the brat-politicians the better for musicians]
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"Well, it's always we ramble that river and
All along your green valley, I'll work till I die My land I'll defend with my life, if it be 'Cause my pastures of plenty must always be free." --Woody Guthrie |
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The BBC has released a remarkable film about the killing of three international peace activists by the Israeli army in the occupied Gaza Strip. Documentary evidence provided in the film strongly suggests that the American Rachel Corrie - and two British activists - were murdered.
ALEX JONES: Al-Qaeda are the US govts greatest ally. Richard Labeviere | Al-Qaeda, the Mythic Enemy Donkeys of Mass Destruction CIA Agent Blew His Legs Off While Building "Terror" Bomb Michael Meiring accidently blew his own legs off while constructing a bomb which was intended, if ignited as planned, to be a staged Al Queda terror attack, justifying a tightened US- Philippine military alliance. |
JUMPIN JEHOSAPHAT WAKE UP! [On a most insistent request I removed the heading, For Chrissakes, Wake Up. Lord knows I don't want to be accused of cussing!
DISCLAIMER: also in reporting these surrounding events I do not wish to imply that the current administration is a nest of Doodle-dandy blueblood brats, they are what they are, politicians, which is swell and of course most noble, the great and most holy petro-Pappys. Georgie Amstrong Custer would be proud! The brassy buckaroos gallop into hostile territories with refrains from Gary Owen on the hoary pipes.] |
The Other Shoe America Built A Prison And Put The World On Death Row
"But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and then denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." -- [Braut] Hermann Goering
On the morning of 911 I was contacted by a fellow from California that had access to an uninterrupted global newswire and together we began to record the events and to open the process to the Internet community. Little did I realize that the investigation would continue with a formal command center until Feb 3, 2003, and informally since. Hundreds of people joined in the watch. Kent Steadman
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OWNING THE NEWS: Carlyle Group ready to
buy stakes in major newspapers
Sherman Skolnick The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 43
GOP Turns Medicare into HMO Victims Pile Up in Violent Iraqi Capital Americans Reminded of Afghan War when 5 Soldiers Killed Walter Cronkite | American Unilateralism Alienates Allies, Isolates Us Bush Sacrifices Ozone Layer to Lift Election Prospects New Media Rules Partially Rolled Back Schechter and Kelly | Media Silence on 9/11 Naughty Neil Bush Evidence indicates that Wellstone crash was no accident Cheney and Perle To Go Down Like Ollie North? 'Plumbers' Are Under Investigation in Cheney-Gate Cheney Justifies Invasion Of Iraq In First Televised Interview in Six Months Did Saddam gas his own people or was it Iranian gas? Toll on U.S. troops in Iraq grows as wounded rolls approach 10,000
AUSTIN, Texas -- Wow! Not one, but two huge, horrible, last-minute life-changing bills, and the second is even worse than the first! Record-shattering bad legislation immediately eclipsed by record-shattering bad legislation. These Republicans have talent: It is not easy to do this much damage to people's lives with a straight face and that unctuous air of piety.
THE Queen is furious with President George W. Bush after his state visit caused thousands of pounds of damage to her gardens at Buckingham Palace.
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[Use petro for candy bar wrappers and Barbie dolls, no more evil oil wars!]
Discovered by chance, a revolutionary battery powered by water only, could one day light up a whole city October 20, 2003 London: The battery of the future could be powered by nothing but water, following a breakthrough by two Canadian scientists who have discovered an entirely new way to generate electricity - the first since 1839. Initial applications could be cellphones and other electronic devices that now use rechargeable batteries, but Larry Kostiuk and Daniel Kwok, researchers at the University of Alberta who made the discovery, think that in time it could even be used for full-scale power generation. When the "water battery" ran down, you would simply pump it up, perhaps with your hands. It would be non-polluting and non-toxic and completely portable. And it could be ready for commercial application before the end of the decade. |
Free electric power has been available since yr. 1900!!
SLEUTHS: Quoting a Kurd neighbor, "Saddam was hired to supply oil to the West. That was his job."
1. Iraq: something went wrong over a payoff in counterfeit bills:
Whatever opinion you have made of Saddam Hussein, he is NOT some dummy. The superior quality hundred dollar U.S. paper money bills, that flooded Iraq and the Mid-East, by Daddy Bush---well, Saddam, in turn, dumped them on Europe and from which, they are coming back to haunt and trouble the United States.
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To cover up this treason and criminality done by Daddy Bush against the American people and their organic law, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, his son, George W. Bush, the resident and occupant of the Oval Office installed by a military Junta- style Five of the U.S. Supreme Court, feels obligated to find a reason to protect Bush the Elder by violently seeking to remove the Baghdad regime--Skolnik |
2. Afghanistan is all about CENTGAS 2, a pipeline and a Taliban double-cross.
SOLUTION: Impeach Bush Campaign
Wolfowitz: Iraq War Was About Oil
Is oil a renewable resource? Juneau Empire Wall Street Journal
Arthur C. Clarke Nuclear Reactors Existed on Earth Two Billion Years Ago
NEW FORUM Solar Watch Tool includes new data, live images Thanksgiving Forecast: Potential Fireworks on the Sun ORBIT SUNBLAST NASA COPS TO WEIRD SUN: The Sun Goes Haywire Solar maximum is years past, yet the sun has been remarkably active lately. Is the sunspot cycle broken? |
Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch Space station crew hears crunching sound
To the ones who carry a canupa. Others may also listen and follow his suggestion.
My friends, my relatives maybe I want to tell you something thats very important. The date is 23 November 2003. Its the solar eclipse. Remember to pray and honor Earth Mother and change your whole way of life. Give thanks for everything and appreciate the oxygen that comes from trees. The trees are dying so pray sincerely so the trees will not die. Pray even a little harder for 23 November. Maybe Earth Mother is trying to tell us something. Maybe Earth Mother is saying that she is trying to get back in balance. We have to expect more Spiritual Shock. Maybe some of us will listen to Earth Mother, maybe some of us will learn, maybe some of us won't.
Earth Mother is our beginning and our home. Pray sincerely so she will be merciful to the children and future generations. What have we done so this happened? Why is Earth Mother not in balance? What can we do to help? Pray, give thanks, change your whole way of life. Honor Earth Mother and nature and remember your reason for being here now.
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Your Friend and Relative,
Chief Selo Black Crow
Oglala Lakota,
Wanblee, Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation, S.D
High-Tech Crimes and Electromagnetic Madness
Mystery surrounds Sea Kings' Power Loss HALIFAX (CP) - Investigators can't figure out why two Sea King helicopters suddenly lost power months ago, leaving the entire fleet under ongoing flight restrictions that are hampering training and operations.
NOW READY: succesfully prepared to autorun on most PCs. Written in HTML, brings up your default Browser. Should work on MAC although you might have to manually access index.html as described in instructions.
Note: if you already have an Orbit Disc, you may or may not need this upgrade. I think I can post the new stuff [only] to the Internet for your download. No, it would be impossible to the whole 650 megs, you will need to have the disc already. I'll work on this supplement, just thought of the idea [still working on this aspect.]
Giving it back: let me know if you want a CD. Essentially this is ALL of ORBIT on Disc.
ORBIT CD The Secrets of Everything! SOON KENTA'S WORKSHOP
650 megs of orbit archives preserved for posterior, oops I mean posterity,
on CDRom.
I've sent the CD out free to many supporters and folks that are broke, other donations have ranged from $10.00 to more (general Orbit support). No, I can't send them all free because I'd go busted-flat with shipping. But tell me your tale o' woe, and if your story is more desperate than my own I WILL give you one at my expense. The materials and shipping cost me about $7.00. I make them each at home on my CD burner, signed and edition-number like the print artist's craft. Each one takes about 15 minutes to make and I wait until I get about 20 requests to set up for the ordeal. Egads here I go again! Pray for my CD burner! TO ORDER AN ORBIT CD PLEASE USE REGULAR MAIL ONLY OR I'LL GET LOST. Just send a simple request with where to ship. NOTE: I'll be burning discs this weekend, the first to be sent out by Monday. Kent Steadman 425 S. 156th Street #119A Seattle, WA 98148 |
My effort are now a bit scattered but when the Muses sing it is time to do the dance. I must pay the Piper too.
ORBIT is a two-way effort, me and you. Most grateful for your support!
Kent Steadman; 425 S. 156th Street; #119A; Seattle, WA; 98148