The attached
article Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed
as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary of
defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and
representatives of the bin Laden family.
The C.I.A. and the failure of American intelligence In interviews over the past two weeks, a number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin Laden's capabilities. "This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he's running this operation?" one C.I.A. official asked. "It's so huge. |
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EDITOR'S PLEA: Quit draggin your butts,
engineers, get your cottonpickin Alternate Energy Systems, Overunity, going
QUICKLY! Screw the patents, delays, Orc resistance and hankypanky, visions
of private gain,
just DO IT!
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Inventor Claims Discovery of Free Energy A cold stone house on a wind-swept Irish hillside may seem an unlikely setting for the birthplace of such an epoch-making discovery, but it is here that an Irish inventor says he has developed a machine that will do no less than change the world. |
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The Stacked experiments 2 This page contains a series of experimental lifters or propulsion devices that do not use conventional methods for thrust. These lifters are using the Biefeld-Brown Effect to generate the main thrust to self levitate and are able to lift their own weight and even additional load. Video 2 [Data] Lifter tests with a PULSED High Voltage |
Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)
A BILL Sponsor
To require the induction into the Armed Forces of young men registered under the Military Selective Service Act, and to authorize young women to volunteer, to receive basic military training and education for a period of up to one year.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001'.
Tidal Waves/Tsunamis; Aleksey Nikolayevich Dmitriev and MAMMOTH list of WTC image links |
Subj: The Cleanup Operation Begins
Date: 1/25/02 10:40:25 AM Pacific Standard Time
The Cleanup Operation Begins: We can probably expect to see a rash of these occurring over the coming weeks, in a manner similar to what we observed during Clinton's administration. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37789-2002Jan25.html
Bottom line.... If you're in-the-know about what really transpired between Enron and the Whitehouse (and other breaking scandals), chances are you are about to be suddenly stricken with a fatal "bout of depression". Come to think of it, Dubya's been looking just a tad "down" since that pretzel incident? Maybe using those Florida schoolchildren as a human-shield is beginning to gnaw away at him? Hope he doesn't do anything too rash...?
Coincidentally, the CIA now appears to have a "007" designation. (To help fight depression?) http://www.rense.com/general19/kill.htm
Speaking of cleanup operations; I also see a dear old friend of Mr. Sharon's has been nicely "tidied up". http://www.rense.com/general19/CAR.HTM
Thought for the day: After a 50 year war against randomly-defined "terrorists", how many of us, our children and grand-children do you really expect will survive the ever-widening dragnet against phantom evils? After even a few years of hi-tech, wholesale slaughter, the gov't/industrial/military complex will quickly become desperate for new targets to fuel the fire of their perpetual war. Innocent lives mean nothing to these people.... only profits. Just take an honest look at their existing track-record if you are in doubt about where this is heading. Even now the draft is being re-introduced to obtain even more fresh wood for their hell-fires. Will those stoking the fires also enter into the flames? (No.... But they will ultimately be consumed by them when they grow out of their control)
And to those of you in the gov't/industrial/military complex...... Space exploration would be far more profitable and rewarding for all of mankind in the long term. For remember, regardless of your amassed material goods, extinction will ultimately include YOU TOO!
Think about it!
US anthrax attackers aimed to assassinate Democratic leaders
Cryptome filed a Freedom of Information Act request on March 29, 2001 to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command for a long list of intelligence dossiers
Date: 1/25/02 9:23:39 AM Pacific Standard Time
Enron exec shot in the head 2...whew, just a suicide. I thought it might have been all vince foster all of a sudden.
Kmart Launches Accounting Investigation Hit for J.P. Morgan could be huge
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X-Ray could split allies
THE treatment of al-Qaeda suspects at Camp X-Ray in Cuba was threatening last night to provoke the first split between America and Britain since the start of the war against terrorism. Jack Straw demanded a guarantee of humane treatment for the prisoners in the face of growing alarm from MPs and senior clergy over the way the suspects were being handled. But the US Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, suggested that critics of the regime at Guantánamo Bay did not know what they were talking about. |
Friday January 18 7:48 PM ET Poll: Bush Admin. Hiding Something By The Associated Press,
Almost two-thirds of Americans in a new CBS News poll think the Bush administration is either hiding something or lying about its relationship with Enron, the failed energy trading company that has been a big contributor to the president and to other politicians from both parties. The poll was of 1,030 adults was taken Jan. 15-17 and released Friday. It had an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Among the poll findings:
-Almost two-thirds - 63 percent - think the Bush administration isn't telling everything it knows about its relationship with Enron. That group breaks up this way - a fifth think the Bush administration is lying about its relationship with Enron, while almost half - 44 percent - think the administration is hiding something.
-Just over half said the company's calls to the Bush administration for help were wrong, and just over half said the administration did the right thing if it didn't help the company.
-Just under half say now that the oil industry has too much influence on the Bush administration, down from two-thirds who felt that way in August.
-Four in 10 say they are worried that they have too much of their retirement savings in company stock.
-Seven in 10 said the government should not make up pension losses of people whose company goes bankrupt.
-More than half said Enron had at least some influence on the Bush administration's energy policy and even more said the influence was inappropriate.
Robert Sterling Editor, The Konformist http://www.konformist.com
In case you were wondering how Enron came into so much trouble, here is an explanation reputedly given by a ColoradoAggie professor to explain it in terms his students could understand.
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.
ENRONOMICS Enron Capitalism
You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned your CFO who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on six more.
Now do you see why a company with $62 billion in assets is declaring bankruptcy?
Enron Auditor Refuses to Testify (washingtonpost.com)
Date: 1/23/02 12:29:53 PM Pacific Standard Time
Send him to Guantanamo, a few days being treated like an Afghan will loosen his lips.
ENTON, INDIA AND THE TALIBAN Milosevic war crimes case faces collapse
Enron's Hero - With A Smoking-Gun Letter A New Twist In Enron's Can Of Worms Secret Enron Documents Leaked? Take A Look
Enron cultists follow the leader WAS ENRON also a cult? Enron is a big company going down the tubes, to be sure. But was it also a corporate version of the Branch Davidians or Heaven's Gate? And did Enron's chairman, Kenneth L. Lay, operate in much the same way as David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite?
Enron Auditor Refuses to Testify Ochenski: Rotten to the core Enron collapse exposes its friends in sly places
Enron's Pug Winokur, Shadow Government Insider POWER SCAM: THE ENRON BUSH CONNECTION
Skolnick - The Enron Black Magic - Part 3: Forbidden Secrets Enron bet on the wrong horse
The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner "Enron Prize for Distinguished Public Service"
Enron's new $5bn black hole US Defends Handling of Enron Project
Cheney Spoke to Indian Officials on Enron Project
Enron and the Bush administration: kindred spirits in fraud and criminality
Enron Didn't Pay Income Taxes 4 Of 5 Years Sen. Clinton to donate Enron campaign contributions to charity
THE PROJECT HAMMER FILE An investigation into the secretive, multi-trillion dollar world of parallel banking & finance
Subj: You think the fix is in?
Date: 1/23/02 10:18:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
So, Shrubula announces that he is gonna pump $US50 Billion into defense procurement. He also admits that this will cause a deficit, but that is acceptable because this is *WAR, DAMMIT!!!". At the same time United Defense Industries is going IPO, looking at a $US400 million take. Of course, UDI is owned by...wait for it...The Carlyle Group. Which employs Poppy,
You know, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson described the look on Poppy's face, when Shrubula was announced as (s)elected, as "having a look on his face like a hyena with a baby springbok in his jaws".
Now, we know why. Of course, we all know that all of this is completely on the up-and-up, and the Bush Family has only our best interests at heart.
No. Really.
Date: 1/18/02 8:33:59 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hey Kent, Check this out! Just watched the news and happened to catch something interesting. http://ada.oklahoman.net/ramgen/real/j176pm5.rm Found at http://www.newsok.com/?news9 Click on Idabel reporter trumpets April 19 conspiracy evidence |
Japanese savings switching to gold
Date: 1/26/02 9:24:53 PM Pacific Standard Time
Guess Dub ain't afraid o' no stinkin' Russians. Course he has access to bombproof bunkers and mr. cheney's cave hideout-maybe, if mr. cheney is in a mood to share with dub's kids and dogs. They just can't wait to start WW3 and clear these united snakes of all viable life.
CIA complicit on September 11? (Hot - don't miss this one) http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495&article=16933
When U.S. Joint Chiefs Planned Terror Attacks on America http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495&article=16932
John Walker and the fatal flaw in our war on terrorism! http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495&article=16912
Ex-Enron Official Found Dead In Car http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495&article=16929
The Forgotten Americans http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495&article=16911
`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.' http://disc.server.com/Indices/149495.html
`Open Conspirators' Behind September 11 Coup Plot
Dow Jones Spokesman Says Journal Reporter Pearl is Missing in Pakistan
Date: 1/26/02 5:51:19 AM Pacific Standard Time
Look at the DATE on this story! What are they? Prophets? Planned for Friday, postponed 4 hours. Sunday dateline on story says "last night." Means it hasn't happened yet? Whatthehey? Interceptor Hits Target In Navy Anti-Missile Test
Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse Israels latest worry: Egypt
Date: 1/24/02 11:47:21 PM Pacific Standard Time
Taliban rising again? Where'd they get these 450 tanks? China maybe, or Russia? Who else would like to rain on dub's parade? Don't uncork the Champagn, yet, bushwackers. You ain't in charge, yet. Maybe they heard how the u.s. treats it's pow's and they'd rather die then be taken alive. 450 tanks should even the odds a bit. If it's close in, the bombers might hit their own 'special forces', like they've done before, and what about that bomb shortage? HMMM
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,2002030016-2002041322,00.html 2
Rumsfeld remarks anger UK MPs At a Pentagon briefing on Tuesday, Rumsfeld said it was easy for critics to carp from a "comfortable distance". "It's amazing the insight that parliamentarians can gain from 5,000 miles away," he said in singling Britain out.
Targeting Tehran Israel is waging a diplomatic offensive to persuade the US administration that Iran should be next on the "war against terror" hit list. Galal Nassar assesses the implications
Bush taps conservative to lead AIDS council Coburn, an obstetrician who represented Oklahoma's normally Democratic 2nd District from 1994 to 2000, has simultaneously championed AIDS funding and placed himself in diametric opposition to the gay community.
Gunmen attack American centre in eastern India, four dead
Common Mycoplasmas -Now Weaponized, Pathogenic & Deadly
Treason in Government! Admiralty on Land!! CIA takes on major new military role
Japan Has Virtually Exhausted its Cash and Its Self-Confidence
World Trade Centre Scrap Sails for India, China The New Faisaliah Giant Obelisk - Occult Symbolism?
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED M.L. King Murder A Government Plot Citizen Works
Iran to free 697 Iraqi POWs within 72 hours: ministry
Saudis warming up to Iraq? Riyadh a leading opponent of U.S.-led attack on Iraq
Hussein Discusses Mobilizing Troops Gunmen attack US centre in Calcutta
Cash-strapped Argentines return to bartering system Massive Power Blackout Hits Brazil's Key Region
US and Britain set to widen war on al-Qaeda
US Seeks To Make Kashmir A Free Country For US Military Bases
Kandahar's Army Of Widows Eat Cattle Feed
Governor Bush's Cocaine Problem I can reveal the truth about Bush It wasn't the pretzel, or the drink, that put him on the floor
Rift Between US Government and US Special Forces Rumsfeld orders "British" torture for Afghan prisoners of war
IRS Raids Anti-Income Taxer's Home and Office Bartlett 'dismayed' by 'Operation Wait to File until the Trial'
Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government
China Says President's Jet Bugged -FT
ALTERNATE ENERGY DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Old Cosmic law: when the ORCS are off clattering for war, a certain amount of shall we say, COSMIC FREEDOM, is released. The usual barricades are down because of the distractions. GO FOR IT NOW! The Little Engine That Could Be NICOLA TESLA'S AUTOMOBILE Bearden Group awarded patent on Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Alternative Energy Developers Fusion power 'within reach'
The Stacked Lifters experiments This page contains a series of experimental lifters or propulsion devices that do not use conventional methods for thrust. These lifters are using the Biefeld-Brown Effect to generate the main thrust to self levitate and are able to lift their own weight and even additional load.
GUERRILLA NEWS NETWORK War on Terrorism Thoughts - Timeline MILITARY.COM DEBKAfile STATE DEPT. CRYPTOME Angels Intranet ARABIA.COM VILLAGE VOICE SURVIVAL DATABASE GlobalSecurity.org PROMED Mail CDC CCOPS: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States WTC TOWER REPORTS 2 3 NEW GHOST MISSILE 2 3* Ziggy's Huge WTC image archive EDITOR: the term, *missile, used in the general sense Enormous data base of info on Bin Laden Robert Lederman THE AFGHAN KILLING FIELDS: BLOOD FOR OIL/GAS TO CHINA PART 2" US "SECRET" PLANS FOR AFGHANISTAN PART 3: SILK ROAD, THE BUSH/BINLADEN/CHENEY LINKS
.Follow events as they unfold in Afghanistan, through the eyes of two foreign TV 24/7 online news services. Aljazeera TV Qatar, is an Arab news channel currently used by CNN and can be viewed live at: http://www.aljazeera.net/live.asx.
Sign up for PayPal here, great secure way to...well you know...help ORBIT
NEWCOMERS: this effort, although many send reports, boils down to one old frazzled guy, me, Kent. COMMAND CENTER BEGINS AT THE HOUR OF THE DOWNING OF THE WTC page one page two page three page four page five page five page six page seven page eight page nine page ten page eleven page twelve page thirteen page fourteen page fifteen page sixteen page seventeen page eighteen page nineteen page twenty page twenty-one page twenty-two page twenty-three page twenty-four page twenty-five page twenty-six page twenty-seven page twenty-eight page twenty-nine page thirty page thirty-one page thirty-two