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Islay set for hydrogen power Scientists want to turn Islay into the world's first hydrogen-powered island. They plan to make the clean fuel by treating water with electricity generated from a wave power station already operating on the island. They will then store the hydrogen in batteries known as "fuel cells", which local people will take home to run everything from tumble-driers to tractors |
Utility Executive Dead in Apparent Suicide Mon Jun 3, 1:48 PM ET Avoiding the real questions
THE EMPIRE ISN'T IN AFGHANISTAN FOR THE OIL! In other words, rather than being interested in Central Asia "because of oil," the U.S. was interested in oil "because of Central Asia."
PHONY TO THE CORE: The "Ole Family Ranch" in Crawford is a Set Completed the Same Day the Election was Stolen
FBI Given More Latitude: New Surveillance Rules Remove Evidence Hurdle
Halliburton Shares Sink on Probe News
NUCLEAR WAR? Bush is in Russia talking about the coming nuclear war between Pakistan and India. He isn't talking about how to prevent it, he is talking about how to contain it to just the two countries. Both Russia and the US want to see large numbers of Pakistanis eliminated because it will get rid of the largest remnants of Al Queda and Taliban.
Date: 5/27/02 10:42:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
He's ill-literate in two languages, falsifying reality , in both. "How wonderful", indeed. Living in la la land, not a clue, apparently, very smirky and obnoxious, as usual. La stupidoes go on and on defending their delusions, lies and close ties to everything evil. Was this 'deft' reply planned and executed , as a sham, to show Bush as partialy intelligent? Remember 911, he sure fooled a lot of fools then, too. The world is a stage for this clown, it's all in the script, the program runs on, till it runs out. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020527-78351630.htm
TIME.com: Coleen Rowley's Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller
Author: U.S. military behind 9-11 "It is a possibility that the planes of Sept. 11 were remote-controlled. For two hours before the attack, waves from a homing device were recorded transmitting from, and interfering with transmission from, the twin towers, and such a device could be used to direct airplanes. If the planes were controlled by remote, no hijackers were needed, thus the passenger lists were fake"
Dan Rather: Bush Issued Fake Terror Alert To Cover 911 Bungle
$7 Billion Suit Against Bush For 911 Intel Failures
In an incredible display of arrogance, George Bush said that HE (not the White House, but HE) will no linger tolerate second-guessing on the subject of the growing questions of what did the Bush Administration know and when did it know it regarding threatened terrorist attacks against the United States prior to 9-11. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld then came out with a press release from the Department of Defense, stating that "those who ask questions could face government charges." Al Martin
War on terror: Dalai Lama warns "The difficulty with violence is (that) once you commit it, it's unpredictable," he said. "At the beginning you may have certain intentions or certain aims but once you've committed violence then there's always a danger (it will get) out of control."
"Oh Lucy! You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do" FAA SAT ON PRE-9/11 WARNING
U.S. to sue Fla. counties over vote Voting rights violated in 2000 election, Justice official says
Fort Stewart soldier jailed in Florida on $5 million bond
Date: 5/20/02 9:21:01 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Either Denver or Portland (Northwest Area). These are the two areas that I remember the City Councils or their State government passed resolutions stating the Civil Liberties of their citizens will not be circumvented by the Federal Homeland Security Act. One of these areas could be used as "an example" for not following the Draconian mandates of Homeland Security. Now, which area is "expendable," meaning which area, if attacked, will disrupt the everyday "commerce" of the rest of the U.S. the least? JIM WARE, Ft.Worth,Tx.
Positive Anthrax Test Closes World Bank Building in D.C.
Cheney Moves to Block 9-11 Probe http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21A.Cheney.Block.911.htm
Jennifer Van Bergen | The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11 http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21B.jvb.usapa.911.htm
Bomber Disguised as Israeli Soldier Kills 3 in Market http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21C.Netanya.htm
NRDC Experts Call Treaty 'Political Theater', Bush-Putin Treaty Will Prolong Nuclear Standoff http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21D.NRDC.Treaty.htm
U.S. Soldier Killed in Afghanistan http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21E.1.US.Killed.htm
Albright Blasts Bush Foreign Policy http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21F.Albright.Blasts.htm
Whaling Activists Face Off in Japann http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21G.Whaling.Japan.htm
Arianna Huffington | Has The Patent Expired On The Pharmaceutical Industry's Invincibility? http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21H.Arianna.Patent.htm
White House Stonewall: Day 87 http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.21I.Stonewall.87.htm
t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) : https://www.truthout.org/membership/membership.htm
Knowing Much, Bush Did Little to Protect America
ABC News: "We Can't Air This - It would topple the government of the United States"
The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism
China's military starts war games near Taiwan
Bush Lying on 9/11 Multiple Reports Contradict Bush Denials Martial law is coming -- one city at a time
Date: 5/16/02 10:45:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent, Ol' Ari Fleischer, National Pilgarlic and White House spokesman, has earned a new title --- Presidential Spinmeister. He must have pulled about 9 G's by making statements like the one in the attached Reuters article: "Until the attack took place, I think it's fair to say that no one envisioned that as a possibility." No one, that is, except people like author Tom Clancey when about a decade ago he wrote in his novel DEBT OF HONOR that a kamikazi pilot crashed a fully fueled 747 into the US Capitol.
The vindication of Congresswoman McKinney and your Command Center should be a wake up call to all the sheeple that the King has no clothes and his triangle tipped tail is starting to show. He sold his soul to the devil and then used those Enron dollars to pay the demons from Texas to intimidate the Dade County, FL, vote recounters and to pay for his appearance before the Supreme Court to annoint him King. Bush spent the month of August 2001 in Crawford, TX, planning for what he knew was coming and admitted as much during the question and answer session after his speech to the American Legion on August 2, 2001. The last question he was asked that morning was about how secure was the Social Security lock box. Bush answered, "very secure unless there is a national emergency OR A WAR." He stepped off the stage to leave and was asked again whether it could be reported that the SS lockbox was secure to which Bush turned and reiterated, "unless there's a national emergency . . . OR A WAR."
Not only did the King know of the impending attacks before they happenend, but his cabal had planned the subsequent Draconian responses in advance of the tragedy. Now Bush's leak-proof ship is starting to list and the courts are starting to breach the bulkheads of secrecy with their recent rulings. Like the glaciers breaking free from Antarctica the memos will break free from the intelligence agencies exposing to all what we have known to be true since 9/11/2001: the King's yacht is named TITANIC
Lies, Damn Lies and the PR Industry
Mystery illness strikes UK troops
HO HUM DEPT: GUESS WHAT Afghanistan plans gas pipeline 2
Monday, May 13, 2002 Carter: Cuba Terror Claims False
The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 11 So now, a portion of the American aristocracy having created an excuse, wants to cancel the Bill of Rights. They created an emergency event, allowed, permitted, and condoned it to occur, with their prior knowledge and blessing. Actually, a series of events, in which the "Arabs" are NOT the principal players, just patsies.
The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism
Urgent - Fox News: Isrealis Had Ryder Truck With Explosive Residue ARCHIVES: the Truck
US Hit Squads Signal New Twist In Afghan War US Government Fails Fiscal-Fitness Test - Billions Missing
Zero Tolerance Takes Toll On Students
Who Controls The Federal Reserve System? Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation Remarks in Congress, 1934 AN ASTOUNDING EXPOSURE
White House E-Mail; 'Desperate to Avoid CA' http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14A.WH.E.Mail.htm
Agent Alleges FBI Ignored Hamas Activities http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14E.FBI.Agent.htm
Bush Supports Creation of Palestine http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14B.Bush.Palestine.htm
Likud Rejects Palestinian Statehood Defeat for Sharon http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14C.Likud.Palestine.htm
Carter: No Proof of Cuba Terror Link http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14D.Carter.No.Proof.htm
Small Crowds for Arafat on West Bank http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14F.Arafat.Small.htm
White House Stonewall: Day 80 http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14G.Stonewall.80.htm
NRDC Applauds : Costa Rica Says No to U.S. Oil Company http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/05.14H.NRDC.Costa.Rica.htm
5/3/02 4:06:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time Kento: I promised someone very special that I would write what I know to get it off my chest and out into "cyberspace" for my own protection. So here goes. Director, Bioterrorism Unit, Genii Solutions International Inc. |
The Raping of America-ATCC Stealing Human
I started my "adventure" sometime after September 11th researching Bioport,
the sole maker of the Anthrax Vaccine at the University of Michigan Labs.
I was curious why the United States had no safe Anthrax vaccine to protect
our brave soldiers. Many of Kento's "CyberSpaceOrbit" readers
already know that the Labs were bought by Faud El Hibri and Ret. Admiral
Crowe formerly of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bioport is connected via
a subsidiary to The Carlyle Group on Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC.
One of The Carlyle Group's leaders is former President Bush's cabinet member
Frank Carlucci. Pappa Bush is an advisor for the Group.
Most people by now understand the motivations of the current Bush administration
in continuing the "War on Terrorism". United Defense Inc., a Carlyle
Equity Group subsidiary is making money hand over fist with this "different
kind of war". Not to mention "The Danaher Corporation" also headquartered
on Pennsylvania Avenue and controlled by the Carlyle Group. Oil and
War seem to be very profitable for the Bushes and the bin Ladens.
What I have learned in the past week is even more sinister than profiting
from war. What would you think if I told you there are groups of people
profiting from the sale of human tissue. "The Body Bazaar: The Market
for Human Tissue in the Biotechnology Age" by Lori Andrews and Dorothy Nelkin
is written by a law professor and a scientist that tell the story of the
highly profitable commercial network of human body tissue. I would not recommend
reading this book on a full stomach nor just before bedtime. Even I,
a seasoned Registered Nurse had difficulty stomaching what I was reading.
Now Joshua Lederberg and American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) a non profit
organization were familiar to me. In the 1980's while Lederberg was
the Trustee of ATCC (then based in Rockville) some 70 shipments of biological
material were sent to Iraq. Roughly 17 of those shipments were cultures
of the Anthrax "Ames" strain. When I read in "The Body Bazaar"
the following words the veil covering my eyes began to lift.
["The catalog from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) lists thousands
of people's cell lines that are for sale." (p. 25) "John Moore
is now one of a growing number of individuals whose cell lines you can order
up by perusing the American Type Culture Collection or one of its foreign
counterparts. The entries describe, in telegraphic style, the people
whose tissue is for sale. CRL 5867 is a forty-nine-year old black female
with cancer of the lymph node. JCR B0068 is a fourteen-week-old Japanese
fetus who died of cytomegalovirus. SK-HEP-1 is a fifty-two-year old
German man with liver cancer. Thousands of individuals are listed,
but it is doubtful that more than a handful of them or their families realize
that they are a part of this elite market. Commercial interests influence
not only the acquisition but also the distribution of products that are derived
from the body." (p. 31)]
Are you aware that ATCC is doing business as (dba) The Centers for Disease
Control in Lawrenceville GA and that it is headquartered in Manassas,
Is it possible the "Mysterious Rash" contracted by children across the United
States is for the purposes of drawing blood from our children in order to
grow their cell lines for further use and profit by others?
In Birmingham, England at the Diana Princess of Wales Children's Hospital
someone had been removing the hearts of thousands of expired infants and
using them for research without consent of the parents as reported by the
BBC on September of 1999.
Were the shipments to Iraq related to cloning?? Saddam's claims to be the
reincarnation of Nebekanezer?
Atta and Al Shahii used to get their hair cut at "The Peoples Barber" in
Manassas City, Virginia. After 911, one of the barbers that befriended
Al Shahi and his friends is now on the Witness Protection Plan or dead.
ATCC is located just next to Manassas Airport...Do a Google search on Manassas
Airport and Brittania Aviation (a CIA front company). There is also
a connection with the Florida Airport where the terrorists trained and Brittania
Let me leave you with a few sites to peruse and for you to make your own
The Nameless Swell and COOL Cowpoke Company
The Nameless Swell and COOL Cowpoke Knothole
The Coffer: Comune Di Siena
A. B. "Buzzy" Krongard and the CIA.....Alex. Brown the American Arm of the
Deutsche Bank, Chicago Board of Exchange, Put Stock Options bought the week
before 911.
The Children's Defense Fund
John Deardourff E.V.A. Republican Polster
The Media Group
Save the Children
Money Laundering Conduits
Marc Reich/Rich Wanta and the Russian Rubble Scam
The Vatican Bank
Black is White and White is Black right now.
Rahm Emanuel of Dresdner Kleinwort and Wasserstein in Chicago
"Love covers a multitude of sin"...."Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear"
When afraid remember your protection lies in love!
"We're all gonna LIVE!!!!!"....That Ones for You W. Scott Malone!!
Love Always,
Blackhawk aka Nighthawk
Med examiner's office has secret body-parts deal
NIGHTHAWK: In Nov. 2001 I met
with a confidential White House Source that confirmed officers and senior
staff of the W.H. had been offered and administered smallpox
vaccinations/boosters....also confirmed by this W.H. source that Pres. started
course of Cipro on 9/11/01--Prophylactic protection against previous Anthrax
exposure to the White House Communications Agency and the White House
itself. More
ALERT: CYANIDE 2 3 BOCA RATON: ARCHIVES 2 Wright-Patterson explains chemtrails |
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a wide-ranging report on genetic research, extolling its promises for medical advances and urging that its benefits be made available to all the world's peoples.
According to a press release, the 241-page "Genomics and World Health" was released April 30 after a year's work by a panel of internationally recognized doctors, medical researchers and ethicists from both the developed and developing world.
Scientists' deaths are under the microscope
WASHINGTON- A preliminary field test of about 20 pieces of mail at an offsite Federal Reserve mail facility tested positive for anthrax, a government official said Thursday.
Kent, I've got some advice for you Its just a matter of time. By Christmas, we wont even recognize our cities anymore. And we all have a ringside seat. more
Inquiry of Intelligence Failures Hits Obstacles This Is What Mind Control Looks Like
A BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW WITH DR. HELEN CALDICOTT, FOUNDER OF THE MODERN ANTI-NUCLEAR MOVEMENT Amidst the smoke and fog of the Bush administration's permanent "war on terror," the looming potential for a nuclear disaster has been swept under the rug.
911 was a grand coup. In a minor coup, some General takes over the government of a single country. In a Grand Coup the entire world order is transformed. The whole Enlightenment heritage has been abandoned: constitutional government, civil liberties, balance of powers, government accountability. International law has been abandoned, and national sovereignty is becoming a subject for nostalgia buffs.
911 Top 500 Questions New - Updated China, China, China
Bilderberg Meeting Due - American Media Should Be Ashamed
BBC NEWSNIGHT REVEALS THE BUSH / BIN LADEN CONNECTION Seven of the WTC Hijackers found alive! Proof Of Controlled Demolition At The WTC Gore Vidal on 9-11 Leader of 9/11 Probe Resigns Suddenly THE PROOF OF A 9/11 FRAME-UP IS RIGHT BEFORE YOU A Few Of The Stunning Things Happening In US Schools Will The Real Paranoids Please Raise Their Hands? Robots train for World Cup Fire Breaks Out at Church of Nativity UFO sightings almost on nightly basis in Australian outback Did The United States Lose The Cold War? Subsonic Weapons Fr. Malachi Martin Is There A Super Holographic Device At Work?
Date: 5/5/02 8:26:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time
"Mr. Scowcroft said that the next stage of the anti-terrorism campaign is a war of intelligence, which the United States cannot wage alone." http://www.washtimes.com/world/20020505-16143344.htm
Hence The Wellness Center as proposed to me by Mr Leutrell Osborne (CIA Russian Recruiter)...He wanted me to contact the poor Pakistani Limo Co. Owner for Money and Support to establish an Arab Wellness Center. I imagine the "Company" is looking to establish new foundations in order to launder the money from the human tissue market.
911 Top 500 Questions New - Updated
As I am painfully discovering old links might be broken, but you might find the files in the amazing new Internet Archive.
Here's what you do.
1. Right click a broken link.
2. Do "copy link location."
3. Paste the link into the Search Applet of the Wayback Machine
This process is fun--a great new tool for the sleuth.
ALTERNATE ENERGY DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Old Cosmic law: when the ORCS are off clattering for war, a certain amount of shall we say, COSMIC FREEDOM, is released. The usual barricades are down because of the distractions. GO FOR IT NOW! The Little Engine That Could Be NICOLA TESLA'S AUTOMOBILE Bearden Group awarded patent on Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Alternative Energy Developers Fusion power 'within reach'
The Stacked Lifters experiments This page contains a series of experimental lifters or propulsion devices that do not use conventional methods for thrust. These lifters are using the Biefeld-Brown Effect to generate the main thrust to self levitate and are able to lift their own weight and even additional load.
Truthout Independent History & Research ONLINE JOURNAL BUSH WATCH WHAT REALLY HAPPENED GUERRILLA NEWS NETWORK War on Terrorism Thoughts - Timeline MILITARY.COM DEBKAfile STATE DEPT. CRYPTOME VILLAGE VOICE SURVIVAL DATABASE GlobalSecurity.org PROMED Mail CDC CCOPS: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States WTC TOWER REPORTS 2 3 NEW GHOST MISSILE 2 3* Ziggy's Huge WTC image archive EDITOR: the term, *missile, used in the general sense Enormous data base of info on Bin Laden Robert Lederman THE AFGHAN KILLING FIELDS: BLOOD FOR OIL/GAS TO CHINA PART 2" US "SECRET" PLANS FOR AFGHANISTAN PART 3: SILK ROAD, THE BUSH/BINLADEN/CHENEY LINKS
.Follow events as they unfold in Afghanistan, through the eyes of two foreign TV 24/7 online news services. Aljazeera TV Qatar, is an Arab news channel currently used by CNN and can be viewed live at: http://www.aljazeera.net/live.asx.
Sign up for PayPal here, great secure way to...well you know...help ORBIT
NEWCOMERS: this effort, although many send reports, boils down to one old frazzled guy, me, Kent. COMMAND CENTER BEGINS AT THE HOUR OF THE DOWNING OF THE WTC page one page two page three page four page five page five page six page seven page eight page nine page ten page eleven page twelve page thirteen page fourteen page fifteen page sixteen page seventeen page eighteen page nineteen page twenty page twenty-one page twenty-two page twenty-three page twenty-four page twenty-five page twenty-six page twenty-seven page twenty-eight page twenty-nine page thirty page thirty-one page thirty-two page thirty-three page thirty-four page thirty-five page thirty-six page thirty-seven page thirty-eight page thirty-nine