is the US government protecting the anthrax terrorist?
Who is Steven Hatfill? The FBI has searched a U.S. bio-warfare scientist's apartment. Doctor Steven Hatfill Emerging Threats of Biological Terrorism: Recent Developments |
RESCUE? Open, Bloody, Questions
Are We Doomed To Be a Police State? by Rep. Ron Paul, MD U.S. House of Representatives, June 27, 2002
Personal privacy, the sine qua non of liberty, no longer exists in the United States. Ruthless and abusive use of all this information accumulated by the government is yet to come. The Patriot Act has given unbelievable power to listen, read, and monitor all our transactions without a search warrant being issued after affirmation of probably cause. "Sneak and peak" and blanket searches are now becoming more frequent every day. What have we allowed to happen to the 4th amendment?
PROPAGANDA MEDIA - "Propaganda Media" is based upon "Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1"
THE RISE AND FALL OF WORLDCOM! Just South of George W. Bush Turnpike "The Telecom Corridor®
The Bankruptcy of the United States (39 part series posted 6/27/02)
"The American Dream" Fire 'em all!
Authorities investigate anthrax researchers
Hatfill Teaching Bioterrorism Course Program At LSU's Biomedical Training Center Funded By $11.5 Million Grant
The Declining Dollar by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
WHAT IS AN "UNLAWFUL COMBATANT," AND WHY IT MATTERS: The Status Of Detained Al Qaeda And Taliban Under Bush Government, demonstrators can be "unlawful combatants"
Apache Update: Two days till web meltdown 'Enemy Combatant' Loses Right to Lawyer, Feds Say
Ohio State fascism - What happened today
Poll Results "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." Samuel Clemens
ALERT!!! Al Qaeda continues to this date (2002) to participate in CIA covert operations in different parts of the World.
White House ordered to be evacuated The Lawyers Behind Bush's Attack on Civil Liberties
BNL - IRAQGATE SCANDAL The Chicago Connection - Bush & Saddam Inc.
400 families of 9-11 victims sue Bush for 9-11 complicity, seek $7 billion
IMPORTANT 9-11 Inside-briefing Scary Question On Fox News Poll
Colorado on Fire 2 all of Martin Lockheed (formerly Martin Marietta) are in the path to the northwest of the fire.... just a few miles, up Waterton Canyon (which they've already closed)
9-11 and the Public Safety: Seeking Answers and Accountability
Video Of Bush In Classroom On 911 - 'You Won't Forget It'
G.W. Bush: a Preliminary "Hearing" in the Court of Common Sense
WHO confirms Ebola cases "The Cat is Out of the Bag" Bilderberg Batters Bush; But Unity remains on NWO Eagles Unchained - New Information Possible Ebola Outbreak in Congo Claim 1 - The United States is not a Country; it is a Corporation. Claim 2 - That Corporation is bankrupt. Snow storm has state in stranglehold. Families living with no light, heat; phones out Are you being attacked by electronic weapons? Here is a list of symptoms Does George W. Bush Know What It Takes To Be President? Matrix theory: is the solar system engineered Accused impersonator appears in Canadian court
Urgent Check out these Major News Archive Gaps around 9/11
FORUM: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) FONews Sun morn is reporting that Homeland Security has "secretly" been in the works since the elections. SLEUTHS?
Bush Adds New Chapter To The Nuclear Nightmare
Dr. Len Horowitz Blasts Mandatory Smallpox Vaccinations
WANTED: Timothy James McVeigh ALIVE ASAP!
FBI investigates Army impostor The FBI is investigating a man who called himself an Army captain and looked through a briefcase and laptop computer belonging to a victim of last month's deadly interstate bridge collapse.
Date: 6/5/02 4:14:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time
they just notified us that effective 1 Jul that everyone in the medical group is to be considered on mobility. Sounds like a big war upcoming to me... so ???? and I have a big year to get through.. with the upcoming big war... and planetary shifts and all of that... I just wish it was all over with. Lt. Col........
Chrysler Office Evacuated After Bomb Scare There were NO Arab "hijackers" on the planes
FORUM: This is the supoena that was to be delivered upon at 5:00pm sept llth by Ashcroft concerning findings related to the MENA investigation all the way back to Kennedy. The very papers that President Bush use Executive priveledge to supress........ God bless us all.
Syrian dam collapses Smallpox Conspiracy
MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AP) -- The city's chief medical examiner was attacked, bound with barbed wire and left with what appeared to be a bomb tied to his body, police said Sunday.
Bizarre attack on medical examiner
Date: 6/4/02 9:53:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time
On my way out the door or would post to forum...just got a phone call from a friend regarding the tennessee medical examiner who had the bomb attached to him the other night....well guess what, he did the autopsy on that Don Wiley the microbiologist that supposedly fell off bridge and also the Kathryn lady [Katherine Smith] who was in the fiery crash right after 9-11 that had been accused of helping get driver's license....
6/3/02 6:21:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time
i am so f'in
sick of hearing this same old line of bullshit...
'he gassed his own people'...
i heard it first when i was 25 years old...from the current white house
resident's father...it made me sick then because i was naive and thought,
'what kind of horrible person could do that?'...
then again, 12 years ago i never really considered that a u.s. president
could be just as full of shit as any other asshole...
i've changed alot over those 12 years...but some things haven't...
today i get to hear the same li(n)es from junior...and now it only sickens
me because i know how many americans believe his manifold lies...
how many is that you ask??? fewer and fewer every day...
the following story should help clarify for those who care to know the
before the story, i wanted to provide source, background and reference links
to verify details...in no particular order...
"Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Tests, Pentagon Says,"
New York Times, May 24, 2002
"Is a U.S. Bioweapons Scientist Behind Last Fall's Anthrax Attacks?"
Salon.com, February 8, 2002
"Department of Defense Releases SHAD Project Fact Sheets,"
U.S. Department of Defense, May 2002
"Coleen Rowley's Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller,"
Time.com, May 21, 2002
"How the FBI Blew the Case,"
Time.com, May 21, 2002
"FBI Agent Says Superior Altered Report, Foiling Inquiry,"
New York Times, May 25, 2002
"Fort Stewart Soldier Jailed in Florida,"
Savannah Morning News, May 16, 2002
"FBI Accused of Blocking Probe,"
MSNBC.com, May 27, 2002
"Friendly Fire: US Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize US Cities,"
ABCNEWS.com, Nov. 7, 2001
"Iran-Contra Alumni in Bush Government,"
New York Times, March 13, 2002
"Skipping Borders, Tripping Diction,"
New York Times, May 28, 2002
"Rumsfeld Says Terrorists Will Use Weapons of Mass Destruction,"
New York Times, May 21, 2002
"Suicide Attacks Certain in US, Mueller Warns,"
New York Times, May 21, 2002
"Terror Warnings Puzzling to Many,"
Associated Press, May 28, 2002
"Cheney Expects More Terror for US,"
New York Times, May 20, 2002 (Archive - fee required)
"Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters,"
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Aug. 4, 1993
"Iran-Contra Retread,"
The Nation, Feb. 20, 2002
"The Ghost of Terror Past,"
Salon.com, Jan. 11, 2002
"Firewall: Inside the Iran-Contra Coverup,"
Consortiumnews.com, 1997
Global Eye -- The Foggy Dew
By Chris Floyd
Let us return briefly to the question of Saddam Hussein's employment of the
poison gas he developed with the help of those lovers of humanity, Ronald
Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush. Hussein is alleged to have
bombarded Iraqi Kurds with poison gas in 1987 and/or in 1988, in the midst
of his long and ferocious war with Iran.
There are conflicting accounts of the incident. Some say thousands were
killed; some say hundreds; a few say none. Some say the Kurds were actually
caught in a murderous crossfire of noxious fumes between the Iranian and
Iraqi armies. Others say the Kurds -- long persecuted by Saddam, as they
persecuted by NATO stalwart Turkey -- were fighting alongside the Iranians
and thus made themselves "lawful combatants." The official story is that
Hussein simply gassed the Kurds in a paroxysm of ethnic cleansing (for
he was later rewarded by the aforesaid GHWB with even more American money
and material).
Whatever the facts, the charge that Hussein "gassed his own people" has
the bloody shirt repeatedly waved by George W. Bush in his frantic bid to
build support for an invasion of Iraq. Such an action, we are told, puts
nation beyond the pale of civilization and sends it hurtling into the abyss
of ultimate evil. Any state that would "gas its own people" is, we're told,
a rogue state, a terrorist state.
What then to make of the revelations last week that the United States
"gassed its own people" during the Vietnam War? The Defense Department has
admitted that the Pentagon sprayed more than 4,000 U.S. sailors with
substances, including the deadly nerve gas sarin and a gruesome biological
toxin, in a four-year operation (1964-68) called Project SHAD, The New York
Times reports.
The Pentagon said its records do not show that the sailors gave their
"informed consent" to participate in the secret tests. (And how exactly
would that consent process have worked, anyway? "Avast, ye swabs! Can we
spray ye salty dogs with poison gas?" "Arrr, Cap'n, that ye may. We
absolve ye of all legal responsibility for this immoral act!")
The purpose of these terrorist attacks on patriotic Americans serving their
country was to test defenses against biochemical warfare -- so said the
Pentagon brass at the time. That would be the same Pentagon brass that two
years earlier had sent a plan to President John Kennedy calling for a
of terrorist attacks to be launched against the American people -- by the
United States government -- in a frantic bid to build support for an
invasion of Cuba.
But we live in more enlightened times now, of course. For example, even
though most experts say that the fatal anthrax unleashed upon the American
people last fall was almost certainly developed by the U.S. military, we
know that things like Project SHAD don't happen anymore. We know that the
unelected "shadow government" headed by Vice President Dick Cheney in
caves and undisclosed locations -- along with the cadre of Iran-Contra
terrorist conspirators back in power in Washington, and the FBI chieftains
mysteriously rewriting field reports to downplay the danger of terrorist
attacks from Islamic radical groups once cultivated by the CIA -- will
surely keep the American people safe from all harm.
Even from governments that gas their own people.
Shadow Warriors
On the other hand, Shadow Cheney and other Defenders have spent an
inordinate amount of time lately insisting that they cannot keep the
American people safe from all harm -- or any harm, evidently.
While President Bush was wowing Europe last week with endearing displays
sleep-deprived crankiness (him not used to staying up so late like
Pootie-Poot do; that's why him got so grumpy, The New York Times lovingly
reported), Cheney led a series of top officials in declaring that more
terror attacks are "inevitable." In fact, Shadowman said they will be "even
worse" than Sept. 11. The "great success" of the "war on terror" has
apparently left the American people in far greater danger than before.
(But if the United States is even more threatened now, then what was all
that fighting in Afghanistan about? Would Hamid Karzai, former consultant
for Texas oil giant Unocal, have some idea? Just asking.)
In this atmosphere of leader-spawned national panic, imagine what would
happen if a heavily armed, black-clad prowler were found planting a bomb
a civilian power plant. Surely the story would be 24-7 in the national
media, right? Tabloids, networks, talking heads would be screaming the news
to high heaven: "America Under Attack! Terrorists in Our Midst!"
Unless, of course, the heavily armed prowler happened to be -- wait for
it -- a member of the U.S. military. And unless the incident occurred in
Bush's satrapy of Florida. Then all you would see is small story in a
provincial paper, the Savannah Morning News, which last week told the
curious tale of Specialist Derek Lawrence Peterson, 64th Armor Division,
was nabbed for planting a bomb in a power station in Jacksonville, Florida.
Police spotted Peterson pulling out from the plant in his pick-up truck,
which was laden with knives, guns, ammo and explosives gear. They later
found the bomb he'd left at the plant.
Peterson said he'd been "practicing reconnaissance techniques." Or maybe
was just "testing defenses," SHAD-like, in the best Pentagon tradition?
We'll probably never find out; he's being held incommunicado in one of
jails -- and the Army's not talking either.
Perhaps the Shadow knows?
As I am painfully discovering old links might be broken, but you might find the files in the amazing new Internet Archive.
Here's what you do.
1. Right click a broken link.
2. Do "copy link location."
3. Paste the link into the Search Applet of the Wayback Machine
This process is fun--a great new tool for the sleuth.
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.Follow events as they unfold in Afghanistan, through the eyes of two foreign TV 24/7 online news services. Aljazeera TV Qatar, is an Arab news channel currently used by CNN and can be viewed live at: http://www.aljazeera.net/live.asx.
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NEWCOMERS: this effort, although many send reports, boils down to one old frazzled guy, me, Kent. COMMAND CENTER BEGINS AT THE HOUR OF THE DOWNING OF THE WTC page one page two page three page four page five page five page six page seven page eight page nine page ten page eleven page twelve page thirteen page fourteen page fifteen page sixteen page seventeen page eighteen page nineteen page twenty page twenty-one page twenty-two page twenty-three page twenty-four page twenty-five page twenty-six page twenty-seven page twenty-eight page twenty-nine page thirty page thirty-one page thirty-two page thirty-three page thirty-four page thirty-five page thirty-six page thirty-seven page thirty-eight page thirty-nine page forty