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Subj: a coup revisted! Date: 8/30/04 4:33:11 AM Pacific Daylight
Kent: this attachment came from a large file noted in the body of the " blurb ". I think its time to review it and think about the following: 1. Notice the date of 1998..during the Clinton years. Isn't that the year that a failed coups took place..(I recall some discussion on your site, yes?) 2. I have a close friend who is a psychiatrist and consulted with the CIA client list. She has left the country to a place further south. 3. I received this from a contact in Australia, dutifully updating me with the locus (not locusts) of a ufo base in the far north that he and his abo mates have located. So even if you tried to divide this by 2 and some.. There is a thread to light up here..isn't there? --NYC |
"E.O. 11002 - "... designates the postmaster general to operate a national REGISTRATION of all persons." [Under this order, you would report to your local post office to be separated and assigned to a new area. Here is where families would be separated].
Col. Jim Ammerman is the military chaplin that has been exposing what is going on in the military concerning the plans of the one world conspiracy. In a recent interview on short wave radio with Chris Gerner, Col. Ammerman reveals that some of his air force friends have sold their homes and their cars and have suddenly moved their families out of the 48 states. they could not reveal exactly out what they were told, but they did say that they saw orders or plans that something was going to happen in America, and when it did there could be a 50% death rate nationwide. They decided to leave the country and would not say where they were going. This riveting interview from a very Credible Christian Military man.
Greetings fellow Christian Patriots;
First of all I can confirm the above. Inside sources have alleged that the Cheyenne Mountain base in Colorado [NORAD headquarters] is at DEFCON-3, and that several military families who formerly worked at this base are leaving the U.S. There are plans in the works to provoke a National Emergency in order to implement Socialist Martial Law, and this 'emergency' will probably be a combination of economic collapse, social unrest-anarchy, and 'terrorist' activities.
First of all, this plan may look exactly like the Nazi plot to take over Europe during World War II. You may not believe me, but I can assure you that the EXACT SAME FORCES [namely those Luciferian-Satanic secret societies like the Thule Society which CREATED the Nazi Party] are the ones who are behind this present effort to create a 'Fourth Reich' in the U.S.A.
The present effort was rooted in a secret alliance between Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen [Bavarian Thule Society] and Allen Dulles [Bavarian Illuminati], which resulted in the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947 as an intelligence force for Nazi war criminals and former Nazi intelligence agents to escape into a new agency, in order to continue their Fuhrer's dream [nightmare] of a "New World Order" -- that was the title of Hitler's second book after MEIN KAMPF, by the way. This secret has gotten more people killed than you will ever know. JFK was a victim of this fascist CIA plot which resulted in a coup d'etat in the EXECUTIVE-MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL branch of our government'.
Why do you think the CIA has been so heavily involved in toppling third world governments and replacing them with fascist puppet dictatorships? Today the NAZI SS goes by the name of the BLACK OPS. One and the same. Like I said, you probably won't believe me. But as they say, "those conspiracies which are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right those which most often succeed" [simply because few people would dare believe them].
Congress has absolutely no power over this Executive-Military-Industrial BLACK OPS secret government simply because Congressional watchdogs/overseers are allowed only TOP SECRET security clearances, whereas the Black Ops operate at at least 30 security levels ABOVE AND BEYOND top secret. In other words, they operate IN THE BLACK. The late Phil Schneider [who supposedly committed 'suicide' by 'strangling himself' with piano wire] stated that the massive underground empire of the Black Ops -- interconnected bomb shelters, subsurface bases, and even cities like Mt. Weather -- siphon over 1.5 TRILLION dollars from the economy every two years. No wonder we are living a life of economic slavery and our national debt is in the Trillions. It was no accident. We must remember that although this plot is being carried out by National Socialists, the secret societies that back them are blatantly Luciferian, and thus they also have the intent to do away with Christians, Jews, Patriots, etc. So it is a SPIRITUAL conflict as well.
Check out the following URL for info on this National Socialist infiltration of the USA following WWII.
http://eaglenet.pair.com/omega [no longer available]
The following comes from the above URL, and is a list of actual Executive Orders [interesting that most of the 'Chief Executives' following JFK were hirelings of the CFR and other Corporate global agencies]. Never forget the STRONG connection between National, Communist and Corporate Socialists. The Luciferian cults of Bavaria had a hand in creating all three as part of a Machievellian system of world subversion. So in essence the 'right wing' and the 'left wing' are controlled by a single 'beast' or dragon if you will.
These blatantly Socialist E.O.'s are as far as I'm concerned Illegal, because they are NOT Congressionally approved. As far as I'm concerned, the Congress is our government, NOT the Executive branch which is filled with unelected "appointees". The President should only serve as an arbitrator when Congress is split over a certain issues, NOT someone who has the power to VETO the will of Congress, and thus the will of the American people who they represent. NOR someone who has the power to make Executive Orders at a whim without Congressional consent or review.
I see a civil conflict imminent in our nation. I wouldnt really call it a civil war since we are dealing with INFILTRATIVE elements who have eaten their way into our government like a tape worm. In this case we are dealing with collaborating enemies BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. That is, the BLACK OPS who operate outside of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and of course do not honor our Declaration of Independence [in this case from the U.N. - N.W.O.].
These E.O.'s are as follows:
Federal Emergency Management Agency [F.E.M.A.] [and other emergency agencies]:
F.E.M.A. [Federal Emergency Management Agency] has been authorized for
the past 15 years by Presidential Executive Orders to confiscate ALL PROPERTY from the American People, separate families in the current 43 internment camps [already built and operational by the way, 5 of which are located in Georgia. The largest can confine somewhere on the order of 100,000 American citizens], called relocation camps by the government', for assignment to work camps; declares martial law and TOTALLY OVER-RIDES the U.S. Constitution. Presidential Executive Orders that are related or control this are given at the end of this.
Two of the state prisons here in Georgia are currently empty, although manned by a minimal number of staff, have been setup and intentionally unpopulated by prisoners just to support this political policy. Concentration [internment] Camps. An Executive Order signed by then President BUSH in 1989 authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency [F.E.M.A.] to build 43 primary camps [having a capacity of 35,000 to 45,000 prisoners EACH] and also authorized hundreds of secondary facilities. It is interesting to note that several of these facilities can accommodate 100,000 prisoners. These facilities have been completed and many are already manned but as yet contain no prisoners. [Remember all the TALK of over-crowded prisons that exist...]. In south Georgia there are several state prisons that except for a few guards, are completely devoid of prisoners.
Under F.E.M.A., the Executive Orders which are already written and is the current law of the land, calls for the COMPLETE suspension of the United States Constitution, all rights and liberties, as they are currently known. The following executive orders, which are in the Federal Register located in Washington DC for anyone to request copies of, call for the suspension of all civil rights and liberties and for extraordinary measures to be taken in, as most of the orders state, "any national security emergency situation that might confront the government." When F.E.M.A. is implemented, the following executive orders will be immediately enforced:
E.O. 12148 - FEMA national security emergency, such as: national disaster, social unrest, insurrection, or national financial crisis.
E.O. 10995 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL communications media in the United States.
"E.O. 10997 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL electric power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals, both public and private.
"E.O. 10998 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL food supplies and resources, public and private, and ALL farms, lands, and equipment.
"E.O. 10999 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL means of transportation, including PERSONAL cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and TOTAL CONTROL over all highways, seaports, and waterways.
"E.O. 11000 - "... provides for the SEIZURE OF ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE for work forces under federal supervision, including SPLITTING UP OF FAMILIES if the government has to.
"E.O. 11001 - "... provides for government seizure of ALL health, education and welfare functions.
"E.O. 11002 - "... designates the postmaster general to operate a national REGISTRATION of all persons." [Under this order, you would report to your local post office to be separated and assigned to a new area. Here is where families would be separated].
"E.O. 11003 - "... provides for the government to take over ALL airports and aircraft, commercial, public and PRIVATE.
"E.O. 11004 - "... provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations.
"E.O. 11005 - "... provides for the government to TAKE OVER railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
"E.O. 11051 - "... the office of Emergency Planning [has] complete authorization to put the above orders into effect in time of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis."
All of the above executive orders were combined by President NIXON into Executive Order 11490, which allows all of this to take place if a national emergency is declared by the President. The burning and insurrection in Los Angeles in the case of Rodney King could have executed [and partially did execute] these Executive Orders.
Executive Order 12919: "National Defense Resources Preparedness"
signed by CLINTON June 3, 1994, delegates authorities, responsibilities and allocations of F.E.M.A.'s Executive Orders [last entry] for the confiscation of ALL PROPERTY from the American people, and their re-location and assignment to 'labor' camps. The Executive Order also supersedes or revokes eleven (11) previous Executive Orders [from 1939 through 1991] and amends Executive Order 10789 and 11790. This executive order is A DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE by the [Secret] Government of the United States in concert with the UNITED NATIONS.
For full treatment of technologies underlying this type of misbehavior:
It appears from a sorting of all information and clues that an earthquake caused by application of Scalar Physics* will be generated beneath the Stock Market in New York City on August 24, 1998 [later, quake under WTC]. This will cripple the economic system of the United States and kill an unusually large number of citizens. Subsequently, between the two eclipses about fifty weeks after this covert murder and subversion, similar technology will be used to deceive Americans and the world at large into believing that some messianic event is occurring. The attempt to resist any such efforts to change the status quo will have been undercut by the murders and the defacto state of national and global financial crisis. Be aware also that the U.S. constitution was suspended in 1934 and that suspension has not been rescinded.
* Also known as: Vacuum Energy Physics, Zero Point Physics
It appears that bio-telemtric manipulations have been used on postal workers since as early as the fifties. This is accomplished by transmission of scalar waves. Some stresses made obvious by violence for which the post office is now famous may be related to this kind of manipulation. Those who will not comply to serve the most important role of the post office have to be screened.
Military personnel have for some time been undergoing implantation with bio-telemtric devices. This is done on a "voluntary" basis. These devices are chips that enable communication with or manipulation of the person thusly implanted.
To find out more about this highly detailed and broad based plot, you will do well to visit the homepage above. The nature of the plot is stunning. The Department of Defense forbids that the public should own or be informed of highly developed technology so that its eventual use will be "magical" and claims made by cabalists will be more likely believed.
Official Within UFO-Secrecy Management Group Reveals Insider Secrets
By Dr. Richard Boylan, PhD
Dr. Michael Wolf has since 1979 served as consultant to the President and the National Security Council on extraterrestrial matters, and a member of the Majestic Twelve (MJ-12), UFO- secrecy management agency's, Special Studies Group, and has been leader of its lead agency, the Alphacom Team. Previously he has served as an Air Force Colonel, pilot, flight surgeon and counter-intelligence officer for the CIA and NSA. He has an M.D. in Neurology, a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics and a D.Sc. in Computer Science. He is not a lightweight. Now dying of untreatable cancer, Dr. Wolf has decided to reveal what he has learned about the visiting extraterrestrial cultures to the world, "because we have a right to know."
His book, The Catchers of Heaven (1996) makes many well-informed revelations. Dr. Wolf states that the most important mission objective of his Alphacom Team is resumption of negotiations with the visiting extraterrestrials. In the 1950s, the U.S. administration entered into treaty terms with the so-called Grey extraterrestrials from the fourth planet of the star system Zeta Reticuli, but these treaties were never ratified as Constitutionally required.
The Greys shared certain of their technological advances with military/intelligence scientists, apparently often while prisoner "guests" within secure underground military installations in Nevada and New Mexico. The extraterrestrials have given the U.S. government some of their antigravity craft and a huge amount of fuel (element 115). On May 1, 1975 during one such technology exchange in Nevada, a demonstration of a small ET antimatter reactor, the lead Grey asked the Colonel in charge of the Delta Forces guarding the ETs to remove all their rifles and bullets from the room, (so that they would not accidentally discharge during the energy emissions.) The guards refused, and in the ensuing commotion a guard opened fire on the Greys. One alien, two scientists and 41 military personnel were killed.
One guard was left alive to attest that the ETs apparently used directed mental energy in self-defense to kill the other attacking Delta Forces. Dr. Wolf states that "this incident ended certain exchanges with (the Greys)." Military/intelligence scientists learned cloning techniques from the extraterrestrials. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals, Dr. Wolf and his associates cloned an artificial- intelligence human being, "J-Type Omega", as part of Project SENTINEL, an effort to create a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would follow orders without fear or question. The J-Type clone was terminated, because he would not follow an order to kill an innocent dog, because Dr. Wolf had surreptitiously programmed ethics into his artificial intelligence. Wolf notes that the extraterrestrials are not comfortable with the world money and power brokers' need for continuing world industrialization, which they see as headed towards planet- killing. Another of the Alphacom Team's missions is to determine "whether we can use the Ets' technology to restore this planet to its former pristine state of natural balance."
The ETs are also concerned about the massive proliferation of nuclear devices into many countries. Wolf states that other missions of the MJ12SSG's Alphacom Team are: to determine the number and types of ET visitors, the extent of visitation and the reasons, to learn about human interactions with extraterrestrials in the past and currently, the cultures of the various off world visitors, and how we can negotiate with them.
According to Dr. Wolf, several confederations of extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting us in loosely-coordinated fashion. These are: the Alliance (of human-looking ETs from the Altair Michael Wolf revelations, page 2 Aquila system), the Corporate (of Greys from the Zeta Reticuli system), the Federation of Worlds (of unspecified races from many star systems), and the United Races of Orion (cultures from those star systems). Further, the Alliance is in affiliation with the Corporate and with the Federation of Worlds.
The United Races of Orion are in affiliation with the Corporate, and, through them, with the Alliance and the Federation of Worlds. Dr. Wolf told of learning during a high-level briefing in the UK that the Vatican had been applying pressure concerning the possible announcement by President Clinton of UFO visitation. Of specific Vatican concern was "whether he will make reference to the extraterrestrial biological entities' data revealing in detail how religion was created and why." Wolf comments, "Rich organized religions feel threatened by such an announcement."
Perhaps Wolf's most startling revelation is that within the UFO Cover-Up there is a dark, covert renegade organization known as the "Cabal". He describes it as "well-orchestrated conspiratorial bevy of plotters ... top-heavy with the military, and headed by (a Navy Under- Secretary)." The paranoiac Cabal works against, and deliberately undermines, the goals of peaceful negotiations with the extraterrestrial visitors.
The Cabal uses Star Wars weapons to shoot down extraterrestrial spacecraft and overcome the ETS by military might. Wolf concludes by stating, "In all of my preparation as a scientist, nothing ever prepared me for our visitors. We must understand the complexity of the various forces at work on this planet, and yes, on others. Let us not forget multidimensionality and space-time distortions, and the spirituality we must regain. I feel I must also mention that spirituality is gaining strength on this planet, this Sol Three. But also is the evil.
We have the power to sanction whatever is ...for a better good for mankind."
Richard Boylan, Ph.D. 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA.
The insistence on the part of the public that the military tell what it knows about "UFOs" comforts the military, or its ultra secret components, to believe that whatever they say will have great sway. The Illuminati, and the Bavarian Thule Secret societies have infiltrated into the militaries of key countries. These organizations have in turn be infiltrated by nonhumans and actively participate in the manipulation of the human genepool by various means utilizing highly evolved technology. Secret military technology is advancing at forty four years per conventional year. The willingness to kill entire populations to achieve a small tactical advantage is characteristic of this cabal. We shall soon see. The technology will be used to cause Prince Phillip to appear in Auguest, 1999 in a manner similar to that predicted for the true Messiah. This is during the time of two closely spaced eclipses, gurenteed to convince the superstitious. That Messiah is known by use of time-machine YES time-machines, to be appearing in 2003, and 2013. On these two dates, many hundreds of millions of humans will simply vanish. The diabolical goal is to murder or to cause to hate God as many of these prospective "Saints" as possible. Nuclear directed energy weapons have been developed at Los Alamos National Laboratoriess and elsewhere to shoot down the "heavenly host," which includes millions of "rescue" craft. This type of behavior is a reflex explained at the homepage.
The weakening of America surfaced in the 40s under Bonesman Stimson-- post-Paperclip the nuke tests, and intentional release of Radiation Weapons in the West.
Clinton and O'Leary busted the radiation files wide open, subsequently Clinton also busted the super secret National Recon Office. Then things went downhill fast and now we seem to have the Fourth Reich with Bonesmen lacing both political parties.
YOU SAW IT HERE FIRST: On the morning of 911 I was contacted by a fellow from California that had access to an uninterrupted global newswire and together we began to record the events and to open the process to the Internet community. Little did I realize that the investigation would continue with a formal command center until Feb 3, 2003, and informally since. Hundreds of people joined in the watch. Kent Steadman
911 was a grand coup. In a minor coup, some General takes over the government of a single country. In a Grand Coup the entire world order is transformed. The whole Enlightenment heritage has been abandoned: constitutional government, civil liberties, balance of powers, government accountability. International law has been abandoned, and national sovereignty is becoming a subject for nostalgia buffs. | ||
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t r u t h o u t | Republican
Convention Coverage
What You Won't
See at the Republican Convention
& Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President
I asked many Bonesmen and the way they describe it is a win-win situation. As long as there's a Bonesman in the White House there are going to be many more Bonesmen in the administration.--Alexandra Robbins |
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for starters: "...binding myself under no less penalty
than that of having my skull smote off and my brains exposed to the scorching
rays of the noonday sun, should I violate this my solemn
obligation..." Poetical, ain´t it? Wonder if
the kiddies strum
the lute whilst oathing?
LEFT: Knight Commanders British Empire: Bob Hope |