The cry went up, "We are not the enemy!" as peaceful protesters in Portland, Oregon, who had assembled in the thousands to stand against George W. Bush, were clubbed and hosed down with pepper spray by riot police yesterday. Truthout Photos and Text - Part 2 |
[strange dogleg clues from unlikely sources] IT BEGINS..."None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Goethe
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Open Letter To World Trade Center Investigators Chenny Stumps for War-Ignores His Own ties to Hussein
08/23/02 BREAKING: RealVideo of Portland Protest MUST SEE. (huge file, best with broadband). This video makes it clear that the mainstream media has drastically under-reported the size of the protest, and documents how the police attacked peaceful protesters with chemical weapons and rubber bullets without provocation, just because Fuhrer Bush and his guests at the fundraiser didn't want to have to look at them. If you think you still live in a free nation, this video will change your mind. This isn't some far off dictatorship where the police beat citizens for protesting, this is happening in the streets of America. |
From the father of the pepper-sprayed children We asked the oficer closest to us how we should exit the intersection. He pointed and said to exit to the NE, into the spraying police opposite him. as the crowd pressed toward us I yelled to him to let us through (south on 2nd) because we had three small children. He looked at me, and drew out his can from his hip and sprayed directly at me. I was at an angle to him and the spray hit my right eye and our three year-old who I was holding in my right arm. In the same motion he turned the can on my wife who was holding our 10 month old baby and doused both of their heads entirely from a distance of less than 3 feet. my six year old daughter was holding my left hand and was not hit directly. We ended up on the sidewalk a few feet down alder with fellow protesters holding my screaming children and and pouring water on our eyes.
OREGON, PROTEST BY CHANCE: Was in Vancouver, WA, arranging to buy some grapes at harvest for a batch of wine. Was with 3 buddies from Midwest out here on vacation. We heard about Italian festival and decided to go pig out on pasta in Portland. We went to this nice little place downtown with sidewalk tables. I had the butternut squash ravioli with gogonzola and walnut sauce. Great. And a small, two finger, glass of hearty Italian red. My buddies were likewise sucking down the vast quantities. We had a great time and were waiting for our ride back to Oly to come fetch (my buddies wives who had been out to the spa in Washougal and out buying wools at Pendeltons' discount store), when we heard a great deal of commotion around the corner and down a couple of blocks. As we needed to walk off dinner we thought to go check it out.
What a BAD idea.
We did not know that The Great Dictator Bush was in town. So big surprise when we walk casually into a riot. I got bashed on the head with a club and sprayed with so much pepper sheeit that I still smell it.
One of my buddies (66 years old) nearly lost an eye. Half his face is swollen up like a basketball from a reaction to the spray, and then the copshithead smashed him with a club and splits his face open like a ripe melon. He is pissed to say the least.
I saw infants and small children being sprayed point blank in the face by police enforcers. Also there were a lot, and I mean, maybe 40 or more, plainclothes feds beating and spraying the crowds around the hotel as we were forced back toward the hilton. ALL my buddies and their wives are from Iowa. ALL of them voted for dictator Bush. Now the consensus is that, as one of them said, " I would not let that scum eat my sh*t."
I think that dictator Bush has some real problems coming when these boys get back home. Two are county party chiefs....Republicans of course.
OREGON: watch the whole eco-protection / eco-saving movement get branded as eco-terrorism. This opens the doors for the REAL terror to begin. I was told from an inside source that the Cascadia bunch is under the microscope bigtime...the "Source" was "physically dangerous" to be connected in any way with them at this point. Hmmm, that was over five months ago... there is some hellish plan behind this I can feel it, but where to go...where to run anymore? You should see what they have done in these mountains already...destroyed every back road, wrecked-torn out every backwoods bridge and have destroyed COUNTLESS trails... I mean some HEAVY duty Government sponsored DEEEstruction ! Now, this valley is sealed up GOOD, nothing on wheels will get out save by the major arterials.... The NWO is sealing things up for some reason...even getting rid of the tree huggers... something is going on with these fires,'s mother nature they are trying to make bend to their will, or kill her and replace her with a mother nature "clone" of some type. Kent, before our eyes... the alien agenda is occurring. It smacks of the hive mentality, humans don't operate this way, THEY do... the NWO are the hands that work... THEY are what controls those hands. THEY are killing my salmon, THEY have poisoned my deer, THEY have spread the prions into the Bison herds... Stellar Bugs, Cosmic lizards et all.
Our only chance is staying real, stay real by staying close to the earth. It's gonna get tuffer, they are making it impossible to stay close to her... that's why we must do it at all costs.
Questions abound on Bush's forest plan
More Than 6 Million People Behind Bars or on Probation or Parole
SOLAR Forum Alert: "195 has almost geometric patterns, and looks peculiar. Not used to seeing large right angles on SOHO pix. Looks almost like a mosaic."
Pluto may be undergoing global warming IRONY: Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit and is heading away from the sun to the most distant point in its travels.
NASA: Missing spacecraft pieces found orbiting sun
Moon Seen As Nuclear Waste Repository
Dramatic Increase in Supernova Explosions Looms
Many thousands of years of high culture prevailed on Turtle Island, but in 1170 did Madoc ab Owain Gwynedd, son of a king of Wales, Sail to America?
Notice the serpent on the ship's sail, hmmm:
Serpent Mounds/ Mars
Serpent Mound,
Ohio, Serpent Mounds,
Cahokia : Mirror of the Cosmos
INDIA: Mystery of the scarlet rains and other tales I have seen this story nowhere else on the web except where i found it at you might want to see if there are any "sleuths" who are in India or can visit there.
Novel Electromagnetic Disease Induction and Its Weaponization Kaznacheyev's work -- and its real unified field theory investigation and modeling, using the "infolded" longitudinal EM wave electrodynamics which carry the specific spacetime curvature engines for the given disease engines -- formed the basis for the decades-long microwave radiation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
2002/08/25 15:16:40 44.02N 128.30W 10.0 3.7 A OFF COAST OF OREGON
2002/08/22 19:24:12 43.92N 128.35W 10.0 5.0 A OFF COAST OF OREGON
7.7-8.2 Quakes in Fiji region on 08/19/2002 and their ANTIPODES |
2002/08/19 12:52:02 24.83S 178.58E 669.7 4.9 B SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
2002/08/19 11:45:29 21.87S 179.51W 600.0 5.0 B FIJI ISLANDS REGION
2002/08/19 11:23:06 23.83S 178.30E 681.8 6.0 B SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
2002/08/19 11:08:25 23.81S 178.36E 693.7 7.7 A SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
2002/08/19 11:01:01 21.80S 179.49W 586.8 7.5 A FIJI ISLANDS REGION
Rumors: Segway isnt really Ginger
Patrons: the risks are high and the resources are low. Do we continue? |
Villagers flee as 'UFO falls with thunder "We heard noise like thunder in the sky, and then a ball landed on the earth," one of the witnesses to the object's sudden appearance said. |
Date: 4/18/02 6:11:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, Tell that creative madman, that reckless poet; [poor Kento] to load a 35mm camera with infra-red film and using a yellow standard filter over his lens, get up into a small airplane and just take infra-red pictures of the sky and earth. The results will surprise ... Of 60 infrared prints, 44 had critters, white buildings on the ground, and a host of unusual Muses to study and try to understand with that age old question "Are there parallel worlds, parallel to our own with their own critters that look like 747's in the infra-red yet, can't be seen with the naked eye in our visible light spectrum real time." Infra-red used during Viet-nam war-- red was the color hue, as many G.I.'S HAD SEEN VERY UNUSUAL IMAGES THROUGH THE INFRA RED SCOPES. ASK A Viet Nam Vet! to tell what they were seeing. Everyone thought they were on loco weed. Gov. changed scopes from true infra-red to a greenish filter that removed unwanted...
SLEUTHS, please help investigate:
"an American touchdown team raced to a site that was either a touchdown or a crash by something, maybe a UFO. It took the group of 6 almost 45 minutes to reach the location that NORAD has called in and the Canadians confirmed equally as fast. When they reached the site, all 6 people witnessed a rather large UFO, approximately 50 feet in the air, using a form of laser light to carve into the ice more than 20 cm deep, the face of them along with another wheel of information." Enterprise Thread
From the description the face is over 200 feet in diameter and is well defined. And the wheel of information is double the size. The area has been apparently cordoned off as they think that if anything heavy goes, they do not want any media on this."
Multiple White Lights Appear To Enter Large UFO Over Ohio
Astronomer Bernard Haisch doesn't say outright that UFO's exsist, however the more and more one digs into the subject the more and more one meets "various governmental agencies and security classification systems."
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12, eh? Pretty fancy!
Maybe we ought to organize the peasant "Experiencers" into a top-top-secrety-secret spookety treehouse-club society: SHEEPJIC 12. The ET-Ultraterrestrials aren´t dumb enough to show their mugs at the Whitehouse, Pentagon or Trilateral saloon; usually they tip their bonnets to ordinary folk in Dogpatch Arkansas. I´d guess that´s why the Elite squads keep hangin´ around--to find out what is really going down! |
The Alien/CIA Connection The Secret Government - More Projects THE "MAJIC PROJECTS"
Lord of the Rings and the Spiritual Destiny of America This "Spiritual Exposé" takes a serious look at the fascinating parallel between Tolkien's fantasy world of the "Hobbits," living their peaceful, idyllic life as a terrible evil force devours the surrounding lands and closes in on the Hobbit Shire.
TerroristWarning.Com | ![]() |
ARCHIVES GRAB BAG: See what pops up
ANNEX Apocalyptic Database and MONitor hosted on Timehub inc
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Could the "Rapture" be gradual?